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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Heworth Sidings - Update - 24/12/2013

Hi,   We've had a few working sessions on the run up to Christmas and we have been making good progress on the scenics. The Plaster bandage which we have used to form the basic terrain has been covered with a layer of textured artex. This is simple enough to brush on and when dry leaves a nice surface to paint with base colours.   The Bridge continues to make headway. We have been discussing various options over the last week or so, such as resin casting parts of the structure. If we choose



Barry Scrapyard...........Well worth a read !

Having mentioned in a previous blog that I recently visited the National Railway Museum in York, on this occasion I took a good long look in the reference library for some information regarding TPO's as I'm interested in incorporating this in my new layout, but whilst looking through the shelves of hundreds of books, I stumbled over a book called Barry Scrapyard...........The Preservation Miracle.   This book was written back in 1988 and reprinted in 1989 by writer Alan Warren, who gives a blo

Steaming South

Steaming South

........ Signals the start of Christmas

T'was Christmas Eve and Santa's little helper was ...... Soldering and gluing of course!!!   The soldering is old hat now. I need 3 Servo 4 boards from MERG to operate the points and signals on the left side board of the junction, Newton Purcell. Each time I make one, my soldering gets better and they get easier. One down. Two to go.   The gluing was more frustrating. As you will have gleaned from this blog, operation is key here. I hope it will be quite scenic too, but it will not be a Pend

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

Bristol Barrow Road - The Workshop Roof Trusses

Following on from my last entry here are a few pictures of the roof trusses for the Workshop.   These are assembled in a jig to give the correct spacing for the trusses.   The Machine Shop is to the left of the building whilst the four road workshop is to the right       During the 1950's only two of the loco turntables, which gave access to the workshop, remained in use - roads 2 and 4. I have made these doors operational whilst the other two are closed. Road 4 will need to be f



Another building

Managed to get a lot more than i anticipated done today. Finished of the drawings;     Drawings! Blimey that is organised of me! But oh, if I had a laser cutter now! To do these I scanned a sheet of embossed plasticard and used as the background. Then, by drawing a grid of guide lines and snapping to these I got perfectly horizontal and vertical lines. used a couple more tricks - just drew one window then copied it and just drew one half of the building then copied it and flipped it horizo



Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of our readers in RMWeb-land. We hope to see some of you at St Albans in January.     A word or two about the photo… I must thank Peter W Gray for the idea and the composition. The photo is inspired by his photo (published in the Jan 2005 'Steam Days') of 5015 Kingswear Castle waiting at signals to depart from Newton Abbot in January 1962. Peter's photo is lit by the lights of the platform where he was standing. The equivalent platform at St Ruth stops rather short of



Tunnel Portal

nspired by the grandeur of the famous Box Tunnel portal, I set out to create my own masterpiece of Great Western engineering. I wanted the portal to convey the 'proudness' of the GWR, something others of the big four seemed to lack. It is in many ways similar to the Box Tunnel portal in some of its features. It is constructed of 5mm foamboard, using a glue gun to stick pieces toghether. Here are a few pictures, I will add textures to it in the near future.



A Case of Nocturnal Ferrophilia

Morning all!   I hadn't really been able to do a lot of spotting since our move to Leipzig, but last night, I packed my camera and tripod and set out to capture what I expected to be a multitude of impressions from railway and tram operations in Leipzig on a Sunday. – So, here you go...     A surprise catch at Central Station delighted me so much that I am going to show it twice:     115 205 of DB AutoZug had brought a stock positioning service to Leipzig. While a shunter removed said

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Wyre Forest 1960 (ish), a GWR branch line with a twist... (New N gauge)

Sorry... I accidentally turned this entry ( a couple of months old ) into a draft, and by un 'drafting' it, it appears today as if it is new. Sorry, didnt mean to clog up the list of today's new blogs!!   Hi all,   Since exhibiting Victoria Bridge in a moderately complete state for the first time, my mind has been pondering a sequel. I really enjoyed sharing the diorama with the crowds at Frank's excellent Cradley Heath show:   For evidence, see among the pictures in: http://www.rmweb.co.

Will J

Will J

Merry Christmas.. a tank engine and a brief ramble...

Yet another quiet couple of months around the vicinity of this blog.   On the Home Front   Household activities have been revolving around the arrival of Harvey (small baby-sized person now six weeks old and growing at a terrifying rate!) who I can happily relate has spent a chunk of the afternoon inspecting a 1:1 scale Bullied Pacific and seemed intrigued...   With Christmas approaching on a modestly restrained budget, Katie and I have been producing presents for Harvey and his cousins ou

Will J

Will J

St Ouen JNWR - Thinking Outside the Box

Hi   I not blogged about St Ouen for sometime, this is because I have felt I was going nowhere with the project. After much thought I now struck off in a different direction with the project.   I have posted in the Boxfiles forum at http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/39667-the-apa-box/page-4   I have now followed this up, with a new version of the St Ouen project as show below.   This seems to be a much firmer base upon which, quite literally, to move the project forward.



No wait there's more...

As I promised earlier (rashly!) a few more photographs of rolling stock for the light railway project.   Last year I bought from a society 2nd hand stand a largely built etched brass kit for some sort of non-passenger freight stock, which proved to be a Roxey kit for a S&D van. Well at the time my railway is set many of these vans had been absorbed into Southern stock, so this seemed like a sound idea to follow and a good friend lent me a book on Souhern liverys. Well to say it made my br

Turin 60

Turin 60

Todays Project.

I am afraid that today i have been required to use my skills to a rather different end!     Was actually good fun and kept eight year old nicely occupied!   I do fear that there will not be a great deal of real progress over the next few days, especially with the list of chores compiled by my lovely wife (it is much better when she is at work!). I have decided on a building to base my next structure on, of which I have managed to fine two different pictures. Is a bit grander than the prev



Empire Mill - more progress on the bridge

I made some more progress on the bridge this weekend. I need to get at least a base to the structure (and some transparent acrylic cut for the water service) before I can lay track over it and with a desire to be able to run trains around the room again it has worked its way onto the 'critical path'. I've drawn out the base in TurboCAD and worked out a representation of the underside to give some transverse girders between the main side girders. I've also put some girders following where the rai

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Appologies & another attempt

Sincere appologies to all who were rightly offended by the poor quality of the photographs in my last blog entry, I have had another go this AM and all looks much better. Indeed there is a bonus photograph to suggest whreabouts in the country the light railway is supposed to have been!   Ex LNWR 6 wheel brake van   Light railway brakevan after "Relaxing Hobby"   Local coal merchants open culled from two Trix opens.   I hope I am forgiven, more to follow soon-ish!   John.

Turin 60

Turin 60

Mink choc arrêt

I had to refer back to my opening post recently to remind myself what and why I'm doing this due to an 'issue' with the kit.   If any of you reading this have bought an ABS kit you will be aware that they come with drawing pins for buffers. No, I'm not kidding. You bang them into a brass tube sleeve and then through some frustrating trickery with spring wire, secure them at the back behind the headstock. I now understand why everybody that I know who has built ABS kits replace the buffers and

The Nth Degree

The Nth Degree

Painting white metal castings

Although I like painting, I find painting metal figures still a difficult job. I still have to find my way. In the pictures below the way I tried it this time.   Step 1: priming the metal figures with an undercoat.   Step 2: first cover with black paint   Step 3: second coat with black paint   Step 4: adding some basic colors   Step 5: adding some more basic colors   Step 6: dry brushing with paint.   Finished figures after adding some pigment weathering and a coat o

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Aire Valley Railway

Hi all.   It seem my 84 year ears are not what they used to be. Indeed the word use was PROP which I guess makes sense as the item was about the making of the film. I have never watched any of the various dramas including the current one about the train robbers. As an ex railwayman what happened to driver Mills was unforgivable.   Anyway now am hear I will attach some more Drawings. The small one shows alterations done to some of the freight stock.   All the best for Christmas and the



Wagons and vans

So having been away from my workbench a while I returned and spent most of Wednesday weathering some vans and wagons -Unfortunately I didn't get photos of all of them "clean" but here are a few of the ones completed..   First up a couple of ex LMS unfitted cattle wagons..     then a Mink D - this is one with ventilators added to the ends - only a small number were built     and a SR BY   and a blast from the past and ex Ian Kirk kit of a 5 plank open     Finding good colour

Barry O

Barry O

Cobalts Sorted!

After a great deal of fiddling and annoyance I have finally managed to get the Cobalt point motors working off the DCC controller. It turns out that while still in programing mode and giving them a number you had to press '1' to actually switch them on - not in the instructions this one! So now I have no excuse but to get down to it an build the control panels. Hang on - wasn't the reason for getting the DCC versions that I wouldn't need a panel? Well, yes it was but I do want route selection L



Just a quick update

So far the wagons are generally complete, they have now been assembled (with some problems and weathered (which was quite fun!)           as they were apparently sheeted, I am using a technique which involves cling film, newspapers and lots of PVA/water     and finally the break van     for more on these updates please take a look at my blog, http://sylviantennant.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/wine-women-and-cops.html

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

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