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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Hornby Grange or Bachmann Hall?

I have been rather preoccupied of late and have not been keeping up with the various forums. I have given myself a break today and for some relaxation I will attempt an answer to the question - Hornby Grange or Bachmann Hall – which is better? First why would you want a Hall or a Grange? The old GWR constructed around 255 ‘Hall’ Class locomotives and then proceeded to build a further 70 or more ‘Modified Halls’. With 6ft driving wheels the Halls were designed to provide a powerful general purpo

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Modelling the Cement works part 1

Started working now on the Cement works, I’d been buying bits and pieces of slaters plasticard for this purpose over the last few months and as you can see from the photo below I had some ideas about how it was all going to fit together and I’d had the buildings made but not detailed and fitted for some time.       The first thing that had to go was the polystyrene formed mounds under the conveyor, they didn’t look quite right to my eyes and I decided to replace them with foam board moun



A Grand Day Out!

Spent a very enjoyable time yesterday at the Warley show at the NEC where there was certainly a very varied selection of layouts on show and some very interesting bits to spend far too much money on. Also had a couple of very good chats with the War Office Loco Society and spotted some very interesting details on the films they were showing. Another very informative chat was had with Richard Johnson of DDC Concepts and am now a lot closer to deciding what to do about controllers and control pane



Heworth Sidings - Update - 25/11/2013

Hi,   Just a quick update as we had a group meeting and managed to progress a little work on the layout.   On Scene / Off Scene Bridge and Retaining Wall   There has been quite a allot of work done on the bridge which will provide the on scene / off scene access for the layout. The Bridge / Retaining Wall are being scratch built by one of our group, who is using various materials, such as plasticard, brick sheet and even some 3d printed items. As can be seen from the images below, the main



Improving the brake gear on Heljan's Western - 2

A test run showed that the Heljan Western in the form I left it in the previous post would not go around my curves, inner or outer radius. I had to remove a bit of material from the shoes and hangers and the body skirts. This meant losing some detail from the shoes as well but this is all about the art of compromise and the hangers are mostly hidden from view anyway. However, they are needed to support the end of the wire pull rods.   After grinding away a bit, Western Talisman has completed a



Doomsaday Clock.

I was just looking on the Tracks to the Trenches website (the event for which this layout is being built), and they have a very handy countdown clock with days to go before the event. 293 days - a sobering thought. Now I reckon I could make another 59 Model T ambulances (although I would hope that I would get a bit quicker than five days each after the first fifty or so!), but this might not be the best use of my time. So has got me to thinking about what I should sort out next and if I should a



Some catching up on jobs

When I wrote about my third attempt at some Robinson stock I was asked if I could get a couple of more detailed photos to show what was involved. Now I didn't get all four of the carriages down to photograph, like I said I would, but I did manage to get down the last carriage I rebuilt and get a few more detailed photographs of it.       The simple black line is sufficient to suggest matchboarding at normal viewing distances.   Next up is my latest locomotive, the B4 'Immingham' cla

James Harrison

James Harrison

Improving the brake gear on Heljan's Western

Inspired by the newly arrived Kernow/Dapol Western locomotive, I decided to try to upgrade the brake gear on my Heljan example, D1007 Western Talisman. This involved cutting the plastic pull rods off and substituting wire, inserted into drilled holes in the end brake shoes, as well as shortening the mounting lugs behind the shoes to narrow the fittings down. More work is still needed as it doesn't quite go around the sharper curves yet. I need to fiddle around more to get the clearances right bu



Is Big really the Best?

Throughout this week there has been plenty of excitement about this weekend's Warley exhibition. Sadly I have never been to this event, and my plans for a visit this weekend have been scuppered by a nasty case of flu! Strangely enough I do not feel that disappointed.   This year Warley advertises 87 layouts, numerous demonstrations and plenty of traders ready to tempt people to part with their hard earned cash. There is also the manufacturers who will be announcing new products, and full size



Time Flies

Wow! Time does fly. My last entry was April!!!!! I am not sure why I haven't written anything for many months. You would be forgiven for thinking that I must have finished the layout by now, but alas no. For various personal reasons and a busy business life, there has only been a certain amount of activity. But here goes with an update.   Newton Purcell, the junction station midway along my line, was finally laid and tested for smoothness of the running, but with no electrics fitted. The issue

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

Trial of the Reds

In a previous post: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1405/entry-12531-milk-churns-and-siphons/ I mentioned that I had tried painting a GWR wagon with Farrow & Ball 'Rectory Red' paint.   To re-cap, this colour is described by the manufacturer as Vermilion mixed with Lead Oxide, to make it cheaper. It seems to me that could be a plausible formula for the red used during the 19th century on GWR wagons.   Because it is difficult to compare colours accura


MikeOxon in general

Model T finished!

Well almost finished. The answer as to whether the head lights were fixed securely enough was answered straight away by them both dropping off! Noticed a bit of daylight coming up through footwell on pics but that will be easily sorted.           Have given it a bit of weathering but as with all the other component models I will add a bit more to all of them once they are in place to make sure that colours are consistent.   Here it is placed on the layout but not where it will en



County Detailing part 2

With everything prepared yesterday, todays job was to start gluing the loco back together.   First up the new lower boiler was fitted into place, unfortunately during fettling a small section broke off (requiring a small repair from filler). (please excuse the slightly out of focus photo, the DSLR is flat so stuck using my phone...)   Next the boiler was fitted, along with a couple of 1mm square strips of evergreen plastic strip to fill the gap between firebox and footplate   Next up the

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Christmas ……

When I did our weekly shopping I found this nice Santa.     Light works on batteries and has a switch to put the light on and out. Santa was easy to remove. In this way a had a nice led light for the inside of my warehouse. I have to find a way to construct my building in a way I can put the light on when required.     I started with the inside of the warehouse. I have finished one pile of wooden whiskey boxes and have to build more. There will also some barrels along one of the walls

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

I like spraying acrylics!

There is a first time for everything, and today was my first time at spraying acrylics (other than in an aerosol), - and I liked it! I actually used the Tamia paint straight from the jar with no thinning (wouldn't get away with this with the Vallejo though), and it gave a beautifully solid matt coat straight away - why have I left it so long!     Here is the ambulance in my awfully messy spray booth in my cellar workshop, I did take some more pics down there but will save these for a day wh



County - loco detailing

While I have been thinking about how to do the next steps on the tender (thanks again to Mike G for the advice) I have been cracking on with the body   First up the Dapol firebox was removed, it had already been cut at the cab end to clear the new cab front, so. Careful cut along the boiler end, along with using a scalpel to score two lines along the splashes. Then using the trusty xurons the top was broken. And carefully snapped along the cut line.   Next up a Hornby 8f was dismantled and

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Cassette Fiddleyard Operations on Trefeglwvs Road

Hi   The following sequence of drawings show a sequence of fiddleyard operations on Trefeglwvs Road   The first part of the sequence allows the engine to run around it's train, keeping both the locomotive and it's train, in this case two coaches the same way around. This is more Prototypical than turning the whole train around!   A similar process will be used when running around the pick up goods train, but it will be slightly more complex because of the requirement to change the brake v



Delph - Almost ready for ballasting (gulp)

Since my last post back in September, I've painted the remaining track and point rodding with basic colours and recently installed the signal wire posts. There's just the rodding outside the signal box to complete and then I'm faced with the slightly daunting task of laying the ballast. I'll be using C&L ash ballast in the yard and run-round loop and a mixture of ash and proper ballast for the main line. Photos of the real place suggest the ballast even on the running line was pretty old an

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Not Having A Rest

The C13s are very much on hold but I’m not having a rest, just otherwise occupied. I’m flogging my way towards learning Corel Draw and producing suitable drawings to send to an etching company; very slowly getting there. Then the computer goes daft and I need to hire assistance. No sooner is that seen to than I find sewage swilling around the manhole on our patio; currently waiting for my tame plumber friend to come with his rods. I know you’re not interested in all that but, just in case you

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

This should not be here; or should it?

Well folks, do we keep it - just for fun? I like the idea of an abandoned branch line. I wonder if I could convert a blog to a bike track? It exists through some stupid blunder I must have made & I know I can ask Andy to delete it, I did the last time I made presumably the same blunder! And that's why its still here; Andy will think I'm a right Wally doing it twice. Are you reading this Andy? Thanks for all the good wishes & happy modelling to all my readers, particularly you three.

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Model T Almost Finished

In the last post I was foolish enough to say that all the cutting was done. No, managed to find quite a lot more to do. Anyway, spent far longer than I anticipated on detailing the interior which has gone away slightly from the actual vehicle I am basing it on but is gleaned from period photos of similar models. All with the aim of making a slightly more interesting model.         The primer has shown up a few areas which need more filling but that is easily sorted. Will now paint the



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