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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Problems with the website

We are having a few problems up dating our website at the moment please bear with us while we sort them out. All products can also be seen on our gallery pages.   We will be attending the following shows this year   Maryport MRC April 5-6 as Ultramarine Works   North West O gauge Leigh April 26   GOG North Clegheaton May 29   GOG GulidEx Telford   Workington MRC November Demonstrating kit building   Hope to see people at some point.



How that concrete turned out...

Lesson one: if you use steel instead of nickel silver rail, don't worry, you'll always be able to tell where the tracks are underneath wet concrete: Lesson two: If you don't smooth the top off whilst still wet, sand off the filler very, very carefully when in proximity of point blades... Or they go ping... On the last trial, I'd encountered shrinkage which necessitated a re-plaster so this time I didn't smooth the top off when wet. Nothing 10 minutes with some grade 120 paper didn't f



The Gorton Mogul, Part 5

Back to the mogul for the final bits- lining and handrails are done!     Having waited a week for parts so I could do the lining as a transfer, I got frustrated with the method after about half an hour, and lined it out by hand with a paint pen and ruler.   On the other hand; my attempt at using fuse wire for the boiler handrail worked a treat. Unfortunately I found that the 15amp wire was too thick to fit through the handrail knobs, so had to use 5amp instead. This I think looks too

James Harrison

James Harrison

Nottingham 2014

A few photos from South Yard's day out at Nottingham. A good day out was had by all and it was nice to catch up with some 2mm friends for the day.   The layout worked well all day and I got lots of nice comments.   The new backscene being cut out from its surrounding card. In the end I went back to watercolour because I'm too new to Acrylic and things just weren't going in the right direction.   All packed up and ready to go. Very neat (not!).   The layout on show complete with pai



Motive Power Ramblings

I'm waiting on some whistles for 5726, so with a little time to spare I've been giving thought to what locomotive to detail next.   My original plans had been to recreate various scenes inspired by the works registers between 1954 and 1959, for an extra level of historical accuracy. However to recreate various time frames over the 5 year period would require a considerable amount of rolling stock... and time... and expense...   You'll probably think I'm insane adding this extra layer of c



4ft square layout

Hello All   I've done little apart from collecting stock and working on scenarios and routes for the simulator in the past three years, oh I've also moved twice and got married   Anyway I found myself picking up this months model rail as all my book are still in boxes and stumbled across an article on the 4ft square peco setrack layouts. I've been bitten by this article and a spark of enthusiasm seems to have returned, albeit with a cautious head. At the moment I've been researching track



Guidance please!

Forgive me for my ignorance as a fairly recent member of the RMWeb. I want to add '67B' to 'Jock' on my blogs and responses and hope that one of the more experienced can advise me, or at least point me to the correct area of the site to ask such a question? Did my engineering degree with a slide rule as is probably becoming obvious! Another point is that I don't know how posts are selected to show on the portal front page. Excuse the ignorance - I will persevere. Kind regards to all, Jock 67B.




Have been hard at it this week getting some of the big things sorted out as promised, and as with most things, has taken far longer than I expected. Started off fairly simply with doubling up the connections to the point motors. The plug in connectors are handy but just don't seem to hold the wires well enough, so have doubled up with a second wire to the soldered tags. I may be my own worse enemy here as eventually came to the conclusion that the wire weren't holding in because I had used too



Criss-Crossing the City

Evening all!   Having been taken off work for the time being in order to preserve my health, I thought that making use of the wonderful weather we were having today and taking time for my personal interests for starters might be a good start towards recovering dearly needed strength...     This set of Tatra T4D-M cars 2144, 2179 and NB4 trailer 909 got a broadside of morning sunlight at the Forsthaus stop, just prior to the 7 line's terminus at Böhlitz-Ehrenberg in the northwest of the ci

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Still just playing around on Two Short Planks

Dug out the Bachmann 3 car 108 DMU, it runs so smoothly I did a nice gentle pull out from North Quay terminus, platform 2. I have a key-fob video camera, but not enough light in the loft to get acceptable videos of cab rides into the tunnel. The result is more simple videos from the small digi camera.     I don't know if I ever told the story behind the layout being Two Short Planks. I started when I knew nothing and in model railway terms was as thick as two short planks. It was als



More recycling?

Keep finding more of my older models, seem a bit dated now when compared with those found on the RMWeb! Hmmmmm time to move it on a pace me thinks!   Grahame



Do I recycle or rebuild?

Found this whilst having a look through my old stuff, so, the question is ........."do I recycle or rebuild?". I want to up my game and whilst carrying on the research and building of Bath Spa I have that urge to rebuild a compact layout of Box Station so I can "play trains" .   Ironically I've just see a manufacturer has brought out a model of similar tunnel ! Hey oh, build my own at that price !!!



The D9, part 2

I've finally managed to get a few photographs of work so far.           Work carried out so far consists of the following:   1) All detail removed from the boiler and firebox.   2) A 3mm slit was then filed into the boiler barrel right in front of the firebox.   3) A 3mm fillet of a second 2P firebox was then inserted, and once the glue had set it was filled and sanded.   4) Model filler was used to fill the holes left behind when the boiler fittings were removed.   5) T

James Harrison

James Harrison

Colwyn Bay goes to Nottingham

After nearly 2 years of inactivity Colwyn Bay Goods has finally seen some progress! Not much, but progress none the less. The track weathering has started and all the baseboard wiring has been completed.   This weekend it will be on display at the Nottingham show on the 2mm Finescale Association stand as a work in progress.   http://www.nottingham-modelrailway.org.uk/exhibmain1.htm



5726 - Detailing progress

Before I get into the detailing progress, here's a little background on 5726. I chose this particular pannier as it was an Oswestry resident for 6 years, from 1953 until withdrawal and It was also quite rare for a 57xx to be on the books at Oswestry, being one of only 2 (the other being 5700). Covering this time span it will be suitable for a few scenario's when recreating scenes in the works diorama.   The majority of 89A allocated tanks were the smaller 16xx's employed tirelessly in


alanbuttler in DETAILING

Aye Aye Skipper!

At last - there is and end to the increasingly dreadful puns! The skips are finished and are just waiting for me to put the layout back together so they can have a little run. Quite remarkably, I even went as far as making some removable loads for them. I give you due warning -this is probably the most boring picture I have ever taken;     Yes, it is a piece of balsa with a small wood screw in it which you can't even see as I painted it black. Next (pretty boring), picture may show why;  



A small diversion...

I need to make sure locos of the same class run similarly under DCC and I had done some tuning in the past, but not written down the settings I had used. So it was time to go and do this!   So over the weekend I dragged my locos downstairs, set up the test track and started to play. Unfortunately one loco was in the box with the carriages. So this just had to happen:     This is a recent acquisition that came with sound (ahem). It had one a not very train sounding bleep. I sent it off t



Delph - Caprotti Black 5 - Update

Since my first post on this new loco, I've made some progress with the cylinders, lubricators and associated pipework. The Comet kit design incorporates the top part of the cylinders into the running plate etch with the cam boxes and reversing links mounted above. It is intended that the cylinders are attached to the chassis in the normal way. However, completed examples of the model I have seen have struggled to disguise the join line between the cylinders and cam boxes which does not exist in

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Tinsley Hump - A 10 hour Micro Challenge

I happened to mention to SWMBO that I might build a Tinsley Micro plank so that I could take pics of my Lima shunter to Class 13 conversion in an appropriate setting. This sparked off the inevitable debate about the amount of time I spend modelling. However, seeing how SWMBO spends her time in the evenings watching all of the soaps (television I point blank refuse to watch) I countered that the micro could be done in an equivalent amount of time over a week or so. We finally agreed a ten hour



Bit More on Trams at Westcott

A few more tram images before I move on to the railway and scenery side.   All trams (as is the whole layout) are DCC but without sound. They clank, whine and sway just like the real thing. Having been on several tram driving courses, there is a strict speed limit, especially over the points. The overhead wire is not powered but the poles do generally stay on the wire. Fabricating frogs for the wires is a challenge, as is point construction generally due to the tight radii. The track is O



My first blog

At the constant nagging of Paul Bambrick, I've succumbed to writing a blog about my 7mm finescale railway and tramway.   I've been quietly modelling O gauge for nearly 45 years, having joined the O Gauge Guild in the late 60's. Mostly family, work overseas and restoring old cars and airplanes has taken priority but it has not stopped me collecting an extensive range of first class models over the years, to play with in my retirement.   I am now reaching a point whereby my railway is looking



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    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
    • If only you'd brought some crossing timbers, we could have had them down too 🤣. It was a pleasure to be able to help!   All the best   Neil 
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