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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Wiring and associated gubbins!

I tend to find wiring a layout one of the more tedious aspects of railway modelling, a job that "needs" to be done rather than enjoyed! On this occasion however it all seemed relatively painless and didn't take as long as I had feared. I'm still undecided about the merits of DCC, it all seems a bit too much like computer programming rather than playing trains for my liking! I do like the idea of sound in my locos though, so I may have to overcome my prejudices and embrace digital control at some



First foray into metal kits and 0 gauge - Part 2

I had the chance to spend some more time yesterday evening playing with the soldering iron. I managed to get the the reinforcing plates on the ramps in place, which actually proved a bit more tricky than I though they would. I suspect my soldering iron tip could do with a bit of attention. It's not of the best quality so I think it hasn't lasted too well. I'll have a good look at it tonight and see if it needs a bit of attention with a file to tidy it up a bit. I also got the side supports on, w



Baldwin now 92% finished and 98% running well.

A very , very busy week so nothing more on the barn but did manage a play with the Baldwin. The more attentive amongst you will have noticed a subtle change in the ECI (Estimated Completion Index).   As I have not yet acquired that inspection camera I resorted to a sheet of glass and found that on close inspection the chassis was rocking badly . Well, I knew it was straight and level when I built it so what has gone wrong? Pushing the pony truck off the glass settled it as the six wheels of th



Wagons roll

It’s great when the modelling Muse strikes when you least expect it and leads you down tracks you had forgotten, or were unaware of…   Very early on a rainy Bank Holiday morning, the weather having put paid to my carefully-crafted plans for the day, I sit down at the workbench with a strong coffee and start idly browsing through my project boxes. My hand falls on the box containing my “cripple siding” - failures and abandoned projects.   The Iron Ore tippler wagon catches my eye. It’s one



slowly slowly or building bridges

track laying has recommenced. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but following an expansion problem and an experimental track fixing method I lifted all the track on my layout and decided to start again.   This time 4mm cork underlay has been glued down with copious amounts of undiluted PVA glue. On top of this the track plan has been pasted. It was printed out on heavy duty printer paper and then pasted down with wallpaper paste. This should ensure that the track is in the right place



A return to base and a lifting experience

The snake has been formed and it almost eats it's own tail, the siding has been laid together with the passing loop in the upper station, so far so good!   As an aide against ballasting mistake I have decided to paint the cork grey, on the snakey part: no problem, in the lower station: big problem!   When I started I bought a large pile of cork tiles (as used for flooring), never again! These tiles have been impregnated so that they can be used in places like kitchens (don't ask)...   I ha



Fiddle yard progress on the Bakewell project

The progress on my boards has somewhat slowed as of late. The cork is now stuck onto the fiddle yard boards and the copper clad strips laid on the ends ready for the rails to be soldered. I visited the Railex Show at Aylesbury over the weekend and was impressed by the quality of the layouts and traders at the Show. I got some good advice from the C&L stand and have decided to have a go at making my own track. I know that this is a tall order but realism is the key. I have already had a go

Black 5

Black 5

Yet another project

Hello.   As if I need another project, I already have this...     ...which I now have the bits to finish thanks to a shopping spree at Railex. I also have this...     ....which I keep on adding brackets, rods, and cranks to. I now also have this...     ...which is project number three on my workbench. I dont like multiple projects on the go at any one time but I have made an exception to the last one. Its been the 'holy grail' for me for a while now.   Julia  




I now have this back on the bench, I have the tender frames painted ready for rewheeling etc.       I also have managed a little on the body. I did run the RSU and new flux over all the joints to make sure they were OK after using not so good syuff so far on the build.   The kit has cast corners which I must say are a nice idea, except the cut is to big or they are to short. For some reason they also have the beading attached so it eill either need filin


N15class in GWR 63XX MOGUL

First foray into metal kits and 0 gauge

After enjoying myself putting together a few 00 Parkside kits over the last year or so I decided to have a go at 0 gauge. I was going to get a Parkside one at first but decided to just jump straight into an etched kit, although I wasn't entirely foolhardy and choose one of connoisseur models starter kits, the LNER Lowmac. I've spent the last few weeks acquiring various supplies (the kit, wheels, flux and solder etc.) and started on it yesterday afternoon. I spent a few hours riveting and folding



LYP - Custard dip

A lot of tidying up to do yet and I need to sort the transfers out but it looks like it may make it out for a play next weekend.  

Andy Y

Andy Y

Signalling Sproston

Have had a very trying week, attempting to install two Ratio lower quadrant (cat:460/1) signals as the platform starters at Sproston, - and then getting them to work... To say they were fiddly would be an understatement, the instructions were very poor and towards the end I was almost tempted to replace one with a strictly unprototypical - but nevertheless working colourlight!! However after dogged perseverance,and some very choice expletives,( and lots of tea..) success, although I di




I have since moving to the new workshop want a storage cupboard, a stationary type but better. After searching and having no luck we found a guy to do SWMBO dressing table. He was willing to do my unit. So he made mine first so we could see the quality before spending loads on the dresser.   Well it has arrived and is fine so he has the next phase to do now. Having the cupboard ment I had to do the tidying of the work shop. There is actually mor space than needed. So I informed she who must be



Duncan's Buffalo

Now this really is Duncan's fault. I was handed a part built Alan Gibson Buffalo pannier tank kit and told to get on with it. I looked it over briefly and it looked ok in most respects at a quick glance. This kit had been set aside do to life getting in the way rather than encountering a major problem, so it should be straight forward to finish it, or so I thought.   I started with the brakes. They were already assembled, so I put them in position, fitted the pull rods and soldered everything



A couple of Pacifics!

I have only weathered 1 A4 before so this was a welcome change to the LM locos I have been weathering recently. This is a Hornby A4 in BR Green - Merlin and I am very impressed by the quality of this model,     and a close up of this shed cleaned loco     And to balance the A4 a Red Stanier Princess - this one is Margaret Rose built by Mike Edge and painted by Graham Varley and again a shed cleaned loco.   I have fitted a Zimo sound chip to this as well as weathering it..     e

Barry O

Barry O

More dumb buffers

Continuing from this post, I've made lots of progress on these wagons, they're almost done. I received some quite helpful advice from the original designer of the kits. The etched floor is a newer addition to the kit and explains why I have been having so much trouble with it. A suggestion of single brakes was met with enthusiasm by me and promptly fitted to the three wagons without brakes. I decided to invent a coal merchant and name it after a friend so I hand lettered all the wagons for C. S




I've reserved an area behind the main platform for an allotment, a feature I've always enjoyed modelling and seeing done on other layouts. For this one, I had a bigger space than usual, a long, narrow strip, but which is on rising ground and partially hidden behind the signal box, goods shed and so on, depending on viewing angle.   I prepared the basic area using foam, followed by plaster and a layer of texturing paint to simulate soil. In the past I've achieved the effect of vegetables and so

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

An update

Just an update on my circumstances. I can’t get my point control desk to work properly. When mounted for the first time, after everything appeared to work O.K, I discovered that one turnout wasn’t working. This was due to a faulty contact between the capacitor and the point motor, easily solved by tightening up the screw. Then I discovered that another two motors weren’t working. Here it turned out that the fault was inside the box and there was no alternative than to undo all the connections, o



The 48XX Project

Yesterday I received the 14XX chassis kit from Comet. So now I have two Airfix 14XX locos and one chassis. The scope of the project is to make one locomotive bearing a pre-1946 GWR number in the 48XX series.Here are the two locos and the Comet kit:     The recently purchased GWR 14XX is in reasonable condition but not complete:     The original BR 14XX I purchased new many years ago with front buffer beam damage and many bits missing:     The Comet kit includes motor, gearbox, whe



Delph - Something different

I'm having a weekend away frome the layout and thoughts of further ballasting! Yesterday, I got fairly damp helping spruce up 35006, P&O (304.8 mm/ft scale) ready for the GWR Gala, where it's on display out in the car park (on the loading/unloading track, not the tarmac!). The weather wasn't too kind to say the least. My main job was cleaning up the valve gear and coupling rods and blessing them with Shell Ensis de-watering oil. Hope it worked - I'll find out tomorrow when I'm on footplate

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

First entry (back again)

After many years of modelling the GWR, included a few years trailing 'Drefach Felindre' around the exhibition circuit and wallowing in the glory of having it published in 'Model Rail’ back in those dark days of the new millennium (2000). I started to build another layout to show based on West Wales, however, circumstances curtailed this venture. The beautiful boards that had been built (not by me) along with a some track work were consigned to the landfill. I could not exhibit myself any longer(

Pete M

Pete M

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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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