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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Varieties 1-9 - The basics

There's a footbridge that I sometimes use for train photos in Rotherham, just at the end of a cul-de-sac called Primrose Hill. The name's probably the prettiest part of the picture, being located between the glass works, the fluorine-based chemical works and the recycling yard.   On the plus side, it's got a wide view of the railway, with a curve and a handy signal (for the junction at Masborough) at one end:   ...and visibility for a couple of miles towards Aldwarke (on a good day):



20th July 2014 - Fitting a Mashima MH1015 motor to a Farish Class 66

Well its being a rainy day, so thought its a good time to see if a Mashima MH1015 motor will fit in a Farish 66. I've found the slow speed performance of the first production batch of Farish Class 66s (EWS 66 135 / Freightliner 66 610 / GBRf 66 701) woeful.   Now considering the circuit board PCB is the same revision as the second batch locos (I have GBRf Medite 66 709), and the slow speed performance is much better lead me to thinking the motor is the issue. Also I have noted on this

Board 3 makes it public debut.

After much feverish activity Grime Street board 3 made its public debut yesterday at the Festival of Tramway Modelling in Manchester, despite all the recent activity it's not quite finished but nearly there had to be good enough.   The Magnorail cyclist performed faultlessly all day, even though I've still not got round to painting the figure yet, seemingly more interesting than the rest of the layout put together!   Faller car system needs a little work yet but in general will be ok.   An

Red Devil

Red Devil

Rolling like a rolly thing

Hello again   2 posts in as many weeks, this is unprecedented! I seem to be on a bit of a roll with the layout right now, I dont know why and it is a bit weird but I am not going to stop myself if its working. Weekends are good, they mean I have an opportunity to spend a little more time on things I enjoy doing and although the weather has been a pain I have still managed to get a few bits done...     While the station board is out it seemed to make sense and carry on working on i




Work progresses slowly- however it does look more like a loco now...       There's nothing here that I've not done and described before when it comes to the bodywork- various thicknesses and profiles of plastic sheet and strip have been used to alter the body from the donor model.   I'm working on how I can secure the body to the chssis more securely at the moment- and also pondering what exactly might be done to get the driving wheels to turn with less resistance. Proper bearings m

James Harrison

James Harrison

All mouth and trousers, part the second...

Otherwise, just to prove I'm not sitting on my thumbs, here's a selection of those that have made it some way off the bench so far...     An 'almost there' Alan Gibson J15 set to look,as it was running in early 1962 (aha! spot the deliberate mistake...). Not much to report beyond it being a straightforward, if rather dated, kit to build - but until Hornby started making wild promises this was all we had short of Stephen Poole/NuCast or a flailing fretsaw. The chassis are in the workshop cur




We are slowly getting there, progress has been slow because a lot of other things getting in the way. I also had to do my psychological test to get my driving license. Although in Portuguese it was not too bad. The trouble is it is a copy of my British one although I only car and motorbike, they wanted to put the bus and lorry parts there to which meant more tests, but no driving exam.   The chassis is almost back together I need to do some more work to get the pony to swing nicely. I


N15class in GWR 63XX MOGUL

Can we take our work outside Miss?

It was far too flippin' hot to work in the loft/workshop/man cave today, so this evening I decamped to the patio to get the last three footboards folded up for the Slater's coach     And jolly successful it was too, all folded up, but I ran out of light before the axlebox cut-aways were filed in the final lower board. A job for tomrrow



Bristol Barrow Road - 20ft WorkshopTurntable Update

Since my last entry I have made the majority of the track situated at the rear of the roundhouse. This trackwork is quite interesting as it not only links the two 20ft turntables but gives access to the workshop at 90deg to the turntables. Two spurs off turntable 4 run alongside the boiler house and were used for storage of withdrawn engines [Pugs 51218 & 51217 together with Johnson 3F 43444 are known to have been on these tracks]. Turntable 2 gives access to the water softening plant [ wago



The train arriving – Bachmann Porthole Coaches

My first Bachmann Portholes have been unpacked and are installed on the layout, topped and tailed with a pair of Hornby Stanier brakes. Bachmann Portholes topped and tailed with Hornby Stanier brake coaches My first impressions were very positive, good looking light weight and free running coaches. However I had issues with the couplers and the ride height. Bachmann Portholes straight out of the box Straight out of the box I was disappointed with the large gap between coupled coaches. I

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

Brackhampton and the 21st century - part 4

Last week I finally took the plunge and ordered the results of my CAD doodles. I sent for one roof pillar and enough canopy parts to make up some three sections.   I decided not to buy the valance sides and having designed a roof and failed to upload it properly decided from a cost point of view that these bits could be more readily constructed from plasticard.   When the items arrive I shall post the results.   For the last few days I have been playing with the roof column to make a piece



The yellow peril (Part 1)

Here is a BRM project that is a little more challenging than usual, primarily because it fits into the ‘it was never designed to do that’ category. So just what is this practical BRM project? To model a Road-railer, part of the Story Rail fleet.     Using an NZG Liebherr A900C diecast model to the scale of 1/50, the aim is to illuminate and motorise this little model for O gauge…and why not?   So, if you would like to follow progress on this project, keep coming back to this BRM blog

Howard Smith

Howard Smith

Off track

Apologies in advance this entry's a bit boring I'm afraid. I've been focussing on my track and trying to get it all laid. I got another three points and motors which I've installed down the front of the layout. These were intended for the service yard but the points were far too big for the area I have so I used them for more express train platform access. I have also installed the point switching kits included with the points.   I've stained the track and painted the rails on all the tr



Slater's All Third Part 4

Well, a huge thanks to David at Slater's as a package with a replacement sprue was waiting for me when I got home - I only posted off the stamps yesterday, so he must have trusted me   So the truss rod, support, axleboxes, springs and footboard hangers fitted tonight on the other side     also here's a shot of the gas cylinder and vacuum cylinder work from last night     buffer shanks and footboards next, then finish off the delicate bits underneath before (hopefully) a coat of pai



Sproston - too hot to handle...

One of the major disadvantages of having a layout in a loft (uninsulated) is the weather - in Summer it's often just too hot to handle up there for more than a few minutes.. Yesterday the temperature was 34c (98f)! In these circumstances, and along with work ( 7 shifts in a row yeuch!!) taking up far too much of my time, I have very little progress to report. However the signalbox is coming along slowly, and the area of the goods yard has seen some backscene improvements started,



Some joy at last

Hi all! As mentioned on previous occasions, have a lot of old (30/40 years) Lima H0 rolling stock incompatible with my modern locomotives because of a difference in coupling height. I also have two old Lima H0 locomotives which I had previously unsuccessfully tried to digitize (one was returned to the analogue state and the other is still disassembled). I have read a lot of forum entries on remotoring Lima locos, with the differing opinions and recurrent comments and, in view of the complicatio



LNER D6 Part I

And work begins.   So; we start with, as always, a donor loco....   ... in this case the chassis and the body are from two different models.   The chassis from a Hornby 2P:     And the body from a Triang Jinty:     There's a lot of hacking up involved in this one!     But now I've begun the reconstuction process... an old Ratio 4-4-0 kit donates much of its boiler for this.  

James Harrison

James Harrison

New products for Telford

The list of kits and Ready to Run products new for Telford in September has now been finalised.   LNWR/LMS/BR 0-4-2PT NER/LNER/BR Class P/J24 0-6-0 S&DJR 2-4-0T   GNoSR/LNER/BR 8ton Box van NER/LNER/BR Cattle van NER/LNER/BR 5 plank open GWR/RR/TVR/BR Mink GWR/BR Meat van LYR/LMS/BR Loco Coal Wagon LYR/LMS Coal wagon GNR/NBR/LNER/BR Gunpowder NBR/LNER/BR 3 plank centre door/drop side NBR/LNER/BR 4 plank centre door/drop side/fixed side GNR/LNER/BR 10/15/20ton Brake van GER/L



The Name

Thank you for the comments and encouragement.   I've settled on a name. But first, meet Arnold     Arnold was a much loved family pet who is sadly no longer with us.   Arnold was a rescue catand I now have a rescue layout (can you see where this is going?), so...   The layout will henceforth be known as Arnoldale. Playing fast and loose with etimology, it comes from the old English and means the valley of the powerful eagles   Arnoldale is somewhere in deepest Yorkshire where ex-L&



H Class Finished

Finished might a actually be a bit of an over statement but it is certainly as far as I can take it right no. While I muse on what to do with the back scene and fascia (my optimism of getting them finished yesterday was completely unfounded!), I though this would be a nice diversion. After finding my bottle of obviously under used mascol solid I decided that spraying was not an option so the camouflage is hand painted in acrylics. My Peter Spoerer Easi Liner pen had its first outing after being



Slater's All Third Part 3

Just a quick update, the truss rod, axleboxes, springs and footboard hangers fitted to one side     I have hit a bit of a stop now as the truss rod support for the other side was broken - I've contacted Slaters and David is sending me a new casting in exchange for a couple of stamps   I'll find something else to do on it I'm sure while I am waiting for Postman Pat



The Beginning

Through a bequest to the 2mm society and with help from the society (thanks to the Oxford area group for storing it) I am now the proud owner of part of the late Tony Andrew's 2mm finescale layout.   I hope to find the time to blog as I restore and hopefully enhance the layout. Here is an overall shot of the layout:     The baseboard construction is interesting :-)     A nice surprise were the (potentially) working and illuminated semaphore signals. This is the result of a somewhat o




Next cab off the rank is yet another project that was supposed to be a quick win - and hasn't been.   In a moment of weakness at Peterborough show a few years ago I bought a Replica Mk1 BG in Transpennine livery . They were being discounted to a tenner at the show, and it seemed too good a bargain to pass up. After all a Mk1 BG is the archetypal modern image parcels vehicle , and I didn't have one for Blacklade.   After I got home I decided that it was a bargain I might have


Ravenser in Constructional

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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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