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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Shades of Green – Hornby Britannia R3094

I would say that the newly tooled Hornby Britannia is one of the best models of all time. I would buy one of the Diamond Jubilee sets that have been recently advertised. I already had a couple of ‘Britannias’ with the modified smoke deflectors. With R3094 there was the opportunity to acquire a model fitted with the original ‘dangerous deflectors’ with handrails. Hornby R3094 Diamond Jubilee Train Pack What is in the train pack? I can confirm that you get a model that is supposed to be repres

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

2FS GWR 4 & 6 Wheel Coaches - U4, T38 and Coupling

A little more progress on the Worsley Works coaches, the U4 Composite and T38 Brake Third are nearing construction completion. The T38 has been built as a 6 wheel example using one of David Eveleigh's 19'0" under frame etch kits. Once again the brake hangers were modified to make them look a little more like GWR ones, and the axle boxes have again been rounded off at the top to better resemble an Oil axle box. Rudimentary brake rigging has been added to both coaches from 0.3mm brass wire.  

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Some more photos from last nights running session- Rebuilt Scot on passenger working and locos on shed

Some pics from last nights running. The final one shows the locos stored in the fiddle yard, where they await their next turn   We also take a look at the locos being serviced at Hopguard shed- a standard 5MT, Stanier 5MT and an 8F await their next workings.   The 57xx is the station pilot and the Crab has brought in a suburban working. The 4F has brought a short freight, whilst the Class 24 has come from further afield with a lengthy mixed goods. The 4F will then take this as a pickup go



An unusual visitor

OK, a OO Black Five would not be unusual on many layouts but when the layout is 7mm narrow gauge I think it needs some explaining! You may remember the problems I was having with the Hunslet, well I finally came up with a way of testing the track out properly. Being Mothers day yesterday we had my in laws round which was quite convenient as my Father in Law has a rather nice DCC sound equipped Hornby Black Five. Now if something this size will run through, anything will! And guess what - it ran



Warnings are now optional

First things first, I've updated the information about this blog as I've just been using it to provide updates about the tool I've developed, it makes sense to keep it just for that. Secondly, I've updated the tool to allow warning pop ups to be turned off or on. By default they're on, this means if you choose to delete either the whole table or an individual result, you'll get a warning pop up. This is especially useful on tablets, for example, where it's very easy to catch a delete button whil



Qaurry Motive Power

This new blog (or rather a sub-blog of Ambridge) will detail the build of rolling-stock for the layout. Some of these have received mentions elsewhere - and where necessary, links will be provided. However, this is a new build..   i've always like little industrial locos, and about five years ago my ever-patient wife stumped up for a 'High Level' Hudswell-Clarke 0-40 as a birthday pressy.. As usual it went into the 'wundy box'.. However, 'Ambridge Quarry (AKA the 'Borchester Broadstone Com



Slightly Less Duff

Owners of Farish class 47s circa 2008-2010 will probably have read lots of words on RMWeb about the shortcomings of some batches of this loco. I am the proud (ahem) owner of one of those models - D1764 in two tone green with full yellow ends. This loco has been on the St Ruth roster since the 2010 Expo in Oxford and has, shall we say, never been a favourite with the operators, it being fiendishly difficult to get all 6 axles reliably on the track and seemingly having a remarkable ability to skip



Z21 - Dealing with the track plan....

OK, so after playing with the settings on the loco's to get more realistic running now it's time to turn my attention to the track plan, so I can control the points using the App.   I had taken a photo of the layout but it just was too vague and lead to confusion about which point was where. The problem being the contrast being too low to produce a clear picture!   So instead I've made a maximum sized drawing of the layout using a black marker pen on a piece of paper.     I know this is



Empire Mills: An Overview in Picutres

So we have the track for the permanent section of the layout, built on cartridge paper in two sections (as there are two baseboards). That was just before Christmas 2012. In late January or early February 2013 the baseboards arrived: The track laid down: And a train (with kindly loaned stock) running! The layout was exhibited in this state on the demonstration stand at Alexandra Palace 2013. Throughout the next nine months progress was slowly made, most notably the addition of the



Ally Pally 2014

At Ally Pally, Empire Mills operated with its china clay works option (to be fair, it’s the only option we have at the moment), using BR WR diesel hydraulics (a class 22, class 35, class 42 and class 52) and a solitary class 25 diesel-electric. I’m told (I wasn’t there – arrival of first born got in the way) that we didn’t disgrace ourselves. But for the next few week – if not months, there is a lot of work to do.   First we (I) need to persuade the Class 52 western to go round corners while



Empire Mills: the plan

Empire Mills - the final name for the layout 'collective' that is the MRC's EMpire project, has just finished its first outing as something rather more than the bare boards state it was seen at Ally Pally in 2013. For the 2014 Ally Pally bonanza we had scenery and buildings! Yes, I admit, it isn’t finished, but you should have seen the layout at Christmas – it’s come on in leaps and bounds (more in a later post).   Empire Mills is a shunting layout; it is the end of a freight only branch line



Me and my big mouth, or, how the MRC ended up with an EM gauge group project

It started, as so many things do which often fall under the category of 'it seemed like a good idea at the time', over a beer in the Model Railway Club's bar. At the time, I was involved with the MRC's American HO project 'Putnam' on the basis that they were a friendly crowd and used the same DCC system as I had purchased but not yet mastered. On the Thursday evening in question I was lamenting, in no particular order, the megalomania in railway modellers (apparently size really does matter to m



Two Southdown coaches and a Hants & Dorset coach

After a longish spell of not doing anything with the buses, concentrating more on the trains and layout building, I have resumed work on the Southdown pair I started a couple of years ago.   I painted the seat units today and touched up some of the body paint work. There is more to do but they are looking somewhat more complete, nearly ready for glazing. I find painting the seats rather tedious, particularly doing the antimacassars on coaches or the seat back handrails on buses.   The First



St Blasien Hbf

Introducing St Blasien - Part 1 This all started in 1997 when I went to visit a friend who was at university in Germany. Rather than fly, I decided to go by train, via Eurostar to Brussels and then the famous 'Ost-West Express' on to Cologne. When that international train formed of Polish, German and even Russian coaches (complete with enormous-hatted Russian army officers in one compartment) pulled in it was like being in a spy film - I was hooked. The year after I spent two happy months Inte



A few changes and some more pictures- Harton nears completion :)

Hello,   I have been working hard on the scenic areas of the layout and have been working on the approach to Harton Station. I just need to add soem more cars, a bus stop and a bus shelter and then tidy up the detailing, but I think it looks alot better! See my Youtube for more layout running and updates !!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVydhlKWGKw     So the pics- theres the updated station front, using a Scale scenes medium station (still need to build the gents), then some shots



Station building building

Things have been slowly progressing at Buckden, but I've been very bad at finishing anything! So here are a few work in progress shots. I've got the station building just about ready for painting, which I think will be done with acrylics once it gets a blast of car undecoat. I've used plasticard, faced with Wills textured plastic cladding. For the main brickwork I actually used flexible brick arch sheets, as I like that the mortar isn't so deep as their normal sheets. Windows were done in micros



14xx and auto-trailer

Bit of a cheat this, since the loco doesn't currently have a decoder, but I'll aim to get that sorted before too long. The 14xx, as I've mentioned before, is the Hornby version of the venerable Airfix model, with the addition of the Mainly Trains detailing pack, and the trailer is an original Airfix one with the Dart Castings detail treatment. It was painted in "faded crimson" then given flush glazing via SE Finecast. I weathered it according to a photo in one of the colour albums, of an auto-tr

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Quick update

First meeting date for April has been amended to the 17th       The last meeting involved Martin tweeking stock ready for http://2mm.org.uk/layouts/haverhill/index.html next outing on the 5th in Canterbury http://www.canterburysa.co.uk/event/model-railway-exhibition/   meanwhile the shunting plank is now fully wired and next meeting scenic work can commence    



Biggest Train Set Ever!

I have spent (a rather exhausting day), at the biggest train set I have ever seen! Well that is what it seemed like. My first visit to the Statfold barn Railway seems to have left quite an impression on me. I don't think I can really describe it adequately at this time of night so do look it up but basically it is a collection of immaculately restored narrow gauge locos (with some real gems waiting to be restored), running very intensively on a fiendishly clever track layout. Why clever? It is t



A rollercoaster ride!

It has been a few weeks since I posted an update about the Weston 2014 event. It has definitely been a busy time. The show has started to take shape with a number of RMWeb users set to attend. "Up the Line", "Wheelock Mill" and "Werrington Road" will all be representing this website at the event in November. A further RMWeb layout could be confirmed within the next few days. I also have one or two other layouts on the "probable" list that just need final confirmation and I hope to do this soon.



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    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
    • If only you'd brought some crossing timbers, we could have had them down too 🤣. It was a pleasure to be able to help!   All the best   Neil 
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