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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Slater's All Third - Detail that WILL be seen

Last night I got the roof drilled and the fixing strip drilled and tapped 8BA to take the threaded roof lamps. Next I got on with the end detailing - steps one end and brake gear the other, plus all the lamp irons etc       I also applied some Squadron White filler to the edge of the roof - the kit was second hand and whoever had cut the roof from the sprue had been a bit over zealous and the edge was ragged to say the least (sorry Ian if it was you ) hopefully it will clean up ok, if n



Recycling part 1

Over the years between layouts (almost 30!!!!) I slowly collected locos and rolling stock for my mid 1930's layout. However, I still had the wagons from my early train set. I sold all the diesels and coaches as I packed up the final layout of my youth. Some of the wagons were early Triang wagons and included a bright yellow tank wagon.   Over the years I collected a number of UD 4 wheel milk tankers in the wrong belief that they would be right for my layout. I now know they were wrong. I have

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

The locomotive shop - Armstrong Standard Goods no 788 part 2

After the last entry about 788, I was ready to test fit the wheels and coupling rods to check that everything ran freely. (2811 is currently my chief problem child and I'll post about this when there is something positive to say.) I used a GW wheel press and quartering jig and was expecting this stage to be a complete doddle. Unfortuantely, the reverse was the case. Fitting the wheels and rods was striaght forward, but when the chassis was tested under finger power a tight spot was noticed. Wors



The things people do to their locos!

I had a a couple of locos back into the workshop for repair today. The first was a County Donegal railcar that 'needed a loose wire resoldering'. True it did. In fact I think it had been rewired so many times, the wires were too short to make new connections, so I replaced them. As the front pony truck was only held in place by the remaining wire, I repaired that as well. However, when I applied power ..... nothing! A quick investigation revealed that the motor shaft and gear were securely arald



More E4 progress

With Sally, the better half, visiting her sister in Scotland for the week, I've been able to get to the modelling bench a lot and have made use of this time. Last night I started putting together the tender body for the E4. Being a white metal kit of old heritage, there will be a lot of filling and messing about to make things as good as they should be, but that's part of the joy of kit building!   When I built the chassis for the loco, I compensated it and wanted to do the same for the tender



In bloom

I have been doing things but they're probably not all that noticeable. I had new lights installed in the roof which has really brightened the room up no end. The old lights were those single bulb enegry saver ones which didn't produce much light. I've now added a couple of strip lights which I salvaged from the old garage.   Makes things a lot better to see and photograph although I'm starting to notice some pictures are washed out if I photograph too close to the light.   I tend to hav



Brackhampton and the 21st century - part 7

Arrived home from work today to find that the sample side all had arrived from shapeways. This was done in FUD and I must say looks a far better product than previous samples. However this is reflected in the price.   I've sprayed in brick red as a primer and also to help it show better in the photos below.     An exterior shot.     close up of the column detail     Another exterior shot     and a partial interior shot.   The top and bottom screens will be glazed and you



Classic Train and Motor Bus

Visited Mark at Classic Trains and Motor Bus in Leamington this afternoon. Lots of useful information about the branch line and some future contacts who may have more. Bought a Hornby Dean Goods (new) as well as two second hand 4 wheel GWR composites, the sort that would have been around in the 1930s, having been relegated to one of the company's least important branches. Also a GW horse box. Mark has commissioned another Bachmann wagon which will be available "soon". A local Leamington coa



Bachmann GWR 4-4-0s and gradients

I was asked this weekend how both my Bachmann Dukedog (9017) and my City performed on gradients. Straight out of the box, the answer is 'With difficulty'. Bachmann Dukedog (9017) on local train 9017 is a recent addition to the layout and after marvelling at the detailing and the super smooth performance I was prepared to overlook the fact that my model seemed incapable of hauling any load uphill. 9017 was relegated to shuttling between two stations on my branch line - on the level. I would

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

VGA van part 3

Well the VGA is nearly finished. Thanks to Jinty of this parish I got some transfers. A slightly hybrid livery, but sure there were some variations about.   now to weather it a bit more!



A week in Northall – Tuesday 2

It is still too hot for modelling for me. I looking forward to somewhat less warmer and oppressive (?) weather. So I worked a little further with my story telling idea.   I have made an appointment with the hotel where I can expose my diorama’s. He have to do a small change at the front of the diorama. This gave me the opportunity to make a picture of a delivery scene in Nice Street.   So a new chapter from “A week in Northall”   Nice Street on Tuesday   Today Arthur has to do some del

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Locomotion Models GNR Atlantic Launch

You wait ages for a visit to Locomotion in Shildon, and then two opportunities come along within a few weeks. After the fun and games of the Rapido APT-E launch last month, it was the turn of Bachmann to reveal its widely expected model of the Ivatt 'Large Atlantic' 4-4-2, based on the NRM's No. 251. It was a slightly more low key affair, but Bachmann did at least have several samples of the Atlantic on display. Closer inspection revealed that this will be a fine model, based on a huge amount o



Slater's All Third - Detail no-one will ever see #2

Luggage racks now have their netting - strips of carefully cut up mozzy netting bought off eBay. I have enough netting to do the racks from the entire Slater's production until the end of time       AND FINALLY - the door ventilators are fixed and I've also cemented the top plastikard strip in place. I hope to start drilling and tapping said strip tonight to take the roof lamps which will hold the roof in place.   I'll be getting that paint out before you know it



Beeching would be proud

Well the day had to come.   It has taken far longer than we expected for a short and simple chain, but we have finally exchanged contracts and the house move from High Wycombe to north Oxfordshire is finally happening. Consequently I have had to take down the layout. I packaged all the stock and the few buildings that were out over the last few weeks, but was reluctant to take saw and drill to timber until the deal was binding.   So today I have toiled in the baking heat in the loft. It is

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

Railway Flight

Flew 'up north' today, originally wanted to get to Shildon for C1 Atlantic launch, but logistics from Durham Tees Valley and timing from my pilot were difficult. Instead passed some other interesting railway sites (also some now historic pics of Didcot from 2012...):     National Railway Museum - South Yard in foreground (or is it really a contender for 'how realistic are your models...)     National Railway Museum - Great Hall. A Class 55 Deltic (presumably KOYLI) lurking outside the



GWR 4-wheel coaches

Bit of a long-running saga this one, in that this pair of coach sides must be getting on for 30 years old or more, and I'd imagine they've been painted and stripped down four to five times each, with every attempt at lining being abandoned.   Suitably impressed with Wenlock's 7mm carriages, I decided to have another go. Out with the paint stripper, spray on a dusting of grey primer, then GWR coach cream from a can, followed by brush-painted chocolate. The latter was Railmatch chocolate but it

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

This time, an entry with photos!

In my post of yesterday, I promised some pictures of the Gresley full parcels brake (Pigeon brake) that I've been building, so here they are!           In the background of this picture can be seen some of the other projects I'm working on.   The partially built white metal bodied loco is a Nu-cast (ex Stephen Poole for people who can remember that far back!) BR ex GER E4 2-4-0.As I model in EM, I had to carve away some fairly large chunks of white metal to allow the wheels and



Slater's All Third - Detail no-one will ever see .....

Interior almost done. I've painted the seats, fitted them to that partitions, soldered up the luggage rack brackets and fitted them, printed out some railway type posters on sticky labels and painted the mirrors with silver paint.       just got to add the netting then I can get on with the exterior fittings ahead of the masking off and paint!   Still not fitted those door ventilators ....




An advanced warning loads and loads of photos.   This is basically two posts in one.   We start the show with the green having been masked off, about 2 hours work. The black was then sprayed and the masking removed. All in all I am quite pleased with the finish. There is still the detail work and the buffer beams to be painted. Also shown is a strip of Magic tape painted ready for cutting into the boiler bands.     I not


N15class in GWR 63XX MOGUL

GWR Small Metro Tank (1)

A couple of years ago, I made a somewhat abortive start on a 2FS scratch built loco. I had got to the stage of a rolling chassis, and a body that consisted of footplate, valances, buffer beams and a cab bunker. Where I had failed was getting the chassis to actually run happily. In the end, I decided to shelve the project and move onto my 1854 Saddle Tank that has been documented previously that used one of the 2mm Association etched chassis kits.   Now that I have proved to myself that I can c

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Something stirs in the carriage works....

Whilst work slows a little on the D6, I've turned my attention to getting a decent teak finish on my GCR carriages....   .... first up is brake third 5277 in ex-works condition (I'll be trying to get more weathered patches on the next attempt).         You might be able to see that the next in the rake (composite 5084) has also begun the process.... don't worry the D6 will be dealt with, very soon!

James Harrison

James Harrison

Brackhampton and the 21st century - part 6

As promised in my last entry, I have finished the design work on a section of the platform building. My idea is to create a kit of parts and to create the platofmr buildings from this "pack" of standard parts.   This is the image for the first of these, what I might call "full length large windows section". All the time has been taken in adding the brickwork. it all having to be drawn in by hand - if you thought scribing individual bricks was a long haul - think again.     A column with a



No pictures for this entry

This entry to my blog doesn't have any pictures, not because I haven't got things to take pictures, of, but just because I haven't taken any yet!   The latest instalment of the J17 is most frustrating. The loco has taken a very long time to build; I started it some 15 years or so, and it was the first chassis I'd tried to build using compensation. Some of the quality of my workmanship was sadly lacking in the skill department, so the chassis didn't really run as well as I'd liked - it ran forw



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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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