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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A good start!

The new year is only a few days old but there has already been a good start made to planning the Weston 2014 show. Since my last blog enteries I have received two offers of layouts from RMWeb members. Both of these will be new exhibitors at the Weston event. It is great to attract new people and I look forward to seeing both layouts in November. One layout is U.S based whilst another represents WW1 which already gives some interesting diversity to the event. A third layout has been promised f



Making a start

Hi,   After returning to the hobby for a very long time I have decided to make a start on that layout that has been knocking around my head for years. Since returning I have been browsing layouts online and in magazines, learning all about 'the prototype' (as initially my ideas had more resemblance to a train set) and generally finding out many fantastic things about this massive hobby. In fact I do wonder what I have let myself in for, but its too late, I've been bitten by the model railway b



Talking Stock #27 4mm Bulleid coaches – new R-T-R on the way?

The topic of Bulleid coaches has come to the fore again via a number of mediums. Firstly; the new Graham Farish Bulleid coaches in 2mm N gauge have hit the shops, a good review of them by Nigel Burkin can be found on the Model Railways Live website here. Secondly; current Model Rail magazine editor Ben Jones included a bit of crystal ball gazing in his editorial within the magazines Winter issue No. 191 mentioning that an upgrade of the now long in the tooth Bachmann 4mm Bulleid coaches as a pos



Wagon loads part 2 - Open wagons

There’s a lot of variety of potential loads for open wagons, so here are some examples: Sheeted open – this uses a Smiths printed tarpaulin. A base is made inside the wagon the shape of the load, or the tarpaulin bar if fitted. The tarpaulin is folded over that. The tarpaulin itself can be pre-treated by screwing it into a ball to crease it up. The ball is unfolded and the sheet dry brushed. Securing ropes are lengths of thread fixed to the back of the tarpaulin with pva or UHU. They can be ret



Why I hate fitting couplings.

There should have been a picture of the Simplex all finished and sprayed in primer at least tonight but instead you have two cats looking very comfortable together on the other chair. The reason for this (apart from the heating having gone off two hours ago!), is that I have spent most of tonight fitting couplings and still not finished. In truth I am not that far away now but when I came to take a pic the various spring loaded bits shot off somewhere into the mess that is my current modelling t



Wagon Loads part 1 - Mineral Wagons

I’ve been checking over Diddington’s wagon fleet, which has led me to consider the wagon loads. There’s been quite a lot published about wagon loads, and I have got a lot of inspiration from Iain Rice’s wagon books, and the series of articles on weathered wagons by Martyn Welch in MRJ a few years ago. Later in this blog I’ll give some examples of loaded wagons, some of which are copies of Martyn Welch’s ideas, the difference being that his were in 7mm scale, and mine are for 4mm scale. Minera



Into the New Year!

A week into 2014 and already I've finished the first of the year's projects....   .... the new B5 has joined the loco roster!     I'm very pleased with this result.   In other news, work continues with the pair of GC clerestories. I've sanded down the beading and started on the interiors. One of them now has a blue floor (this will ultimately be the first class carriage) and the other has a red floor with cream walls. Both need partitions and seats adding, which will be the next jo

James Harrison

James Harrison

Penna Lane TMD the first blog

Hello everyone, for many months now people have been saying that i should write a blog on RMWEB about my layout Penna Lane TMD so here goes. Penna Lane TMD was conceived during 2009 while i was under going treatment for kidney failure, i wanted to be able to run my locos at home when i was not able to get out to my local club to run my locos on the clubs layout Shildon which is in the Locomotion NRM museum at Shildon. once i had convinced my partner that it was a good idea boards were obtained a

Ray Penna Lane TMD

Ray Penna Lane TMD

Simplex Express!

Am absolutely cracking on with the little Simplex. Played it with a bit when I should have been concentrating on getting some lunch and soldered up the bonnet. I seem to remember having terrible trouble and lots of burned fingers when I did the last one but must have got a lot better at soldering as this went together really easily. There were a couple of gaps but filled these with low melt solder and filled back so this little loco is still a filler free zone.     Had another go this eveni



Gwr open c

Currently on my work bench is a wagon I have been after for some time, a Ratio kit for a GW Open C. I think I am right in saying this is a 30 year old kit, but the crispness in some of the mouldings is still rather good, all be it slightly let down in some of the finer components.   The solebars come moulded as part of the sides, I think this has the net result of making them significantly over width (while the body looks like it matches the drawings in Ackins et al).   I have chosen to m

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Re-designing my workbench

Currently on my workbench is… well… my workbench.     The workbench I have used for the past few years is a cheapo laminated chipboard job from Argos. The former office desk was forced into the role of being my modelling desk when we moved to Newbury in 2008. It has now taken a fair amount of abuse from my modelling torture kit, so it is only right that it continues in its role in my new house (until I accidentally cut in half or something or other).   In my new house the desk will be up



Narrow Gauge Coal!

Step forward some ex Dorset Kits On3 East Broad Top coal hoppers   - first up a "clean" view,:     and now - after applying some watered down black ink and adding black powder once the ink i sdried     The ends are interesting as getting in to weather them (despite being lot bigger than my HO ones) is not easy..     and a close up of part of the doors and sides     and a quick look inside the hopper     no good colour photos for the internals so I hope they look like UK

Barry O

Barry O

Silhouette Coach - WIP-2

After the diversion caused by the arrival of my CB09 blade holder, which works very well, I have returned to exploring how to construct a laminated coach side.   After preparing the drawings for the framing, described previously, it proved to be relatively simple to create the other layers - merely a matter of deleting unwanted elements from the original drawing.   The outer layer is, of course, the framing, then the main body side that only has the window cut-outs and, finally, the inner la



Boat Warehouse Scene

The Boat Warehouse Scene.   The boat warehouse scene covers construction of two simplified boats, packing cases, warehouse  crane, timber fence and a couple of items covered in previous blogs. The water is still receiving  repeated coats of varnish and PVA, as suggested in the RMWEB forums. Further attempts were made  at moulding street lamps as covered in the 'Cab Shelter Scene' blog which resulted in one more  street lamp for this scene. Its worth a mention that the water clear resin


snitzl in Misc

Back to work on a Simplex

Back home now from Wales. Stopped off at Aberystwyth on way home and could almost use a pic of the scene of destruction on the seafront for my layout! New shed for the VoR looks impressive and there was a little diesel shunter working in the yard but couldn't stop to investigate. Anyway, having got bored of what I was meant to be doing I made a start on the Nigel Lawton 20hp Simplex that arrived the other day. This is a very well packaged and presented kit with some really interesting design fea



Spencer, Harrogate Gas Works Railway's least favourite engine

So here we go new year and another new project. I have been wanting to crack on with my 009 version of Bilton coal drops for a while after building the RT Models Harrogate Gas Works Pecket & Drewerey so whilst im patiently waiting for RT's release of the Barber kit i got tempted at Wakefield show to visit LAngley and purchase one of their war office hunslet kits to bash around, thanks in no small part after chatting to the owner of the excellent Purbeck layout and chatting to him about his v



MGR Wagon (HAA) Making Coal Loads

After a post Christmas trip to the NRM at Shildon end of year toy fair with my 3 year old son, I came away, with among other things, two boxes of the triple Railroad MGR wagons. Even though these are Railroad versions, I was impressed with the level of detail, ok they are missing the fine level detail some wagons now have and the chassis lacks and painted details, but I think with a bit of a paint touch up and some weathering they will be great addition to my railway (once built).   The key bi



Hornby Apollo versus Duke of Gloucester – a fair comparison?

This is a follow up to my last Post which was devoted to Hornby’s release of Special Edition Duke of Gloucester. Hornby R3191 Duke of Gloucester left versus Hornby R2717 Apollo right What do I still think of the model? I am not so sure about value for money. Hornby R2717 Apollo left versus Hornby R3191 Duke of Gloucester right Hornby R2717 Apollo came with a wealth of added detail parts fitted at manufacture – almost too many to list. HornbyR2717 Apollo - a closer view Apollo came wi

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

An interesting video

I was looking for something else and came across this....   "Do I really need to watch a video of steam in Northern Ireland?"   "Well why not?"   "It would be interesting to see the German's mean by romantic steam!!"   It is well above average photography and suddenly gets very interesting (at 3 mins 50 secs) ... that's if you are thinking about modelling inside valve gear.   I did not watch any more but intend to get some stills of various points in the cycle.   This chance discover

Maurice Hopper

Maurice Hopper

Shadow Box - The 9F arrives

The Bachmann 9F arrived yesterday - Yipee!!! It's such a detailed model that I was quite frankly nervous whilst handling it. The detailed pipework is amazing and I'd have expected to have paid much more for something as finely produced. I couldn't wait to get it into the Shadow Box for a few pictures though.       So nearly there - a comparison shot with David Shepherd's magnificent painting - I need to get another LED spotlight on the front yet.     This shot shows how the mirror d



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