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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

The last boards

Have put the other end of the layout away for a bit and have started on the final boards at the other end - not quite as complete as I remembered! It has taken two days to get them sorted out. Tidying up the wiring on the traverser board seemed to take ages and had to lay the run off roads. Had to finish off the track work on the other board after adjustments in the summer - seems a very long time ago. Here it is in a state where trains could actually be run!     After this I slapped a load



County - Hawksworth Tender build

Now that the nights are drawing in, and the temperature is falling. Its time to get the soldering iron out again.   Before I make a start on building my Finney Dean Goods, I thought the Falcon Tender for the County would be a good call. (the plan being to follow this with the chassis for the Dapol body.)   So far this project has seen a bit of progress focused on the loco body, the cab has been rebuilt with the Jackson parts and an 8f body has been purchased to supply a new firebox.   So o

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

The Night Before!

Well what a weird day! After a monumental effort from the staff during the afternoon the majority of the school is ready to receive their exhibits. It was a weird feeling setting up a model railway exhibition whilst dressed in pyjamas and dressing gown as part of a Children in Need fundraiser. Such is the varied life of a teacher! At least the fundraising film club in the afternoon allowed me some free time for setting up. The hall is ready, although we have had to reduce the tables for the re



Roope & Voss premises

The first edition of the warehouse of Roope & Voss is demolished.   I have decided to make Northall part of Greater London. In one of the books of Ruth Rendell inspector Wexford is ‘recovering’ in Kenbourne Vale, Postal district W15. Northall will be Postal district W16.   After this a wanted to give the premises of Roope & Voss a more London look. I found a nice description of a famous warehouse in Wapping High Street. I used this description to create a guide for the design of th

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling


Just a quick update to show the start of the painting. The body is just resting on the footplate. Most of the painting has now been done, and I have started to reassemble the whole thing.   At the moment I am struggling with getting it to run. It was working fine before I did the painting, although the clearances were tight. Now the wheels and cranks want to catch on everything that is attached to the outer frames. When it is sorted I will be posting again.   I am pleased wit


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter


I know it's yet another project, But this is more of a start post for a project intended for the new year.   4573 is the only 4500 class I have seen on the cheddar branch, and will make a nice contrast to the usual 4575s.   The original plan was using a churchward models kit, however when we moved house the in progress kit got crushed...   So the plan is to use a Bachmann model, on the kits chassis. Having sourced a suitable body, the following work is needed - plate over the cab front

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

NLR No 1 - 10 Class 4-4-0T

Well following some exchanges on the North London Railway topic I have decided to bite the bullet and (re) start my scratchbuild of a Class 1 tank loco.   I managed to dig up some reference I sorted out in 2005. I also found the white-metal pattern parts which I made at that time, chimney, dome, safety valves and a smokebox door 'blank', which will need strapping and hinges attached to it, but is otherwise OK (it looks the wrong way round but this is a problem with scanning instead of getting



Meet the Grass Machines

Having made such a huge difference to the layout I thought it was about time I introduced my static grass devices. When I first saw static grass in action a couple of years ago I was really knocked out by it but not very happy about the price of the Noch applicator which was the only one available then. A little while later I got the larger of the two off Ebay for about £15. Having given it a a go I decided two things; 1)It was too big and 2) It was just an electric fly swat with a sieve attach



Kato layout (to be sold)

Hello all,   I've been plodding along with this doing a little bit at a time, the ballasting is all finished and now requires weathering with an airbrush. The scenery is almost complete to a basic level, the freight yard has had a concrete pad fitted (needs painting) and ballast pile, On the station side the platforms have had a coat of paint and some lamps fitted although i managed to knock half of them off when moving the layout, there is also a factory unit and some retaining walls in pla



New P4 arrivals for Callow Lane and 'high speed' wagon testing

I've not had a lot of time for much modelling since late summer, but have finally got round to doing a few conversions etc. to P4. I've also built a couple of Ratio clay opens (non-hood fitted), as a kind of experiment to look at what kind of standards we want for the new DRAG layout project, although these will certainly see use on 'Callow Lane'.   Here are a few photos.   First up is D7042, which I bought second-hand a few years ago, and finally got round to converting a couple of weeks ag

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Some BR Standards

And just a sample of the BR Standards - strangely enough I have built these..   First up a Standard 2-6-4T - DJH kit built painted and lined by myself.     Of course Bachmann then brought one of these out and it has a lot of pipework not in the DJH kit   Next up a Standard 5MT - again a DJH kit built painted and lined by myself.     and of course just when I finished it along came an RTR version   and finally, for now, a DJH Brit...     - and again.. a new RTR one available.

Barry O

Barry O

Stage 1 - Hidden Section - now in testing

I finished the work on the hidden section of the layout yesterday and started testing it last night. Here is the first non-stop run around the reversing loop, and under ZTC power too. I know DCC is old hat now for many people but for me it is a new experience.....     https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152047918969766&l=4173367519135467514     From the testing so far there are eight faults I have found. The most tricky to track down was an intermittently shorting jack lead (I use



3 Way Fun

No not that sort of fun - actually not fun at all! I am , of course, referring to the 3 way point in the small fiddle yard and the fact that I had never actually got it to work properly - something which i had quite forgotten when I decided to make the first foot of the board scenic. Am sure it would still not have been easy but it would have been a bit easier. Anyway, only one road would work so I turned my attention to the wiring. What I found first was that one of the Peco PL-13s was faulty a



Back then to two C13s

Back then to two C13s   Sorry folks, the original version of this page lacked logical layout. I have now edited it and I hope it is a more sensible read.   Since showing you the mainframes I’ve been playing with the lathes and produced some all-metal driving wheels and also some trailing wheels.   C13s were actually 4-4-2 tank engines but my two chassis will actually be 4-6-0s, but only the front two of the “6” will be coupled and the rear axle will be free. Perhaps that’s still 4-4-2, I’m

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

And on, and on, and on, and on...

Hello.   Well my focus has been on the point rodding and the stuff seems endless! I dread to think how long I have spent on the stuff but I can report that its nearly comming to an end (I cant believe it!). There is a little bit left to do which I want to replace and then painting and sticking in place but I will be VERY glad when its all done.   Anyway, here are a few pictures of the recent work...           I hope I didnt scare anyone off at the recent Hig



Scalefour trackwork - where's the catch?

Being a private siding the line to the mill needs protecting by a catch point. At least this didn't need another 'V' making! However as you can see from the picture getting the sleepers of the crossing space so as not to foul the line for the loop exit was a pain and more glue was smeared around on the underlay than should have been. The intention is to have a gate across the siding just beyond the catch point.     This leaves me with one last turnout to build and then lots of plain track -

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Still packing for the move

I'm still packing for the move and finding things that have been hidden for ages: This is a freelance excess height boxcar. Kitbashed from 2 Athearn 40' highcube boxcars. Very crude I'm afraid, but effective from a distance. Unfortunately the 2 bodies used were slightly different, one was nice and crisp, the other not so crisp.   A coc-cor gondola lowered on Accurail trucks and kadees added. It needs the grabs etc tarted up. When weighted a reasonable runner.   A Marx flatcar an

The Bigbee Line

The Bigbee Line

MIDLAND 3130 (10)

Right finally finished or so I thought. Transfered all the photos to the pen drive looked at them before writing this post, and see that I had not fitted the front number plate well thats tomorrows job now.   I have built the tiniest test track you can imagine, and this runs lovely. Not much to write here as it was just pputting it back together. Adding buffers, safety valves etc.   I will just let the photos show the last of the story. Here it is finished in it's first BR li


N15class in LMS 3130 class

Bags of space

Phew! I had to dig deep to find this blog, way down the list as it's been some time since my last waffle. Time for a nice cuppa I think. Which reminds me why I dug out this blog. I've been pretty busy of late with one thing or the other and concequently no modelling has been done so here's a little something to keep this space alive. This :-   I've often thought about what could be done with these cartons once emptied as they're made of nice fine white card, just crying out for something t



The last week!

As I sit and write this entry there is less than a week to go until the Weston on Trent model railway exhibition. Things are slowly coming together, but there is still so much to do in the next five days.   At present I am working on putting the show guide together. It is almost finished, but still requires information from one layout owner. My aim is to get the guide finished by Wednesday so that it can be printed on Thursday and Friday. This year's guide will run to 12 pages compared to 8 l



Plasser & Theurer

I can't believe it's so long since my last update, an unfortunate reflection of how busy I've been of late. My missus has been labouring under the misapprehension that DIY and household chores somehow have priority over serious model railway business. She was helping me clean out the loft the other day. All dusty and covered in cobwebs, but she's good to the kids. Actually, she's not been very well lately, she's even had to give up her coal round... The new Deltic videos, filmed at a friend's 7



A Step forward ..... And nearer to moving home.

As this is booked into the MKMRS Exhibition in February & I have no safe way of getting it from Northamptonshire to Dorset it's being left in the care of a friend. Today he came and picked up 2 corner boards and the sidings 'pod' now 10 miles from home !!   Decided to make up the other half of the station entrance this afternoon & evening. The ramp is on one board, with the steps on another, I seem to have got acceptable joints.   Put some figures out to see how it looks ....  



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