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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Welcome to the Silver Railway! – First images from the Central German suburban system

Evening all!   With the new national timetable for 2014 having been enabled this past night, one of the major items associated with it has been the opening of the Central German suburban railway system – known in German as S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland. This system took several years in preparation and has almost completely replaced the old Halle-Leipzig suburban network, which in any case had been reduced to a bare minimum since about 2009.   The new Central German suburban system is quite exten

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Doncaster and Darlington LNER Green

Having had the pleasure of receiving 3 locos newly painted (two new-build and one re-paint) in LNER green, I have been surprised by the range of colour between Doncaster and Darlington green and also the effect of gloss finish to locos making them appear even brighter. I have been exceptionally pleased with the workmanship shown by Peter Relf, James King and Colin Tyler in the building and re-painting of these locos. Colin is a professional with really exceptional standards (the V2) and the oth

Matthew Cousins

Matthew Cousins

An early Christmas present!

Time for an early Christmas present I think- my planned build programme for 2014!   I'm quite happy with how much I've managed to build this year- I would have liked to get further along with my carriage rakes but on the other hand all of the locos I had planned did get built in some form or another, and a few unplanned ones too.   So, first off will be the overflow from the 2013 programme- four GCR clerestories and a pair of GCR full brakes, from Hornby clerestory stock.   Keeping with th

James Harrison

James Harrison

Major Road Delays and Train Cancellations Expected Part 1

With work on wiring the layout now complete until the installation of the signal servo motors,Mike a I can turn our attention can turn to something that will be seen by the General public apart from the trackwork..   For Mike this will probably been the progression of his fantastic work on the Station Canopies and I hope to report his progress on this as it happens. For Myself I am employed on the Road Bridge Rebuild.   Eridge Station from platform level   Erisge Station from A21  

Ark Royal

Ark Royal

Progress Report 2013

Its Been a while since the last post but work has been progressing   Track Work   After countless hours propelling wagons and coaching stock back and forth ( Its a hard life BUT.....Someone has to do the job) followed by some fettling , the permanent way gang have now concluded all major work need on the track. We are now satisfied that both coaching and wagon stock can be hauled through all the pointwork. Its been a long and sometimes frustrating journey but the reward is seeing wagons sna

Ark Royal

Ark Royal

Next Stop............Tack the Track !

After much deliberation, due to the interesting comments made about a previous blog regarding 2 or 3 rail, which gave me some second thoughts, I came to my original conclusion. As much as I would like to accommodate my 3 rail on the same layout, I believe the dimensions of my baseboards would virtually make it restricted, so it just confirmed 2 rail it is!   Now the plans have been agreed and drawn up by my father for the new layout, but only after many alterations to the original drawings, we

Steaming South

Steaming South

Aire Valley Railway

Hi again.   Back to the A.V.R. When constructing the Aire Valley stock and locos the drawings I used were very simple, not much more than basic dimensions . The early items of stock were built from card and details were drawn straight onto the card. OXO tin locos were built on the cut and fit method..All this is a bit hazy now. It is going on 60 years ago. Anyway stuff did get built to what I considered reasonable for the time..At some point I thought it might be a good idea to make "off



DCC Fun!

Here it is - my 100th entry - and a very frustrated one it is too! Partly because I have been run off my feet (see previous rant about people not knowing when Christmas is!), so not having time to get down to any thing much and then it not working when I do!   I finally got around to installing three of the new DCC enabled Cobalt point motors to replace the non DCC ones (soon to be on Ebay!). Fitting them was no problem but programming them ......   Number 1 worked fine, Number 2 did once I



Another Track Test! (Part 2)

After doing a quick track test using real wooden sleepers and plastic chairs, I’ve done another quick test track. This time I’ve painted the sleepers and used sand rather than Chinchilla dust to ballast it. I actually mixed some paint in to the PVA and water mixture that I soaked into the sand to glue it down. This coloured the sand slightly to stop it being too “sandy” in colour.   There are a few final details to attend to, such as painting the chairs and the rails. I was also a little too g



Grimble & Son Ltd

First some background information obtained from Edward Grimble :   “The company Grimble & Son Ltd is started in 1886 by John Grimble. He was mentioned as a carpenter in the St. James, Northall, Parish register. John Grimble started the company at his address at Orchard Road, where he had a workplace and did carpenters work for the local community. These works could vary from trimming a cart up to making a shed. His company grow out to a building contractors and merchants firm. He opened

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

PKP Px48 build from a GLR Models 3D Print Cont:

Evening   Bit of an update on the Px48 build after spending three days in Cambridge on a course I've had the day off and in between things have managed to make some good progress fitting brass bits I've cut out.   Sorry about the photos-they're quick workbench shots taken with my HTC.   Here's a front view showing the roof profile:   px48 12-12-2013 004 by kettering15b, on Flickr   On the loco I've added some thin brass overlays to the top of the cylinder casings and on the lower ha



Getting the trackplan right

I did a huge amount of research on the track layout using photographs in order to get the track layout ‘right’ within my confines. As part of that I realised that the current Penzance layout has been much simplified and that prior to about 1980 there was a crossover from platform 1 to a head shunt which incorporated single slips on platform 2 and 3 and a double slip on platform 4. At this time I was getting also getting fed up with having to set everything up every time I wanted to run some t



Cab Shelter Scene.

Cab Shelter Scene.   This blog features a horse drawn cabbies shelter, stone paving, winter tree's, shrubs, street lamp and a little more. In particular, the street lamp has been a bit of a problem.  Initially, I wanted to mould the lamp in water clear resin with fibre optic running through  the base and stand but found it impossible to fill the mould completely. Moulding one street  lamp per day, cutting the feed deeper and thinking, might have to addopt an alternative approach.


snitzl in Misc

GRONK (10)

It has been a while since the last post. Things have progressed but I have had trouble with mail going to and from the UK so decided not to send anything until The parcels sent were received and some I was due arrived. This means I have missed selling this for Christmas. So progress is slow due to loss of interest. All this also means other projects are delayed through lack of parts.   Back yo the gronk. The painting is done the transfers are on. Everything sealed with satin varnish. F


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter

Back ...... But still sorting things out

Back reliably online, given up on my little USB wireless adapters. I have loads of work to do in the loft, but within a week (or so) hope to have my Two Short Planks layout installed and working.   The occasional picture to follow !!   Dad-1



Moving on to Newport

The last few weeks have been spent testing the ZTC DCC kit - as yet unconclusive though working better with current chips rather than obsolete ones. Now I'm trackbuilding for Newport, with another attempt at the scissors crossover.   Here are a couple of pictures of the printed trackplan in situ. The main downside is that with the highly curved compression I have to use it doesn't look very much like Newport! But it will have the main operational characteristics and with buildings and rolling



Modbury - Baseboards (1)

Now that I have a home for my new layout and a plan that I am happy with, I decided that I should make a start on the baseboards.   The first (Board 1) is the left hand traverser board. This has been constructed from 12mm ply for the ends and top with 8mm ply sides and 6mm ply for the cross bracing. The top was first dealt with first, a hole was drilled in the middle and a circle of 20" diameter drawn from that hole - I originally thought that I could use my router fixed to a trammel to cu

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Crawley Yard - Fix 3

Couple of photo's to show some progress on the cement yard. Some final photo's to take tomorrow and then its break up time to put the model on the layout. back outside into the garden as the light is so much better. Used the airbrush to smooth the concrete and add some depth and colour to the framework. Everything is now stuck down with stickywax for the show tomorrow. Still to add, Signs and transfers, trees for the front and some brushwork to tidy up some of the paint work. First time I've



Home-made Lining & Lettering - 3

Whereas, in my previous posts in this series, most of the lining details were hand-drawn, when it comes to coats of arms, crests, and lettering, I think it is better to find some printed artwork to work from .... unless you are a real artist!   One useful source of illustrations is O.S.Nock's 'Pocket Encyclopaedia of British Steam Railways' although, since these are all paintings, the accuracy of some of the pictures has been disputed.   There are many specialised books covering the liveries



Upper Level Baseboard Completed

The 300 inch challenge micro layout now has its top level baseboard (or benchwork for our American cousins) in place. Unfortunately this happened with only a week to go to the Bassetlaw (North Notts) Railway Society annual exhibition the layout wasn’t part of the 300 inch competition. lets hope it makes it in time for […] The post Upper Level Baseboard Completed appeared first on Rede Valley Railway.



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