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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

GWR horse-drawn trolley

Here’s another horse-drawn vehicle for my goods depot, this time a scratchbuilt light trolley in the GWR’s “Birmingham” style. The model was built from styrene and bits in my spares box, with wheels bought in from Langley.   Drawings and photos suggest that there was a bewildering amount of detail variation within this basic type. I based my model on a drawing on page 241 of P. Kelley's "Great Western Road Vehicles", which was built in several lots. Another almost identical version can



Set 2 - We're Getting There....

I haven't posted much recently in my blogs - but some modelling has been going on in dribs and drabs over recent months   The two Ratio ex MR suburban coaches which are to form Set 2 have made intermittant progress and have now reached the stage shown:     and     The second being the recycled and rebuilt kit I originally made in my teens and which completely dismantled itself when I applied ModelStrip to it   This is now a composite, with 4 first/3 third . Passengers have been pai




Haven't done any serious modelling for months now, and no railway related modelling for years. (collecting, yes, enough of that...) So it's time to change all that. But something simple, something that can be finished in a reasonable timeframe. My first 00 rolling stock kit:   Removing mould lines and ejector marks:     Basic construction:     And, while I was modelling yesterday, a nice surprise came in the post, see the photo above. 10 spoke Star replacement wheels. Top marks



WC 52' 6" covered gondola

An occasional blog based upon freight cars that could be used on Menasha. There are currently two exhibitions left for the layout, Skipton Aug 2014 and Wakefield Nov 2014 There is an existing blog based around a WC Russell Plow First is based upon a Hubert Model Railroads model of a 52' 6" WC covered gondola. It appears the model's covered steel cover is not correct so as well as repaiinting the car a new covered top will be made.   6th Feb Made a small progress so far with first two layer



Aire Valley Railway

Hi. Attaching two more box diagrams. Shipley Bradford Jcn and Shipley Bingley Jcn. The former was at the Bradford end of the Shipley triangle. ;As mentioned ;in a previous posting there were some boxes between Manningham Jcn and Shipley for which I don't have drawings. (1) Manningham Sidings.;Spare and summer only coaching stock was stored here. (2) Frizinghall. ;There was a large wool warehouse here served by rail. These two boxes had signals on the passenger lines but no points. ;(3) Shipley



A Rival For Minnie Finching ?

On my layout A Nod To Brent is an embankment that goes over a short arch bridge.Alongside is a farmhouse where this lady lives.Her name is Mrs Honeyman.She's a bit of a village gossip and knows all the ins and outs of the South Hams.A bit well to do if you ask me.A keen gardener and is carrying a trug.Many years ago,she shared a love interest over the same man with Minnie Finching.They've hardly spoke since.The man was an old railwayman who joined the Midland at Bristol.     A Dart Castings



Looking at peoples legs!

I have spent a lot of today looking at peoples legs - yes my alternative view of the Stafford show! It is really surprising how many different ways people manage to put together a few pieces of 2x1. Although many of my observations were made from afar not one of my requests to go delving under particularly interesting examples was denied or even considered strange - perhaps it is not such an unusual pass time! You will have guessed by now that I have been thinking again about to how to display l



Stafford 2014

The first weekend of February has produced my first model railway exhibition visit of the new year. I have been looking forward to the Stafford event all week as it is one of my favourite events of the whole year. It guarentees three large halls of exhibits with a host of large and impressive layouts to enjoy and plenty of trade to try and part me from my cash. Once again it did not disappoint. The show was excellent!   My dad and I arrived at around 10.20, just twenty minutes after opening,



Fortibus es in ero

Well, only two buses actually, but the latest one has given me enough trouble for 40! I described building a GWR horse bus from a white metal kit in an earlier post and commented then that an etched brass version might provide better details. I've now tried the etched brass kit from 'Scale Link' but it's not been easy! In fact, decidedly 'trying' at times.   If you suffer from any signs of hamfisted-ness or less than perfect eyesight, do not attempt this kit! By 4mm standards, it is very fiddl



NBR Brake Van

A friend, and fellow member of the East of Scotland 4mm Group, has been designing a number of 4mm etched kits covering the various designs of NBR brake vans. Very kindly he agreed to produce some S-Scale etches for two of the designs and over the last few weeks I've managed to make a start on one of the brake vans.   The first brake van being worked on is a rebuilt version of the original Holmes design with narrow planking, two doors and two veranda's. So far the van is about 50% complete, the



Pushing forward on 2? 3? projects

Not all of my progress this week has been of the 'sat at the table doing modelling' sort.   My GCR all-first has had its roof reinstated, after I removed the ventilators, blocked out the clerestory lights and fabricated some small vents for either side of the clerestory. It is now sat on the table waiting for the first coat of paint to dry before I can go over it again, touch in the teak effect and add the transfers and varnish.   My neverwazza Gorton mogul has gained a boiler- a whitemet

James Harrison

James Harrison

The Layout's First Locomotive

I actually pre-ordered this in August last year, with an estimated delivery date of January. At the time of ordering I'd hoped that by January I would have some track to run it on. However, it is now February and, because I've changed my mind several times about the method of track construction, I'm not as far along as I hoped.   The locomotive is a GWR Pannier Tank (No. 8762). I'm by no means an expert on locomotives, but a quick google suggests that this particular engine was built in 1933.



Colour Matching Rail blue & grey

This week I have mostly been... messing with paint!   Context On my long list of modelling-things-to-do is the assembly of a rake of coaches to make a 4-TC set. This will involve a cut and shut for the driving ends, plus two of the excellent Bachmann Mk1 coaches to form the TBS and TFK.   Whilst gathering the various bits together, my mind turned to how I would paint the driving ends, and importantly achieve a decent colour match to the two middle coaches. Whilst many colour variations exist

Platform 1

Platform 1

BR Class 04 Diesel Tram at Speed: Day 3

So where were we? Oh yes, I remember… I was converting a Drewry Diesel Tram while filming the results (using time lapse recording). Here are the links to days 1 and 2.   Here is the video:     Day 3 consisted of replacing the rather small buffers on the Bachmann Class 04 with the slightly larger versions used on the tram version. The donor for these buffers was a disused set of buffer beams from my Heljan Falcon (blink and you will miss it in the first few seconds of the video). I then



Motive power miscellany

A bit of a mixed bag in the blog this time. Just before Christmas I got a text from Brian Porter at the Crewe Heritage Centre telling me he’d managed to get the traction motor blowers and a number of other things working on the APT. A mutually acceptable date was arranged and off I went, mic in hand. It turns out that the traction motor blowers sound quite different to those of the Class 91, the ones I’d previously used as a ‘best guess’ in lieu of the real thing. The percentage of genuine APT



It works - sort of!

Yes the new Dick Kerr has worked splendidly around an extensive (8 year old got involved!), temporary test track around the living room floor in true train set fashion. It coped with four of the quite weighty Wrightlines class D and E bogie wagons. Am sure it would have pulled more but what with couplings, bogies and wheels falling off this was all I could muster at the moment. Unfortunately part two of the plan was not quite so successful. Here is a picture of what my double header set up shoul



dean D14 part 3

Next up was the roof, prior to taking drastic action I decided to have a go at the roof. I started by using a couple of Lima ballast weights to pin the roof flat to the workbench. I then glued the end pieces into position, then glued the clesterory side into position. In the centre the roof had bowed by 6mm below the datum point. Once the ends of the side were in position I the forced this up and glued into place   I did find the bowing along the length of the side compounded the pro

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Aire Valley Railway

Hi Again. I am posting the second of the signal box items. This is Manningham Stn Jcn. mentioned in the last posting. A personal note first ..I first worked at this box as a Train Recorder in 1944, crikey that's 70 years ago. The R.D. relief post was a second bite at the cherry. There was a further bite when I got a permanent position at Manningham. It had a 40 lever frame of which 6 were spares. The sidings off to the top left led to the engine shed. At one time there used to be a signal



Plenty of progress on Worseter

I can't believe its nearly a year since I last posted on this blog. In the last nine months I have:   Built an incline connecting the fiddle yard to the low level section that will house the MPD. This also involved modifying the removable bridge section that carries the tracks across the doorway.   The track for the MPD has been built, laid, ballasted and wired up. The base for the MPD including inspection pits was also installed at this time.   The coaling stage/water tower was built.  



Modbury - Baseboards (2)

A little more progress has been made on the baseboards, although as is often the case there has been a step backward before resuming the stepping forward!!   The originally made traintable used a turned peg and socket on which to rotate, whilst that worked I could not prevent the whole traintable from rocking slightly on this centre pivot point without introducing a lot of friction at the outer edges which I felt would be counter productive as I could visualise the "sudden unsticking motion"

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Dean d14 part 2

Construction has now started,   First up I removed all the main parts from the spur and removed the excessive amount of flash present on some parts. Once cleaned up the holes were drilled for all the fittings   I departed from the instructions and started with one side and end before adding the floor. This was then followed by the other end and finally the other side. Once complete I added the lookout on one side and a repair panel with no beading on the other (one side of the other loo

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Lima Shunter to Class 13 Conversion

Over the last few nights I've been knocking up the following Class 13 Slave unit out of an old Lima Class 09 shunter. Bought a copy of a special edition of Modelling British Railways about all the TOPS Diesels - really brilliant and haven't been able to put it down. When I saw the section about making a Class 13 out of a couple of Hornby Class 08s I started watering at the mouth! 'I have to have one, I have to have one' became my mantra around the house for a few days. Always on a budget,



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