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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Every Inch helps!

For all of those who are fans of old measurements, let it be known that the metric system was standardised before Imperial measures!   Just a tidbit of information and a lesson in measuring...   Last night when I measuring the width for the strips of plasticard, I used a metric ruler upstairs but then flipped it over and used the imperial side on the reverse to make out the cutting line on the plasticard. So I measured 2.5 cm on one side and then translated that into 1"...   So it didn't



December 1952

M 1 8/30-4.30 Wboro – Bedford 48180, LE Bedford – Wboro 48180 Tu 2 8/30-5.15 Wboro – Bedford 48627, Bedford – Wboro 48627 W 3 8/30-4.15 Wboro – Bedford 44575, Luton – Wboro 44575 Th 4 8/30-7.25 Wboro – Leicester 43957, LE Leicester – Kettering 48473 F 5 8/30-5.30 Wboro – Bedford 48180, Bedford – Wboro 48180 Sa 6 9/36-4.0 Wboro – Higham 41277 Su 7 Off M 8 8.35-8/0 Lloyds – Market Harboro 48627 Tu 9 Rest Day W 10 8.



Playing Trains (Its Not My Fault - Andy Made Me Do It.)

Well if you read the Blogs by AndyRam you will see that the WESTON 2014 exhibition he is organising is shaping up to be the Model Railway event of the year, miss it and miss out (I think I have missed my calling in publicity ), the only thing that may put a damper on things is that Foster Street is booked to attend.   So in an attempt to break my record for the most consecutive days without gluing my fingers together I thought I would spend a little time working out what trains should fill the




I seem to be getting on well with this now. There is a bit of cusp filing as some of the etches are nice and thick.   We ill start by showing the tender in its primer. It is now awaiting the loco for its top coats.     Now on with the frames. I had done a little work to these some time ago. But my methods have changed and I thought I ought to bring this one upto speed. I have made the cylinders and motion brackets removeable, mainly because the lea


N15class in GWR 63XX MOGUL

November 1952

Sa 1 Rest Day Su 2 Off M 3 8/33-5.45 Toton – Wboro 48374 Tu 4 8/33-4.33 Toton – Wboro 47974 W 5 8/33-5.45 Toton – Wboro 48359 Th 6 8/0-5.35 Wboro – Brent 48062, Brent – Brunswick 48270 F 7 8/0-4.30 Wboro – Brent 48363, Brent – Brunswick 42768 Sa 8 8/0-4.15 Wboro – Brent 48364, Brent – Wboro 48678 Su 9 Off M 10 4.0-1/50 Wboro – Birmingham 48385 Tu 11 4.0-1/50 Wboro – Brimingham 48265 W 12 4.0-3/50 Wboro – Bi




A quick snap of the PH Designs fencing installed. I intend to fashion a padlock and chain to dangle from one of the gates and maybe a cat creeping through the open gate?     The Network Rail van is a very cut down modelrailwayscenery.com delivery van with the logo changed in Acrobat. It's not fixed in place yet as I'm waiting until the station buildings are in place for final positioning.   Next steps will be adding some undergrowth and blending in of the scenics. Must order the platform



October 1952

W 1 6/24-4/30 Toton – Brent 48202 Th 2 6/24-3/50 Brent – Toton 48201 F 3 Rest Day Sa 4 12.15-10.15 Wboro – Debry 48334 Su 5 2.57-12/35 LE Brent – Wboro 48183 M 6 9/20-5.20 Relief 48035 Tu 7 9/20-5.20 Relief 44101 W 8 9/20-5.20 Relief 48006 Th 9 9/50-9.20 Wboro – Brent 48305 F 10 9/50-8.50 Wboro – Brent 47982 Sa 11 9/50-8.30 Wboro – Brent 47982, LE Brent – Wboro 47982 Su 12 Off M 13 8.0-4/0



September 1952

M 1 2.30-12/50 Brent – Wboro 48359 Tu 2 2.40-10/55 Relief 48100, 48364 W 3 Rest Day Th 4 2.40-11.40 Toton – Brent 48367, Brent – Nottingham 48541 F 5 2.40-10.40 Toton – Brent 48219, Brent – Nottingham 44029 Sa 6 2.40-11.50 Toton – Brent 48463, Brent – Wboro 48163 Su 7 Off M 8 7/35-3.0 Neilsons X 47264 Tu 9 10.10-6/15 Neilsons X 47265 W 10 10.10-6/15 Neilsons X 47333 Th 11 10.10-6/15 Neilsons X



Let's Get Physical

No I am not about to enter a phase as an Olivia Newton John fan.   What has been going on hereabouts is quite a lot of time spent staring at a computer screen doing what might be called Virtual Modelling. The intention is that this work will (one day) be turned into actual vehicles but there is still some way to go before then.   Having recently finished a prolonged stint producing decal artwork (somehow these things always appear to be a lot less work at the beginning) I decided to spend a



Distractions! Oh distractions....

Given the good progress over the last few weeks, things kind of took a bit of break over the last week. A visit looming of a modelling friend with entire family meant getting the house in order before the weekend and not during...   Anyway, tonight it was back to it with the washing machine running in the background. Just some simple jobs tonight, the first one painting the baseboard in a piece that will be in the tunnel. That's now black to make sure the tunnel looks like a proper tunnel:  



Foster Street - the Blog Disaster

Some of you may have noticed that my blog entries had vanished from here, and I'm sure many of you are still sighing with relief. In one of my "blonde" moments I decided that I would delete some photographs from my gallery on here, my OCD tendency was satisfied and I was content with a job well done   Well that was until I noticed that the pictures had strangely vanished from my blog entries, yes I know its obvious now, but it was not at the time, but even more mysteriously the pictures are s



Emergency Platforms

Having removed a sizable portion of scenery yesterday I was informed this morning that the BBC would be filming something in the club later this week and could I please position some stock on the layout. I've spent my afternoon at the club making both the new loading dock and the platform on the large clay dry presentable.   The foamboard we had cut to rough shape was used as a base. All of this will have to be redone properly in the future so I wanted to make disassembly easy. I used double s



Hornby Hobbies online and 7036 Taunton Castle – and the rear sandbox.

There has been some correspondence of late about Hornby Hobbies online shop on eBay. Certainly their prices can be enticing and in some cases the longer you wait the lower the asking price. Never mind I would investigate further and I bought R2986 “A Date with the Duchy”. It was cheap because 'the packaging was damaged’ and the whole set was on offer for less than you might expect to pay just for the engine. “A Date with the Duchy” set number two. The set arrived very well packed. However w

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

August 1952

F 1 7/30-3/30 Shed Sa 2 6.0-2/0 Shed Su 3 Off M 4 6.55-3/0 Wboro – Toton 48194 Tu 5 5.10-1/10 Relief 48269, 47990, 47636 W 6 5.45-11.55 Wboro – Toton (lodge) 48492 Th 7 11/30-7.30 Toton – Wboro 48668 F 8 11.50-3/50 Trips 44753 Sa 9 Rest Day Su 10 7.5-6/25 Ballast Oakham 48533, 48183 M 11 8/53-4.50 Wboro – Brent 48418, Brent – Corby 48143 Tu 12 8/53-5.25 Wboro – Brent 48370, Brent – Corby 48386 W 13 8



Empire Mills: the new loading dock

Gareth has been pointing out for a while that a loading dock was a good idea. I had been resisting this on the grounds I didn't think one was needed what with two china clay dries on the layout. However, Gareth unfairly used both logic and prototype knowledge to undermine my case for glorious inactivity.   He noted that post WW1 sack traffic if moved by closed van (as was wont to happen in the BR period) couldn't be loaded as the dries platforms would be too high to allow the doors to on many



Faverhsam Model Railway Show at the Shepherd Neame Brewery

Last Saturday, I made the (fairly long) train journey from home village in Lincolnshire to Faversham. The trip was made more interesting due to the engineering works just outside the Cross, which meant my incoming HST was the first into the station that morning, which meant scenes like this:       Despite an empty station with no trains on the main line or suburban sides (even the 'rescue' Class 67 was missing), the concourse was still quite busy:     Anyway, onward to St Pancras to

Dicky W

Dicky W

July 1952

Tu 1 1/50-6.15 Wboro – Brent 47982, Brent – Kirby 48073 W 2 9/50-6.30 B’ham – London 42900, Brent – Kirby 48273 Th 3 9/20-5.20 Relief F 4 9/20-5.20 Relief Sa 5 10/20-5.10 Relief Su 6 Off M 7 Rest Day Tu 8 12.15-10.10 Wboro – Staveley 48222 W 9 12.15-10.10 Wboro – Staveley 47980 Th 10 12.15-9.15 Wboro – Brent 47982, Brent – Wboro 48541 F 11 12.15-8.40 Wboro – Brent 48069, Brent – Wboro 48109 Sa 12 12.15-9.30 Wboro –



June 1952

Su 1 Off M 2 BO Tu 3 9/36-8.35 Toton – Wboro 43923 W 4 9/36-6.35 Toton – Wboro 43367 Th 5 9/36-7.50 Toton – Wboro 43910 F 6 9/36-8.40 Toton – Wboro 43923 Sa 7 8/57-4.10 Breakdown, Down Sidings 48221 Su 8 Off M 9 2.30-10.30 Wboro – Brent 48305, Brent – Wboro 48062 Tu 10 2.40-11.50 Brent – Toton 48490, Derby – Wboro 48131 W 11 Rest Day Th 12 3.10-11.0 Relief



Barn pretty much finished

The barn is pretty much finished now with the field kitchen installed and a few figures dotted about. I still need to add a bit more rubble and weeds but think I will do this all in one go to get a consistent look. Talking of a consistent look though, I am a bit worried that the last couple of things I have done are far better than the buildings I made only 6 months ago! Not that I am going to replace them or anything but I am glad the old ones are at the back.   Am just about to embark on a n



May 1952

Th 1 Holiday F 2 Holiday Sa 3 Holiday Su 4 Holiday M 5 Holiday Tu 6 Holiday W 7 Holiday Th 8 Holiday F 9 Holiday Sa 10 Holiday Su 11 Holiday M 12 7.50-3/50 Wboro – Brent 48695 Tu 13 4.30-12/30 Disposing W 14 4.30-12/30 Disposing Th 15 4.30-12/30 Disposing F 16 4.30-12/30 Disposing Sa 17 Rest Day Su 18 7.15-1/45 LE Bedford 47976 M



April 1952

Tu 1 12.20-8.40 Wboro – Derby 48619 W 2 12.20-8.20 Wboro Lloyds 48704, Kettering – Glendon 48752 Th 3 12.20-8.45 Wboro – Derby 48192 F 4 12.20-8.40 Wboro – Derby 44177 Sa 5 Rest Day Su 6 Off M 7 9/50-6.40 Wboro – Brent 47994, Brent – Kirby 48303 Tu 8 9/50-8.0 Wboro – Brent 47994, Brent – Kirby 48081 W 9 9/50-6.35 Wboro – Brent 47974, Brent – Kirby 48607 Th 10 9/20



Kirk Coupe Composite (1)

The last week or so I've been working on a Kirk kit for a Great Northern 7 1/2 compartment coupe composite.       Clearly there's a lot still to do but I'm pleased with how it is turning out. I've got it running on Bachmann Thompson bogies (and, typically, now that I'm looking to get some more for another pair of Kirk kits they've sold out everywhere....)

James Harrison

James Harrison

Cambrian Sturgeon A, almost completed first wagon

After a bit of a gap, I have now added the door bumpers for the second side of the Cambrian Kits Sturgeon A. After I finish this one, I have to repeat the whole process for the second wagon!         The lighting was poor so I turned the flash on on the phone camera for the first two shots. None are ideal but they'll do for now, to show progress.



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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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