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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

March 1953

Su 1 Off M 2 7.50-6/50 Toton – Wboro 48198 Tu 3 9.30-7/50 Wboro – Brent 48371, Brent – Wboro 48192 W 4 Rest Day Th 5 9.30-6/15 Wboro – Brent 47982, Brent – Wboro 48699 F 6 9.30-8/50 Wboro – Brent 44414, Brent – Wboro 48671 Sa 7 9.30-6/25 Wboro – Brent 47967, Brent – Wboro 48371 Su 8 4/40-1.40 Wboro – Brent 48625 M 9 8/53-9.50 Wboro – Brent 48371, Brent – Corby 48533 Tu 10 9/15-5.15 Relief W 11 8/53



LSWR 10 ton sliding door van

The LSWR was the biggest of the GWR's neighbours at Farthing, so I thought I'd better make myself some stock from that company for my 1900s goods depot. Last night I finished my LSWR sliding door van, to SR diagram 1410, built from the David Geen whitemetal kit.         Above is the kit assembled as it comes. Having done that, I realized that a couple of details didn’t match the photos and drawings in my newly acquired “Illustrated History of Southern Wagons, Vol 1



Getting nearer to a workable layout

Hi all! As mentioned in a previous post I replaced my 14 Vac point motor control for 12 Vdc and purchased a new controller to replace the old Piko start kit. This meant that the 14V transformer became available to power the new controller. Since, as can be seen from the enclosed images, the transformer is relatively large and was previously mounted on the baseboard, I decided that I did not want either the transformer or the controller to be permanently attached to the baseboard. So, I installe



Kirk Coupe Composite (2)

I'm quite pleased with how this model has turned out:       I found that I had some small difficulty with the floor and the sides having warped slightly, however the majority of this eased back out once I had started building (I think there is a crack along the joint between the body and the solebars which is a result of this, but that's not exactly visible unless you go looking for it).   The whole model was pretty much built as-per the instructions; I swapped out the kit bogies for

James Harrison

James Harrison

Odds and ends

No real progress on the 850 recently, but I have a few part finished (as always) projects.   First up is an Iron Mink. This is the ABS whitemetal kit. There are a few things I've changed though. I wanted to model one of the earlier built ones with grease axleboxes rather than the oil ones fitted to the kit. This presented a slight problem in that the w-irons and axleboxes were integral to each other. In the end I removed all of it and fitted Comet etched w-irons and MJT axleboxes. Everythin



Kings Cross Beginning

Well I have made a start on the Kings cross end of the railway. I have managed to. Get my hands on 8 sections of Hornby's platform 9 3/4 arches, as released in the R8204 & R8240 station packs, and these have been glued together. Pics will follow. I'm planning on moulding another unit to double it's current length and then the construction of the baseboard for that module can begin.



Slight Digression - an earlier chassis

I found a set of photos I took when building an 08 chassis a few years ago. These predate the 2mm Scale Association kit for the 08 shunter and the chassis is now sitting under an original Farish body, with all its inaccuracies. My aim was to see how a triple stage high reduction chassis might turn out. Quite well as it happens. This isn't a complete build sequence but hopefully 2mm people might find the photos informative.   The starting point was a set of 9mm loco wheels which had fai


2mmMark in Loco construction

Good Weather - Means working on Castell Mawr

Never enough time, never enough space ............ Since moving in December I've not done much on the planned big layout Castell Mawr. It's too big to work on more than one board at a time, frequently needing 2 or 3 joined together to visualise what I want ..... and work out how to do it !! The recent few rain free days have had me getting some work done, before we're away to the holiday caravan by the coast.   Firstly 3 boards were put together, interesting that the bungalow is on a stee



The wagon and carriage shop - V6s, O4s and others

Here are some snaps from the latest outpourings from the Wagon and carriage workshop (or workbench...).   First are a pair of GWR V6 iron minks. They are Ratio kits, but the very dirty 37508 has grease axleboxes while the reasonably recently out-shopped 69721 has oil 'OK' axleboxes. Both are in the GWR 25" lettering for the period after 1904. Its my intention to build at least another three - 2 in the pre-1904 G. W. R livery, again with oil and grease axles boxes photographic or documentary ev



Metrolink Primer job

The Metrolink has now had several coats of primer with rub downs and fills in between     I have used a regular "rattle can" car primer and also a High Build primer in some areas, hence the slight two tone appearance.      



Is it a cafe or a shop?

Well, doesn't really matter I guess as it certainly won't be trading on my railway but will be a nice building anyway and am using some new (to me !) techniques here.   I must admit that measuring out and drawing are not my favorite things so I didn't do any! i just straightened up the photo I was using as a reference in Photoshop, scaled it to the right size and printed it off on paper. I then Pritt stickered it onto the foam board and just cut around the outline. Then did the same thing for



Old and Knackered

With the house move still hanging in the air, it seems pointless to do any more work on the layout. Hopefully soon I will be taking it apart to go to its new home.   So my attentions have turned to rolling stock. This entry deals with two old Triang clerestories.     The livery is plain, poor and wrong. The actual model is freelance too, but we'll overlook that. I bought the coaches to be part of a workman's train, so I decided to backdate them and distress them. Rather than spray prime t

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

February 1953

Su 1 Off M 2 6.24-2/45 Toton – Brent 48182 Tu 3 6.24-5/30 Glasgow – Brent 42759 W 4 6.24-4/50 Toton – Brent 48096 Th 5 6.24-3/0 Brent – Kirby 48096 F 6 Rest Day Sa 7 1.15-9.50 Kettering Trips 43531 Su 8 12.20-8.20 Empty Wagon Sidings 47446 M 9 Sick Tu 10 Sick W 11 9/20-6.40 LE Kettering 48024 Th 12 9/50-8.35 Wboro – Brent 48364, Brent – Kirby 48193 F 13 9/50-9.30 Wboro – Brent 47895, Brent –



Foster Street - Weathering Stock (Part 1)

While work on Foster Street progresses, I needed another little task that was not directly linked to the layout, I basically needed a change, so I decided to turn my attention to weathering some of the stock to be used on the layout.   Prompted by a comment that my milk tankers seen in a previous blog where far too clean, I set out to do something about it, and I thought some of you may be interested to see how I do it?   I do not have an airbrush, so all of my weathering is done with old f



Modbury - Baseboards (3) - Complete

Last week I managed to complete the second traintable for Modbury (the Exeter end one). Over the last couple of days I have painted the baseboards so that I am now in a position to actually start laying the track (although that will have to wait for a few days as I want to get my third 4 wheel coach complete ready for the 2mm Association event at Kidderminster on the 21st.   Below are a few images of the progress to date - I have placed the templet plan on the baseboards and positioned some st

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Foster Street - (Goods Yard - progress)

The Goods yard area of Foster Street, seems to have taken up a large amount of the time I have spent so far on the layout, which surprised me a little as it only comprises of three sidings.   Still there are a few tasks yet to finish, including the main one of adding some weathering to the area and a few more little people to populate the area, the Goods Warehouse has been built so that it can be easily removed, to allow me to get to any stock lost in its depths. I still have a few additions t



Planning a new layout

Hi guys,   I'm planning making an N gauge layout based on swanage railway, due to space it may not be a full line at the moment but I'm interested in your thoughts on the DC or DCC argument,   Please let me know your thoughts   Cheers,   T



January 1953

Th 1 5/44-1.45 Derby – Lloyds 44545, LE Kettering – Wboro 48338 F 2 5/44-1.44 Derby – Lloyds 44031 Sa 3 2/12-10/0 Toton – Wboro 43943 Su 4 Off M 5 Rest Day Tu 6 11.0-7/0 Relief 48627, 48614 W 7 11.0-7/30 London – Manchester 41051 Th 8 11.0-6/30 Relief 48698, 48212 F 9 10.42-9/10 Wboro – Brent 48082 Sa 10 10.42-7/5 Wboro – Brent 48695, Brent – Wboro 48075 Su 11 9.15-5/15 Ballast Irchest



Bridge Construction part I

Before I can finalise the height of the backscene at the point where it curves around the front of the layout, I need to work out the contour of the landscape in this area. During the planning stage of the layout http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1131/entry-9648-mock-up-completed/, I decided to have a twin arch road bridge that would act as a view blocker between the off stage area and the main layout. The height of this bridge will dictate the profile of the land around it, so be



Tinsley Special, 13 003 Part 2

Evening, just a little update on progress on the 13 for tonight. Would have been further on but i spent Sunday over at the KWVR for their diesel gala, very enjoyable day and reasonablt priced ale on the trains!   Anyway, last nights work was building some replacement steps at teh front and r/h cab, pretty straight forward job with some styrene and liquid poly, reslly helps to make it look like an 08/13 again now they is something there again. They arnt perfect but im hoping once they are paint



Making a Scene!

A back scene of course! Have been firmly wedded to the computer for the last couple of days doing proper work but this did mean that I had my big super fast PC fired up so was able to play with the backdrop when I got bored of PhotoShopping product photos.   I used as a basis a panorama I took near Arras last week but had to stitch it together by hand as all automated attempts were just rubbish. I overlayed onto this a cruelly enlarged original WW1 picture that I had tinted for the remains of



Tracing the branch line online

I have access to both Google and Apple mapping apps so it is always worth a look to see what remains of a branch line that ceased to exist a looooong time ago!   Sometimes the line is easily recognized as two rows of overgrown hedges. Sometimes the line disappears across a ploughed field. The worst case is when a housing development completely eradicates history, as in Shipston-on-Stour.   It is also interesting to see the old crossing cottages, sold off 40 years ago or more. In one case the



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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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