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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Bratchell NSE class 319/1 kit under construction - 3

Work on constructing the Bratchell class 319 continues: I have now assembled all of the bogies as per the instructions and installed them under the correct coaches.   I drilled out the head and tail light apertures on the Driving Trailer coaches and tacked some red and white LEDs into them. These will be made to work later. I will hve to touch up the WIPAC panels as they chipped slightly during the drilling process.   I posed the four car unit on the layout for one photo, although it has no



Baseboards started!

Not being much of a designer, have settled on one of Iain Rice's published plans that, with a bit more space available, I have stretched slightly to fit my 14' x 9' garden shed. Fully insulated with strengthened floor, and professionally installed electrics I am now starting to install the baseboards. Solid top down one long side with 8 storage lines, this will have a lightweight baseboard above it to carry higher level branch terminus. The layout will represent a South Wales coal carrying line



Mink roulement plaisir

I really don't know why I'm titling my blog in French with vague culinary references but it has to stop soon – I'm running out of ideas and the drift is getting wider.   You may notice from the picture below that there has been a change of workshop location. I'm afraid the 'Goodwill to all modelling men using the bookcase as a workshop' season is over and I have resorted to bringing everything into the office. But onwards the march.   Over Christmas I have been trying to steal a few moments

The Nth Degree

The Nth Degree

Entré 2

A small update on the tools I've used. The wheel bearings required opening out – the cast holes being undersize to suit a variety of options of wheel bearing – so I made a purchase of a small set of drill bits. I already had the pin vice.   My largest small size drill bit was 1.5mm and my smallest standard sized bit is 4mm so this set fill some of that gap. A reasonable price of £7 for the set of seven drills from my local independent DIY shop. By coincidence, Heywoods wheel bearings fit quite

The Nth Degree

The Nth Degree

Returning to the 'Tin' HAL unit

Remember the 'Tin' 2 HAL I started and had running some time back? Up until now it hasn't had any markings or insignia on it at all. I have now added the first class yellow stripes above the relevant windows and numeral 1s on the doors, plus small yellow warning panels on the cab fronts.   I will have to hand paint some of the fiddly bits on those front yellow panels before adding the black triangle on the one at the van end (the driving motor coach). The coach and unit numbers in yellow will



Bratchell NSE class 319/1 kit under construction - 2

I have started on the motor bogie sideframe modifications to suit the Replica Railways motorised chassis. Because there is a 1mm difference between the motor bogie wheelbase on the chassis compared to the kit sideframes (accurately modelled), I have removed approximately 0.5mm from the sideframes on either side of the central airbag and spring plank.   I file down the Replica blank sideframes to match the profile of the kit versions then glue the lot together with solvent. The Replica frames s



Chicken and Egg

The instructions are telling me to fasten on the brake harness, shoes etc. It occurs to me that if I do this, I shan't be able to remove them later when I want to paint the chassis as they will be soldered on. I also want to blacken the axles and this will have to be done before adding the brakes.  Equally the tender of the body could probably do with at least priming as some of the bits are getting a bit intricate. In my ignorance(!) I assumed the painting was all done at the end, but I



Callow Lane - very low relief backscene factory - part 2

In the previous blog entry, I described the construction of a card 'very low relief' factory fascia, to go immediately in front of the backscene. There were a number of unresolved issues with this, not least the fact that the 'northlight' appearance end-on to the viewer, somehow didn't satisfy, as it would only really be convincing if viewed directly 'head on' from 90 degrees.   There was also the question of how to merge the road ('Callow Lane') into the backscene, once it had crossed the pri

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

A GRONK (11)

Finally finished. All that is missing is the couplings but I leave these off as there are so many options. I ran it on my little test track an all seems very good. The final assemble was straight forward, with just a little fitting to get them right. This is even after time spent making sure it was all OK before painting. I am sure someone alters bits whilst you are not looking just to have a laugh at you later. It is all a bit fiddly getting the screws in , there are 10 in total some quite hidd


N15class in 08, 350hp shunter

Bracket mk2

I'm in the process of building the second bracket signal. I have taken a leaf out of Mike's (Coach Bogie) book and fitted a single rocker arm to the rear of the bracket. However, mine is made from plastic and the spindle is yet again a track pin, superglued onto the bracket lattice. In practice, it can't be easily seen.     Thanks Mike.   Happy New Year to all.   Rich

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

More work to the Sheffield Supertram CAD

A bit more done to the Supertram CAD, there's a couple of little bits to sort on the body (front rubber bumper is one) but the bodf is nearly there now.   Chassis and articulation is next to be sorted, but that's more 'modelling' than copying the prototype.   Few more pics        

Red Devil

Red Devil

End of the Line

Hi All Well its been quite a while since i updated this thread and sad to say as far as this layout in its current form is concerned ,its the end of the line.. It didnt quite get finished for a number of reasons,ill health been one,but main one is because of a possible house move in the near future.   In its current form ive never been really satisfied with my track plan,so instead of digging my self into a deeper hole,ive bit the bullet and decided to dismantle it and start again. I could r




Finishing 2013 with some milk tankers - a batch of six ex Dapol ones and one ex Lima one. I have added new couplings and rewheeled the Lima one.   First up two of the Dapol ones...     and a Dapol and the Lima one.     Although they have similar origins they are very different.   A couple of close ups - first the IMS tank side     and the running gear of a United Dairies tanker..     Considering they are used for milk traffic I can't find many "clean" photos of these vehi

Barry O

Barry O

Shadow Box Roundhouse

In the lead up to Christmas I wanted a break from the next phase of making the control panel for my Barrow Hill Yard layout - wiring just ain't fun enough! So, whilst perusing the internet during this let up period I came across David Shepherd's magnificent painting called 'On Shed' - this features a dirty 9F awaiting its next duty. This really got the juices flowing so I put together a quickie layout for a Shadow Box scheme (I've had a Bachmann 9F for Christmas which I'm eagerly waiting for the



Pembroke Castle 4078

I'm currently building an O Gauge David Andrew kit of a Castle Class loco, having decided to go for 4078 Pembroke Castle which just happens to be near where I used to live. This may be a bit ambitious as this is my first major kit building project. I don't happen to know much about trains or kit building (or this forum for that matter - should this be a blog or just a series of questions on the forum?) so I'm hoping for some constructive advice/ comments as I go.   On the advice of friends, I



Grantham Coaling Plant 2mmFS - Coal hoist takes shape

Good afternoon,   With all the festivities almost coming to an end and the numerous visits to family and friends completed, I have managed to get a little modelling time in to progress the coaling plant. I wanted to make a little progress on the feeder floor and the chutes that deliver the coal from the tower onto the feeder floor and into the loco tenders have been put together. These were made up using 0.5mm plasticard and are slightly inaccurate compared to the prototype as the are supposed

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Fencing Lessons

No I have not taken up a new hobby but have learned a lesson today (two actually and it is only 11 o'clock). Both of these are lessons are on the perils of internet shopping. First lesson (and the one most appropriate to this site), is not to trust the pictures on the Scale Link site. The fencing arrived very promptly, which is good but my excitement didn't last long as soon found that the etch contained four different types of fence panel - a fact not obvious from the tiny picture on the site.



Clevedon Debut

Afternoon all Greetings of the Season and all that. Hope you had a good one. Time for an update. I've been quiet on here of late, not because I haven't been doing anything but the opposite. It's been all systems go since the end of October. Not solely model railways either. SWMBO decided that the time had come for a new kitchen so we've had the house upside down. Thankfully everything went live on 22 December and the brownie points I've acquired will last me most of 2014 I hope! I



Overdue update

Hi everyone first my apoligies for the lack of updates recently since returning to full time work there just is'nt enough hours in the day. Right well since the last blog entry Bletchford is no more. I had issues with the baseboards and to cut a long story short I moved up into the loft and started again. The replacement layout is on 3 levels and will be a long term project work concentrating at the moment on the building of a new show layout. AC lines is also no more as this has also been scra

87 101

87 101

Bratchell NSE class 319/1 kit under construction

We had our first postal delivery since Christmas Eve today (Monday), and look what the postie delivered! My Bratchell class 319/1 kit in Network South East livery! I pre-ordered this kit back in May and got the special advanced order price, which saved me over £50.   The body shells go together very quickly and easily, so I have glazed and assembled all of them already and slipped the Replica Railways motorised chassis into the PMS coach (that's Pantograph Motor Second!). I still need to remov




Two different diesels   first up a Dave Alexander Clayton - built and painted by Nicktoix. Two DS10 motors and a tad more powerful than the RTR ones..     and now for something completely different..   take a Mainline 03 with a bust motor - add vulcan chassis with romford wheels and a DS10 motor - a bit of a gentle wash over and hey presto....  

Barry O

Barry O

An ‘After Christmas Present’ – Hornby Duke of Gloucester

Many thanks to that well known retailer in Sheffield who contacted me on Friday for payment and then delivered the locomotive on Saturday. Hornby R3191 - Duke of Gloucester What do I think of the model? Well it is ‘growing on me’. Straight out of the box there were a number of issues. Most obviously ‘something’ had come adrift in transit and the engine was no longer coupled to the tender. Tender to engine coupling unglued. In the way of things this is minor and can easily be remedied.

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Towards some Coaches

I came across JCL's splendid thread about Silhouette cutters (http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/79025-a-guide-to-using-the-silhouette-cameo-cutter/) at an appropriate interval for dropping heavy hints before Christmas, so now have a 'Silhouette Portrait' machine and loads of ideas for coaches and buildings   Having discovered all about Cleminson chassis in an earlier post on this blog, I want to build some six-wheel coaches, especially since they seem to be rarely modelled, pr



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