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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Kinky Reversing Gear – Hornby Duke of Gloucester

A brief mini Post that might be of interest to other purchasers of Duke of Gloucester (DoG) – perhaps those of you who pick up a bargain off an auction site. Duke of Gloucester with Spring Buffers and kinky reversing gear   When I posted the picture above a number of you drew attention to the reversing mechanism disappearing rather abruptly beneath the footplate. I just added it to the list of things to be sorted. Duke of Gloucester – reversing gear in close up   Well it is now sorted.

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Aire Valley Railway

Hi All. I am hoping to publish a series of blogs which are not about models. They do however have a tenuous connection to the building of the AVR. When the 44 hour week was introduced on BR it created a bit of a problem regarding signal boxes which were open 24 hours 7 days a week. The solution was to give each signalman one day off every other week though it did not work out at every other week as Rest Days as they became known were not taken on the night shift so as not to disrupt sleep pat



Waiting for glue to dry

Having spent the last few days being very busy but not actually sure with what, the Dick Kerr has not come along quite as quickly as I would have hopped. I rescued the motors from my previous chassis which was condemned due to a dodgy gearbox and fitted new Markits 50:1 boxes. Then I found these wouldn't fit the chassis. Managed to remedy this by milling out a portion at the top but got abit carried away on side. Will be hidden though so only we know! I have wired it up directly to a power suppl




Sometimes I have the feeling that I have to quit a project. I have my doubts how to get the result I like to achieve.   This happens to me from time to time — I feel like I miss the possibilities that can be used in the modelling world, and I start to worry. I’ve learned to deal with it, so that while it still comes up, I now have trust that I’ll be fine. So what do I do when have my doubts and get back my motivation ?   I do this: I look at the things I have made. I look at Nice Street and

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Falling Behind: A Leader Story (Pt 3)

Following my last post about Leader, I discovered that the paint was not fully drying and the finish had warped while in storage.   It is difficult to find a paint stripper formulated to strip resin kits, they are normally designed for metal or plastic models. I sent a quick query to Howes of Oxford about their Model Strip and was advised to test the paint stripper on the underside of the body. I did not see any adverse effects, so I covered leader in the paste.       I left the model



A Scottish Engine

Been a while but work.decorating/life in general is getting in the way at the moment so for the time being   A Nu-cast ex Great North of Scotland 4-4-0.     I may well sell this as it was built for layout started many years ago when I lived in Stevenage - Catrine.

Barry O

Barry O

A Workers platform

So, quite unsurprisingly after the previous post I disappeared into the basement and into the model railway room to work on the layout The idea of a workman's halt really appealed to me so I set to on the project. Mostly it was a "make it up as you go along" project using embossed styrene sheets I had to hand. The working out and building of the structure grabbed my attention so much that other than a trip up to the kitchen for a cuppa (which actually was two trips as the first time I switched t

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Pre Stafford Show Blog: N Gauge Class 139....

Hi all,   just a quick, mainly pictorial, post this time with the latest bodyshell (Mark 12??) for the N Gauge Class 139. I'm moderately happy with the finish this time, it will be improved immeasurably with the flush side glazing to be installed between now and the weekend when the mini-people mover will be operating on Kinlet Wharf's branch line at the Stafford Show.   Do come and say hello, I'll be there pretending to know what I'm doing (randomly jabbing at buttons)   Chassis: Kato Tra

Will J

Will J

Better get working!

Well, the Granite City Train show is on March 1st this year which isn't so very far away especially as I still have a few road rally commitments with the SCCA (including putting on my own event). So lets get busy! Right then. First things first, in order to get the creative juices flowing I whacked the US outline stock on the baseboard to see how it looked. If you remember this is one of the selling points of the layout, able to be worked as both English outline 4mm scale and US HO scale. The

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Back in Time - 517 class

In my very first post in this blog, I mentioned converting an old K's 14xx to a fair representation of a 517 class. Since the 517 was a very variable class, it's impossible to select a 'typical' version - they vary from the earliest tiny saddle tanks, with a short wheelbase, to the final re-builds, which were very similar to Collett's 14xx series.   517 class - Variations   Even so, there were significant differences between even the latest of these engines and the 14xx


MikeOxon in general

Dean d14 clestory

I have the in laws visiting the baby this evening, which will give me a couple of hours off baby duty and let me get into the workshop.   My plan is to get on with an eBay purchase of a slatters clestory d14, While it's the toplights I am really after, getting this kit at a good price was too good to miss. The intention being to use it as part of a summer Sunday special.   Looking at the kit there's tons of detail, although most of the main plastic parts are badly bowed (is this common wi

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Coming Together

Progress has been slower than I thought, but a start has been made.   I've decided to solder the main components (body sides, front and back, boiler and tank top, tank front and front footplate/boiler barrel) together, and superglue the smaller details to the assembly. I have also decided not to use the spectacle plate part supplied and make a new one out of plasticard. The one supplied in the older style seen on the GVT engines Dennis and Sir Theodore, I'll go for a more enclosed type similar



Bust my buffers

Work continues to get Fourgig to at least a basic state of scenic completion ahead of the Mansfield Show in march. last night I fitted the buffer stops to the headshunt and loco release road. To maximise available space for loco release I've cut the stop to suggest that it's been built through the wall. There are plenty of examples out there where stops are buried in walls and platforms, so I figured it was okay     The plan is to have weeds etc popping up all over the area, but for now the



Silvester Layout 2014

Early these month I visited a friend. He held his anual Silvester layout operating sessions. These took place in the weeks after christmas. His layout is a combination of a layout with the addition of FREMO N-RE modules. Here is a short movie made by me.   [(/youtube]  Markus



Busy Times

Hi All,   I know it's been months since my last entry on any of my blogs... I do have a good excuse: building works! Shortly after the last entry on Linksuberdorf the builders turned up at the end of October. Short recap: MDF for outside wall for a week, microwave dinners, and finaly just before Christmas: a new kitchen!   Meanwhile I acquired some new kits: W&LL Pickering coaches, Sierra Leone loco, and more...   Now the dust has settled (and largely wiped up off the furniture absolut



Kyle 2014...new year - old layout - new enthusiasm...

Good evening   First blog entry since we relocated back to UK and the period of re adjusting continues, particularly as we have downsized and have had to shift 99% of my railway stuff from our apartment to a storage garage a brisk walk away. No longer can I meddle and tinker with something located in a spare room...as there is no spare room   Have only managed one evenings modelling since July 2013 which was a crack at a 7mm C+L turnout kit, which is 75% complete...and as I thought this wee



More problems for Hornby?

In a recent "Hornby Magazine" interview Simon Kohler came out and said that he believed that much of Hornby's recent supply problems were behind them, and that he hoped all of the items listed in the 2014 catalogue would be released during the forthcoming year. This means that 2014 should see a lot of exciting models appearing in the shops. The long awaited P2 should finally arrive and should be joined by the new GWR "Hall" as well as many new models announced in the new catalogue. For me pers



Well, that's serendipitous!

Before Christmas (if I'm honest, long before Christmas...more like November...) I briefly mentioned I'd been reading "Great Central Steam" and been quite taken with a drawing of a proposed but never built mogul mixed traffic loco. I then said that I'd gone out and bought an old Mainline 43xx as a donor model to convert.   To be honest although filled with enthusiasm for such a project (I think, much like the B5 Fish engines, it would have a certain elegance about it) I kept being put off bec

James Harrison

James Harrison

In The Beginning...

I thought I'd give this blog thing a go with the intention of letting the community see what I am working on.   My main modelling interest lies with the North British Railway which I choose to model in S-Scale. Progress is normally slow but I'm glad to say there is progress and to prove it here are couple of items I have actually managed to finish, running on Maurice Hoppers' Country Boards.     Scott



Finally a update

Slow progress but at last the track is all down thanks to Martins and Valentins efforts. To speed things up from glacial to tree ring time Ive spent the weekend getting the points servos working First point works quiet nicely although the 2nd has already had some severe rebuilding and requires a little more   However at least I can play test the layout     Class 24 on test     Hughes tram on test which managed the point without stalling although may be fitted with a stayalive



Grantham Coaling Plant 2mmFS - The track gang move in!

Good afternoon all,   Well, Grantham is progressing well and this week I have been laying the easitrac and soldering on the dropper wires as I go along. The two tracks to the rear, where the coal wagons are shunted along ready to be tipped into the coal pit, have been laid and wired in. Next i have moved onto the track that runs in front of the coaling tower and I have laid the best part of both of the turnouts on this section with just a couple of bits left to finish.   The plan is to lay

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

Buffers – fitting sprung buffers to Hornby Duke of Gloucester

As a break from work work I took a day off to replace the buffers on my Hornby Duke of Gloucester (DoG). Hornby R3191 Duke of Gloucester as I think it should be with Sprung Buffers   I was inspired by Matt otherwise known as ‘Bluebell Model Railway’ of this website.   Fitting the buffers to the front was straightforward. I followed Matt’s suggestion and used Hornby Spare Part No. X9313. My usual supplier did not have the R (red) variant so mine were black and had to be painted red.   Th

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

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