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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Weighbridge Hut

I'm afraid very little progress has been made with the track laying for my project, It's far too cold, wet and windy here in Wales at the moment to contemplate crossing the garden to the workshop! I decided that a smaller project that I could build in the warmth of the house was in order, at least until the weather perks up a bit.   I decided that a little weighbridge hut would look good near to the entrance of the yard and shouldn't take too long to complete. Once again I used Southeastern Fi



Freshwater at the Basingstoke Show 2014

I love the sound of deadlines flying by. Having a deadline certainly provides a bit of impetus to get things done, even if not enough things actually get done in time.   When I accepted the invitation before Christmas, I had just about got all the electrical and mechanical gubbins beneath the layout working as required (see umpteen previous posts) and so, 4 years after the initial deadline for the 2mm Scale Association Golden Jubilee Expo in Oxford, I thought the time was right to star

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan in The Layout

Engine Shed Inspection Pits

Hi folks,   Thought I'd add a little more detail of the inspection pits I have installed in my shed, after a kind comment from Jack Kerr (aka Jock67B).   My original intention was to create my own pits but I liked the look of the chairs on the Peco kit version and I wouldn't have to worry about the depth being correct! I also don't like the look of the cut down sleepers on some layouts I have seen.   I didn't want the concrete side-wall look so ended up lining them with Slaters brick plast



Basingstoke show 2014

A great show, everyone seemed very happy, perhaps a little more variety in sandwiches next year, the cafe seemed very busy as they seemed to run low on sarnies & crisps, overall a great show & well done to the organisers.

reading west

reading west

Skipping a day or two

Having 'skipped' a few days I am now almost there on this over running project. Big family do and some proper work has resulted in a very over extended me and little physical progress. But.... maybe a bit of a psychological break through! After importing my Sister and family from Brighton for week end the least I could do was give a full demonstration of my magnum opus. Yes, rather a grand term for something with now just six months to go does not really add up to much. So, resolution is to stop



Etches & Laser Cut Jigs

Building turnouts in 2mm fine scale which operate smoothly has been a difficult task for me. The first few turnouts which I actually managed to finish looked a bit rubbish and rolling stock kept sticking in the crossing. This almost made me move back to N gauge track but then the 2mm Association released their comprehensive book on turnout construction and operation. After reading through the book several times I began to think of new ways to build the required turnouts for Rannoch. The turn



Round and Round, and Up and Down – the pictures

This Post is a direct follow up to my previous post and provides some illustrations of the mid level ‘round and round’ (the continuous run), and the low level reversing loop. The pictures also feature Hornby R3191 which has recently taken up a lot of my time. It is getting to be quite an expensive engine – well if I had to charge for the time I have spent fettling it. The Grand Plan – with photo locations As planned and initially constructed the layout was to be ‘Out and Back’ with a Main Te

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Northlight Engine Shed Diorama Part II

So I've finally got around to updating my blog, I'm slowly getting there.   I debated about the size of board I was going to mount the shed to, and decided to keep it small so it could be adapted to the future layout easily.   I wanted the office interior to be detailed and spent a fair bit of time doing so. I was pleased with some of the results, and less so with others but soon realised that none of it can be seen once the roof is on!   A glimpse of the inside:     A general view o



PGAs Part 3. Another one finished.

Another go on a Lima PGA taking out the unwanted bulkhead you can see the browny purple that the wagon started life as where i have cut the plastic away. a little bit of grey paint to cover and when this is dry i will re-weather i have also painted the axle box covers yellow on all my PGA wagons



Hornby 4F Heavily weathered, ballast down and scenic work taking shape

Hello,   Some more progress. I have heavily weathered the Hornby 4F as I was not really feeling the weathering it came with- see what you think?   Also I have made big progress ballasting and have decided to move the provender shed to the main yard. Here it will become a hazardous chemical/explosive store shed. It didn't have enough clearance in the main goods yard, and I probably just going to put a crane in the goods yard at Hopeguard or construct a custom made goods shed.   I have



Something for the weekend.....

Well as ever I am way behind on where I want to be with my model making, so the Midland Railway D924 Cattle wagon (100 built 1893) has been half built since Christmas but as ever I have been short of time to design the brass etch fret.     Well after reading various posts on the Silhouette Cameos I made this my birthday request from my better half, eBay came up with the goods and this weekend I have had time to play.     Well all is good and I can export almost the same line work that

Beatty 139

Beatty 139

K-IN-A Shed 16C Plan info request

I am in the early stages of research into Kirkby in Ashfield Shed & Yard with view to later modelling in oo gauge, i am looking on page 72/73 of London Midland steam on shed published by Bradford Barton Truro, i am trying to decipher following abbreviations;   1) R E Office ( a building just outside the shed entrance ) 2) Sh--t Stores ( a building/structure at the side & end of shed yard road with pit ) the missing letters may be or making it short or ee sheet ? 3) Ringing out bell (



A D9 from a 2P

I've reached the point with the Gorton Mogul where to continue I really need to think about lining the model out. The way I've decided to do this is to try a method I've seen described on RMWeb previously- to scan the model into the computer and then use Photoshop or somesuch to produce the lining to print out on waterslide paper. With an order placed today for said paper, there's nothing more I can do at the moment. So I'm looking at the next project on the to-do list.   Specifically, thi

James Harrison

James Harrison

RMWeb views.

Wanted to say to a wider group than before how tremendously supportive I have found the RMweb community. Tucked away in the 'Railways of Scotland' section of the Forum you will find my first entry where I asked for information about Hurlford MPD and access to Barleith station; I mentioned my terminal illness and need to work to a short time scale. I was amazed at the response which genuinely made me feel part of a larger family! I simply wanted to publicly thank all concerned with this facility



Two Discoveries.

In a rather 'round about way I made two discoveries yesterday - one potentially more interesting than the other! Well - my little one spent he day Bell Boating with her school (why they are called 'Bell Boats', I have no idea as appeared to be two canoes roped together). All of this entailed delivering, and picking her up from the nearby town of Droitwich. Running concurrently with this I had a problem of how to couple my skips together. I had always intended to run all seven as a rake with just



Being a Big Kid - Again .....

Why Not indeed !! I've been trying over several evenings to produce a video showing some shunting. Although the camera can be stuck on a tripod it involves many changes of points and some carefull use of controllers, particularly when trying to run a DMU into & out of the station at the same time. Thanks to small digital camers one can try & try again, interesting hearing the expletives on play back of failed 'takes'.     Dad-1



Scale speed calculator

I've spent a couple of hours over the last day or so making myself a little tool to check scale speeds. It's nothing new, but I thought it might be handy (It's always nice when you can get something to work as you want). It's web based so I thought I'd make it public just in case anyone else found it useful (assuming my maths is right of cause!). It can be found here:   http://www.entwinesolutions.co.uk/scalespeed   It's a simple little thing;   - measure the distance and enter it (300mm i



Ebsworth Street 00 Gauge

Ebsworth Street is ambitious Modern Image 00 layout for the exhibition circuit. The track layout is design for the signalling and operation side. Ebsworth Street recreates small main line terminus station with 3 platforms running off the London via main line, busy station main road leading to town centre. Also with train care depot with loco sidings and re-fuelling point/stabling point with working yards lights and interesting scene features including working colour light signals and ground shun



A Sense of Place

... or maybe plaice!   It's been bugging me for a while that South Yard has a rather dull backscene. It's also a bit low now that the new lighting rig is in position so I've been thinking about doing something about it.   Now South Yard is a real place in Plymouth (or rather Devonport, Stoke Damerel or 'Dock' depending on how old fashioned you want to be). The name refers to the southern half of the Royal Naval dockyard and my layout is set just outside the dockyard wall. Having done a spot



The Gorton Mogul, Part 4

I think with the Gorton Mogul that the finish line is coming into sight. Here is the model after a second coat of matt black paint:   Work still to do on the model basically runs to lining (for which I'm going to attempt a new method- I'm going to scan the model onto my laptop, then use photoshop to trace around the outlines, then print those lines onto waterslide paper- this is just waiting on a copy of photoshop, the special paper and varnish) and handrails (another new method to try- 15a

James Harrison

James Harrison

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    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
    • If only you'd brought some crossing timbers, we could have had them down too 🤣. It was a pleasure to be able to help!   All the best   Neil 
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