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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Six-Wheelers - Chassis

This is an update on progress with building my GWR 6-wheel coaches. I have printed the sides, using the Silhouette cutter, but there is still work to do on the upper sides - why did I have to choose to build clerestory roofs!   I have, however, built the Cleminson chassis from the 'Brassmasters' kit, so will share my experiences with this, so far.   The kits are very well presented with detailed instructions and the 'extra bits' needed to complete them - wheel bearings, nuts and bolts, and b



Thoughts on Track

I wouldn't normally touch on controversal subjects in a constructional blog. But in the case of the current OO track thread, http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/79416-poll-ready-to-lay-oo-track-and-pointwork/ my views arose in the context of the layouts on this thread, and are best explained in their context , and flow back into "matters outstanding" with the layouts, and things that need to be done.... So really it's more sensible to reflect on how my own approach to OO track has



Lots of ticks

That refers to to my very efficient to do list, which, despite having spent much of today in bed (now I don't really want to winge but seem to be getting the same cold/fluey sort of thing for the forth time, exactly the same symptoms, sore throat one day, complete lethargy the next, then few days of general yuk - does this sound familiar?), anyway, after a very long sentence, have achieved a few things. Point levers are in - KB Scale but with the arms replaced with brass and lots of fileing, a b



Jointed Coupling Rods and some other issues with Hornby Duke of Gloucester

I was my intention to finish with Duke of Gloucester (DoG) and to move on. First however I would just fit some jointed coupling rods (from a Britannia). It seems that nothing is quite that straightforward with my model and I uncovered some other issues that hopefully will not bother too many of you, but just might be of interest to some of you. Hornby R3191 Duke of Gloucester – a rare view in service   When first taken out of the box my model was a reluctant runner first crawling and then s

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

A Sam Fay at last!

I first became interested in the GC thanks to one book and two photos in that aforementioned book.   The book was JC Healy's "Echoes of the Great Central" and the two photos were, well, one was on the back cover and was Butler Henderson sitting at Rothley resplendent in GCR green and the other was Sir Sam Fay again in GCR livery at Annesley.   To an impressionable 12-year-old mind there isn't much difference between a Sam Fay and a B12/3, and I'm sure you can well imagine the response of m

James Harrison

James Harrison

Colour Matching Rail blue & grey - Update

Why is nothing simple?   Further test samples viewed in various types of light revealed some issues. In particular, the use of a grey primer undercoat produced a bluer cast than a white base, despite applying two top coats. As noted in the last post, I'm keen to achieve a close match across my rake of 4 coaches, so can we do better?   A few more shades were obtained (this is becoming expensive) and more trials carried out. To cut to the chase, better colour matches to my two Bachmann Mk1 co

Platform 1

Platform 1

Dean D14 part 4

More progress, the second bogie has been finished off. Along with fitting some scratch built bogie steps.   I have also made a start on the underframe, fitting the brackets to one side along with the vac cylinder   I ended up gluing the nut a nut to the chassis floor, into which the bogies were bolted.     Finally an area I am unsure on First what are these   Secondly, how do the break assemblies fit to the bogie? I can't work out the fixing point   Edit: one other thing I oug

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Heworth Sidings - Update - 09/02/2014

Hi,   Just a quick update as there's been a fair bit of progress with the scenic work.   Cable Ducts   When we were looking at the detail we wanted to incorporate in the model we decided that we would like to model accurate (or as near as) trackside detail. So, AWS Ramps, TPWS Grids, Signals, Cabinets, Signs, Point Motors and Cable Ducting. When we first looked at the ducting, we were going to install styrene strip which would have been been scored so that it looked like the usual sectiona



Tempus Fugit

Did the Classical poet Virgil know of the trials and tribulations of railway modelling when he composed the poem Georgics and wrote the following passage?   Sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus, singula dum capti circumvectamur amore   Which translates to...   But meanwhile it flees: time flees irretrievably, while we wander around, prisoners of our love of detail   Which can loosely be translated into layman's terms as, whilst you fiddle around with the little details you sudden



Fings wot I ave been upto...

Hello   Its strange how things work out, the original plan was to use my current modelling mojo and build a couple of 22xx Collett engines but as my last post showed, it didnt go according to plan so I was left with having to remake the chassis and order some new coupling rods. So, I thought, I will turn my attention to my Q1 which has been looking a little worse for wear sitting in my stock box, I thought I could get this working once again (it has never worked 100%). This didnt work out as



Where has the last month gone ?

Nothing posted since the first week of January. In truth not a great deal of railway modelling done since then. Getting settled into a new home after some 35 years in the old one takes longer than expected, in fact still a long way to go. My new garden shed arrives later this month and I've been struggling to demolish the old leaking rotten one that came with the bungalow. Nothing to do with the shed, but more the weather, we live just 1 mile from the sea at West Bay & driving rain and



Crawley Yard - February Update

Quick update this time as I had intended to spend the month working on Sturminster Halt but an invite to the N Gauge Forum Meet up at Riddlesdown near Croydon, Surrey prompted me to get some of the jobs done that I had been putting off for a while. The N gauge meet up should be good and some good layouts attending including Banbury and Horseblock lane, Both modern Image :-) and of course Kanjiyama from my friend Claude who has just built himself a new website which i'm very tempted to follow his



Bachmann GWR 43xx DCC conversion

Spent pretty much all of yesterday afternoon converting a Bachmann 43xx to DCC - what a horrible fiddly job. To make matters worse one of the decoder wires decided to part company with the chip (Hornby) - and those soldering pads are tiny! The split chassis meant that it wasn't an easy thing to do, and I had to be reasonably 'creative' with the solution but I got there in the end.



Lima - Go Hump

The second Lima arrived on Monday morning along with the Fox Transfers - I only ordered both of these on the 31st Jan!!! Great service. I also ordered a Hornby shunter detailing kit and some Flush glazing from another supplier - still no news!! It seems that not all suppliers have an enlightened attitude toward customer service. I'm not inclined to name names because I don't know how this would go down. However, as it turned out, they did me a favor.     Right out of the box from eb



Aire Valley Railway

Hi. I'm posting drawings of the penultimate pair of boxes. Marley Jcn and Thwaites Jcn. Marley Jcn as will be noted had a pretty simple layout but it did however have a couple of interesting moves on the late shift of which more anon. It had a 24 lever frame of which 8 were spares. When I first learned this box it had a crossover in the main lines with ground signals to control it.. These were removed in April 1955. As far as I can recall the crossover did not get much use. I trust the di



Progress on building works at Wherewithial Quay

Time marches on and I have tried to resist doing anything to the Manning Wardle I class chassis (opps-sorry mention of standard gauge!), I have however managed to get the top two cottages finished and ready to fix into place on Wherewithial Quay. Along with the pavement in front of same and the tumbledown chapel next door, next projects will be the props holding the chapel upright and the Post Office which is the next building down the hill from the chapel.   After which it will probably be th

Turin 60

Turin 60

1000 bricks don't add up to much....

.....not when they are 1:48 scale! I should have known this really from my adventures in building a real extension and the unfeasibly large quantity of bricks this too. Anyway I have some scale enough bricks now from a German company called Juweela who make an eclectic range of scenic products which are worth a look although getting hold of then is a bit of a challenge. Well I bought a bag of 1000 but now wish I had gone for the 4000 bag.     These will be used for making jagged edges to th



3D Patriot

Last year I received an email from ATSO CAD about a new 3D printed loco body for an Fowler Patriot, designed to fit onto a Farish Jubilee chassis. For a bit more authenticity I decided to power it with a Union Mills Fowler tender, a spare one I just had lying around. The first task was to clean-up the body, to start with I gave a good session in the ultra-sonic cleaner to clear of any residue left-over form printing. Following that I set to the body in an attempt to reduce the raised sti



Dapol Western Headcodes Updated Using Heljan Headcodes - 2

Further to yesterday's entry, I have now fiddled with the CV settings on the Dapol/Kernow Western, with a view to dimming the excessively bright lighting in both headcode panels and cabs.   I downloaded the full manual from TCS's website and eventually deciphered it to work out what changes were necessary to the CVs in the EU621 decoder fitted to D1030 Western Musketeer. I set the following values, using the TCS Constant Dim level 2 setting):   CV49 (forward direction headcode/headlights, fo



Cranes for Snitzl Town.

Harbour Cranes for Snitzl Town.   Detailing continues for Snitzl with the addition of two types of yard crane and  a warehouse pole crane. Images of these types of crane were collected from the web by searching google images. The model types chosen were Ratio's Yard Crane, Mikes Models GWR  yard crane and a real world warehouse pole crane. A majority of the work was done by hand  but a few components required lathe turning, milling, dividing head and bench drilling.  


snitzl in Misc

Leeds Pivotal Car FUD print.

Seeing as the latest extension board to Grime St is 'embargoed' (it's going to be a surprise at it's first exhibition outing) I thought I'd stick a pic up of the latest tram being built...   This is Leeds Pivotal car 127 (Pivotal after their 10ft wheelbase EMB pivoting trucks, that didn't really work and were locked solid most of the time)   Body is a FUD print, sprayed Rover Monza red and Land Rover ivory which are decent matches to the Leeds red liveries, adverts by Andy Burrows aka Purple

Red Devil

Red Devil


A long time ago I pined for some Murgatroyd's Tankers from Triang - and never have I managed to get mits on any .. until recently when 7 of them fell through the door for weathering so.. First up a clean one - isn't it white(!)     and now a dirty version     Hope these are OK

Barry O

Barry O

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