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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Payday Presents

It was payday weekend, and I fancied a run out in the car... and, well, I hadn't been to that shop in Liverpool for what? 40 years? Anyway, came home with this utter delight.



A Shed at Last !

Well the MKMRS show went O.K, although the Dynamis system failed. Just got it back from Bachmann at a cost of £100 !!! Anyway back to more interesting things. I returned home with my CM layout after the exhibition and had to store in the garage pending arrival of my new shed.     My shed arrived on the 20th of last Month as I went down with a rotten cold. This was the largest I could get in the available space, just 12ft x 7ft.     I have moved one end board into the shed and done



Finally ….

I couple of weeks ago I was surfing on the internet searching for another possible lighting solution for my diorama’s. I left the website I was looking at in front of my computer, while I went to go for a shower. When I came back there was I new massage in my Outlook. This was an order confirmation for the light I was looking at. My wife had just ordered them for my.     I dismanteled the lighting above Northall Dock to see the possibilities of this set. First I made a new lighting frame

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Classic Queen Mary

When I handed the painted EWS Queen Mary brake van back to Jim McGeown of Connoisseur Models for his exhibition stand last spring he said, 'Thanks very much old chap, would you like to do one in Southern livery too?'   I said 'Yes please Jim, delighted to, old bean,' and skipped away with another heavy box of brass and whitemetal.     When I got home I opened it and found the model constructed to Jim's usual high standard; free from excess solder blobs and squeaky clean. Nevertheless it n



Workshop Pictures

The new milling machine is installed and the workshop juggling is complete, but I still need a tidy up session. I must thank all who joined in the forum session I started ; each in some way helped my choice. One member asked for pics of the machine but I don't know how to put pictures into a forum section so I decided to dump 'em here. I think some of you will be happy to take a peek into 'Honley Tank'. This shows the Petol/Taig machine, the beast which caused all the commotion and reshuffle

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Skip to it

As a bit of a change to all the scenic stuff I decided to make an inroad into the rolling stock. Some Wrightlines skips would be ideal. My first task though was to find them! I knew where 4 were but was sure that I had bought 3 more - or was I imagining it. Spent ages looking for them only to eventually find them pretty much in front of me and in a Wrightlines box which for some reason I hadn't been looking for. Just to carry this theme on, something dropped out of the box when I opened it. Iis



Captain's log / scattered to the four winds

Late February means it’s time for our annual pilgrimage to the frozen North and Model Rail Scotland. This year’s trip started a day early on the Wednesday, for reasons that will become apparent shortly. First stop was to stoke up at the Little Chef just off Jcn 16 on the M6 (Crewe), our usual breakfast stop for this trip. Several en-route photo opportunities had been discussed but in the end we went to a favourite from last year; Docker, on the WCML in Cumbria. Upon arrival, a search on Real Ti



Time for a Tidy Up

Those of you on the 2mm_notices mailing list will have seen Edward Sissling's request for micro layouts to appear on the (bigger) Association stand at the Nottingham show next month. I've volunteered South Yard to attend on the Saturday (15th March)... since I pretty much always go to the Nottingham show anyway.   ...all of which means that I need to do a bit of housekeeping in order to get it into a fit state to put on show. Here's a photo of it in its usual surroundings.     As you can



A gloomy pill

Another from last year's archive, today's positively sil blog entry has an appropriate soundtrack, so and enjoy (YouTube link).    Very much contemporaneous, I reckon you needed to have a sunny disposish to remain sane as a goods guard in the gloomy Pill Box brake vans. Not sure if the vermilion ends were an absolutely most redic safety feature or an attempt to cheer up the poor chap incarcerated inside.   The Parkside kit is as well designed as other kits from the stable, most of the



End of Feb 2014 Progress on Harton and Hopeguard. Stations nearing completion and re-worked goods yard at Harton

I have made some progress. Adding Peco buffer stops and adding some detail signs to the end of the platforms. I have gone for the hydraulic type buffer stops.   I have also worked on the goods yard at Harton and have added a small loop for shunting. The platforms are also nearing completion and both stations now have 'do not cross the line' warning signs.   Still lots to do- ballasting, finishing and of course finishing the backscene.   Overall the layout is huge fun to operate with almost



An update

Not much to say about actual progress with the C13s except that the inability of my tiny Proxxon miller to hold one of the bodies, (I needed to mill away some metal to make the body clear the wheels), decided me to buy a larger milling machine. The full saga of this purchase is in forum "Skill and Knowledge - kit and scratch building - milling machines" Housing the new machine means a total re-hash of the workshop, so I'm in DIY mode rather than modelling mode. Sorry ; off to do some sawing.

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Another bit finished - well almost!

I seem to have been working on this little corner for ages - guess that is because I have. Am sure there are plenty of people who will vouch for this but that last 10% really does seem to take 90% of the time. As I am not renown for finishing things this is a completely new experience! Any way here are some pics of this little corner, one of which I have superimposed my inspirational picture.   and the next bit along     Here are some slightly more unusual views taken from angles that a



Some success at last

It’s been some time now that I have been itching to update my blog. A few months ago I said that I had successfully digitized my old Wrenn City Class locomotive (though for some unknown reason I can’t locate the post now). This was true only in part. I did get it to run, but it only ran for a few feet (or should I say decimeters) and then stopped. The final result was that I spoilt two decoders. Then, when I tried to put it back into DC status further problems arose. An exchange of comments on t



Seven Up

I felt I had free reign when I set up my workbench again to get out and start or re-start whatever I liked. The bench is temporary for the moment, because I want to rearrange the furniture to move my groaning bookcase next to a supported wall. I have been good though: most of the items on it were part finished when I packed them. The only 'new' items out are some 4 wheeled coaches and I'm convinced that it is much better to build these alongside some other short coaches that I started a long tim



Base plate completed, possible chassis on order

Hi All,   Over the weekend I completed the base of the kit. I have also ordered (if it hasn't gone already) a chassis other than the Class 91 that should fit.   This is a shot of the progress so far:     It's fairly low res., but should give an impression....   The chassis is a Fleischmann BR 210 class, which has a wheelbase of 72 mm, this is very close to what the wheel base should be according to my scale drawing (in 7mm Scale) of 73mm. And at least it's not the Grafar class 91 chas



A pair of Great Central 4-4-0s

Next up - a D10 and a D11     The D10 is Mike Edges build of a Judith Edge kit and the D11 is a Bachmann Director with added brass splasher beading...   Some close ups... first the D10     and a burnt smokebox door..     and now the Bachmann D11     and its a got a bit more grot on the smokebox  

Barry O

Barry O

a Great Central Director.....

Finally got round to weathering my Bachmann Director. It has had a brass splasher top beading added and those awful sprayed on wooly silver lines on teh splashers removed before weathering...   (It might just get some new wheels as well...)     and a closer look at the front end..  

Barry O

Barry O

Signals set

Last Friday I met Jon Fitness at Langley Mill railway station and collected the signals he's been building for me. So over the weekend I cut six pretty large holes in the baseboards and fitted all eight aspects.       Only issue is that I miscalculated with the length of servo wires and didn't order enough extension leads. A quick eBay order was placed last night, so hopefully all should be up and running for Mansfield this weekend!   The bases need blending into the scenery, I hope I



Throw some light on the subject

I said yesterday that today I'd work on the lighting and paint the frontage. As good as my word that was what I did. In the end I opted for a light grey to paint the display rather than a black which I thought would be too overpowering. For the photo I also knocked up a quick nameplate on my computer. It looks OK. The lighting is not so good in the basement where I work usually so please excuse the darker lighting but it does show how effective the IKEA "KOMPLEMENT" lighting strip is at lighting

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

The Gorton Mogul, Part 2

Meanwhile work continues on the neverwazza!       Since last time quite a lot has gone on. The new boiler has been firmly fixed into the running plate (twice, as it happens- the first time I then dropped the model, and broke it).   I took a tracing of the Robinson cab cut-out from a drawing of the B5 class in one of my books of loco drawings, and then transferred it onto the cab sheets, which I then filed down to the new shape.   New splashers have been fabricated from 0.5mm pla

James Harrison

James Harrison

Rambling around my workbench

Hello   I though it would be appropriate that I updated my blog to being all you good folk up to date with what I have been upto recently. The modelling mojo has remained and things are gradually moving forward...     The main project recently has been the 14xx. It came about from a bit of desperation to build an engine and all my other 'current' projects floundering because of missing parts, incorrect drawings, etc. The chassis is one of Chris Higgs etched creations (I think it was



Trowell 2014 - A humbling moment!

Another weekend and another show. After Allestree and Sileby last week I headed off, with daughter in tow, to the 12th annual show at Trowell. This is run by the Ilkeston Woodside Model Railway club and is always an enjoyable event. With 10 layouts, 7 trade stands and a couple of demonstrations the show is a nice size. It can all be seen in an hour, but has plenty to keep people there for a lot longer. It certainly seems popular and there was a good crowd throughout the time I was there. This



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    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
    • If only you'd brought some crossing timbers, we could have had them down too 🤣. It was a pleasure to be able to help!   All the best   Neil 
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