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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Skip bodies painted

Have been busy on the bodies (is there a joke in there somewhere?), and here they are. Was making things up a bit as I went along here but decided on this premise for finishing them. As with most things WDLR there is no definitive information for what colours things were so I decided that they were supplied in grey. But.... as this showed up rather too well at night they were hurriedly given a rough coat of black in the field. As they would have been at most two years old at this stage I didn't



Bakewell baseboard construction latest update

I have now been constructing the plywood baseboard modules for the past month. Each module is constructed from 9 and 6mm birch wood plywood which each forms a strong and robust module. Some of the sections are approx 1320x600mm and each weigh nearly 10kg! I am adding alignment dowells to each end and sides as appropriate and these will link together to form a unit round my room. I have completed 6 of the 9 modules and have tested the alignment of each one - so far, so good.   Last night I comp

Black 5

Black 5

5726 - First attempts...

So here goes, first foray into detailing! There are so many good articles written on detailing Panniers that it seemed like the best place to start. In particular, the blogs Albion Yard, Chronicles of Penhydd, the many posts on RMWeb and George Dent's excellent book Detailing and Modifying Locomotives have given me a head start in theory, now to put it all into practice...   5726 is first up on the workbench to undergo the basics: new smoke box dart, lamp irons, real coal, windows, ren


alanbuttler in DETAILING

Oswestry Works Motive Power Introduction

I've started this blog for the motive power side of things, keeping the Oswestry Works Diorama thread more works build/research focused. Motive Power for the Works project is based on the original works registers which survive at the National Archives in Kew. Thumbing through these historical documents inspired me to recreate scenes from different periods based on what would have actually taken place to add a new dimension of realism and interest. So far I've seen the 1954 works register which h


alanbuttler in Reference

In the flesh

I'm busy working on buildings for Wherwithial Quay (it's ok you're spared photographs this time) mainly finishing off and planting. Slightly gutted as I seem to have lost/misplaced/can't find/the cats gone off with it (delete as appropriate!) one of the Grandtline windows for a cottage, I guess I'll have to enlarge or otherwise change the opening. The layout will be appearing in the flesh as it were at the Wealdon Railway Group show at Arudel this Saturday. 10 - 5 at the ist Arundel Scout hut,

Turin 60

Turin 60

Irish Modellers

Hi All,     As secretary of the club I joined bout two years ago now, I was wondering what sort of contact base there was with other like minded modelers in Ireland in RM Web our Club; Midlands Model Railway club is based in Abbeyliex in County Laois   As a hobby there seems to be very few model railway clubs in Ireland but, I am sure there are a lot of railway modelers in Ireland?   Is there a particular part of RM Web which relates to modelers in Ireland? I see there is a part for Irish



Matchbox to 009 Part-1

Anyone who read the topic I started a few days ago will know what this is all about but for those of you who don't, I intend to turn this selection of rolling stock and more (which will follow in later posts into 009 rolling stock and maybe even build a layout around that, this is not for the purists because very little of this will represent actual locomotives or wagons until I add to it with kits in the future. This for fun. some of the matchbox rolling stock to be converted. Rhys



A Victorian Victoria

In my earlier post about the 'Scale Link' kit for a horse bus, I mentioned that I had another of these kits to make a 'Victoria' carriage, which I've now constructed.   The 'Victoria' was an elegant 4-wheel vehicle, with a low and wide entrance, suitable for use by ladies wearing the voluminous skirts of the period. My example is destined to be loaded onto an open carriage truck, for the use of the local Lord of the Manor, on his annual trip to London for the Season. His wife and daugh


MikeOxon in general

Trains Running at Harton and Hopeguard, 45xx, Pull Push 2MT, 8F and Jubilee

Hello,   Last night I worked on some areas of the back scene and had a good running session with freight and passenger workings. I have started to ballast more of the layout and identify areas where I need to put in more work   Enjoy the pics!   We have a 4F on freight passing an 8F stopped at a signal to gain entry to the yard. We have a 45xx running round its B-set and heading back towards Harton, We have the 57xx on station pilot. The Pull Push service from Harton comes into Hopeguard



Whys and wherefores...

So, setting the scene, so to speak, I have embarked upon the grand scheme of building a model of Widford station in P4. So far, so good. However, current accommodation (apartment in Manhattan) simply does not have the space to actually lay it out as a baseboard, so I am directing my attention to building the rolling stock and motive power before I commit to baseboards. Those will go in the house in NJ, but that is about as finished as the baseboards right now, so don't hold your breath on that s



What have we got so far?

OK, easy stuff first - where does one find motive power typical of the GER, or rather, specific to the 'Bunt' in RTR form? Aha! if only Hornby produced a locomotive like the J15...but alas, the Alan Gibson kits will have to be the source on which to rely. But wait! No! Come late 2014 we are promised RTR J15s in LNER and BR forms, so we are saved. Instant GER branch line!   Well, in the intervening period I have salted away five J15s to give me a blue GER, a grey GER, an early 1930s LNER versi



Introduction and explaining why I am doing this

By way of introducing this blog, my aim is to post occasional comments and observations on the process I am undertaking towards completing a model of Widford Station on the Buntingford branch of the GER/LNER/BR as it was between the years 1900 and 1964. This content will be aimed primarily at my efforts and, with a fair wind, successes in building 4mm scale models of the rolling stock, locomotives and infrastructure of Widford and traffic of the line between 1900 - seen as an arbitrary starting



A pile of skips

You may have noticed that I have been a bit quiet - the reason - this pile of skips! When I predicted this could turn into a two week job I fear I may have been a bit conservative. They are fiddly things to make with each having twelve pieces to solder and this is just the body, I have not even started on the chassis yet!     Well here they all are, undercoated in grey and ready for a bit of rust. I know batch construction of these things makes a lot of sense but is a very long way indeed f



Missenden Coming Around Again

Following our last visit to the Autumn weekend at Missenden I was sold on the idea of an RSU, fortunately I had a "significant" birthday a few weeks again and my wife bought (let me buy) an RSU as a birthday present. With about 3 weeks to go before the next Missenden weekend I as keen to try out my new toy. I did not want to go straight into attacking my High Level Black Hawthorn that I had worked on last time, so I looked around for an alternative. Fortunately I found a wagon kit I picked up a



Callow Lane - operating session

Martin & Michelle McDermott (Mr & Mrs Pugsley) came for a visit yesterday, and whilst the ladies were keenly plotting some new cake recipes for the Taunton Members Day, Martin & I slipped into the next room and had a bit of a play around on Callow Lane. I'd earlier put all the buildings and other structures up on the layout; here are a few photos I took afterwards. In deference to Martin's preference for diesels, I kept the kettles in their boxes              

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Round and Round, and Up and Down

Enough of Duke of Gloucester and on with the current layout. The Grand Plan – at inception As planned and initially constructed the layout was to be ‘Out and Back’ with a Main Terminus, a double track mainline leading to ‘the Main Junction’ and then heading off to a return loop with storage sidings. The plan would build on past experience. The Bracken Ridge Layout My first serious layout, the Bracken Ridge layout dated from around 1980. It was an ‘out and back’ layout and occupied about

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Concrete Progress & 08 Conversion

Here goes nothing - it is a test layout, after all! Before and after shots of the P-Way following a visit from the concrete pouring gang: Before... After... Once dry, the filler will be sanded until the rails are slightly proud of the surrounding concrete (I sanded the tops of the rails level beforehand) and then the flange recess on the inside of the rails gently scraped clear. Clearly, I've left the pointwork for the next batch of concrete after I've see how the rest of the job has tur



A Series of Unfortunate Events

I have been quite busy, so far, I have a couple of trains to get through before the exhibition on may and one in the running is a fitted van train pulled (hopefully) but a B1 61030 "Nyala".       I bought a good running split chassis B1 from Tri-Ang Man about 10 months ago with the intention of making this locomotive and have managed to finally get round to it.     I even scratch built a new smokebox dart from brass bits (which I am quite proud) as well as new front steps which makes

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

14xx and Autocoach arrives at Harton and Hopeguard- Buffer problems as well!

Hello,   Brief update!   I have finally been able to secure a 14xx (The Hornby one for a decent price) so I have added that to my Autocoach (which I have detailed) it really adds a nice flavour to the layout and I am sure once it has been weathered that it will fit right in! The idea behind the 14xx and Autocoach is that it allows local workings into...what would be North Wales, maybe a forgotten branch line or a workers service?   Also you can see some of my weathering on the 5MT. The



The Gorton Mogul, Part 3

Considerably further on with the Gorton Mogul now...     I've added a new smokebox saddle out of plastic sheet, and I then used the same material to extend the tender sheets up by 6mm to get closer to the Robinson design. New buffers have been added- cheking through my spares box I found a complete set of Robinson oval buffers which have now found their way onto the model.   The only major bits left for the loco are footsteps and handrails- of which more anon pending experiments later

James Harrison

James Harrison

T9.6 - Tender

Afternoon all It's been a while since my last instalment, partly due to exhibiting requirements and prep taking up the limited amount of modelling time I have. Clevedon will be out and about at the EM skills day next Saturday albeit in a slightly stripped down form to show the 'naked' foam baseboards.   In the meantime, I have been making slow progress with the T9 watercart tender. I'm discovering that you can't really rush a Finney kit. There are quite a large number of parts that have to b



Granite City Train Show analysis , debrief

So, another Granite City train show is in the books, and once again a great time was had by all. This little layout was probably the most labour intensive of the layouts I've shown there. The coal loading really making it a 2 person operation for smooth running. The working coal loader really grabbing peoples attention. A couple of people asked about the rolling stock as it was British outline, but most people were just content to watch the layout work. The coal loading was, as I've said, quit

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Fisherton Sarum almost on home turf at Baskingstoke exhibition, 8/9th March

This coming weekend, 8th / 9th March, Fisherton Sarum will be attending the Basingstoke and North Hampshire Model Railway Society show being held at the Aldworth Science College, Basingstoke, RG22 Basingstoke is of course on the same ex London South Western Railway / Southern Railway South West mainline as, the inspiration for Fisherton Sarum, Salisbury. The steam shed at Basingstoke was also of the same, turn of the century, LSWR design and construction style as at Salisbury along



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    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
    • If only you'd brought some crossing timbers, we could have had them down too 🤣. It was a pleasure to be able to help!   All the best   Neil 
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