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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

The “What Might Have Been” Roster

All the research is slowly coming together, though there still remain some leads that may help sort out details. Given the upgrade of the entire tramway to steam operation in the 1930s (probably late 1930s as this allows for a wider selection of available rolling stock), and with the GWR afforded running rights into Stratford and beyond, most of the line’s locomotive power would have been GWR origin though with some inevitable running from the LMS motive power at Stratford 21D. It is probable



One or Two Details

A couple of items on my desk this lunchtime:     First off a much waited for Black Cat Tech lighting strip. Stephen's been out of the market for a while but I'm glad to see his products starting to filter back into his eBay store   This will be used to light the inside of the camping coach.   Secondly two name boards for the platform, printed out on my laser printer and glued to 1mm greyboard. Left overnight for the glue to set and then cut out leaving a 1mm border. I will glue to scra



Brackhampton and the 21st century - part 8

The latest CAD ramblings.   I've been playing with the canopy parts to see if construction could be made simpler by putting all the parts together and this is the result.     I've ordered three of these to test out the modular design and see if it works. if it does I shall be selling a lot of unopened ratio canopy kits.   The eagle eyed amogst you will have spotted that one of the arms on the support has lost its detail. I don't know why this keeps happening, but it does not look like



Ropley - The Road to Ricoh 3

Hi All   A little more progress on the way to getting the layout fully operational before RMweb Live.   Work over the last couple of days has focused on getting the join between scenic and fiddle yard complete. Unfortunately this ended up being more work than anticipated due to a flaw in the original plan. I had attached two strips of 5mm sqaure wood across each end of the board, with the intention that this would provide a solid edge and something rigid to hold the rail ends in place. When



Getting one's a*** into gear.......a certain exhibition looms...

Well the next couple of weeks will see a concerted effort to get a load of things done and finished in time for a rather well publicised show in the Coventry area.....yes that one!   One thing to get sorted recently is the Faller road vehicles, a recent project has seen a Base Toys Bristol BRS wagon married to a Faller truck chassis, fairly easy to do by fitting the cab and altering the box van body to a Luton type with an over cab bit, with a bit of careful sawing this was done without having

Red Devil

Red Devil

Next year's exhibition - Sat 14 March 2015

Next year's Sawbridgeworth Model Railway Exhibition will again be held at, and in aid of, the Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall, on Sat 14 March, 2015 (10:30-16:30).   This year's was a great success, and we hope to build on that for next year. There are already a couple of layouts confirmed, but we are looking for a couple more. Because it is in aid of the hall, we would not be in a position to provide travelling expenses; however, exhibitors will be well fed and watered throughout the day, starti



MERG Stepper Motor Turntable

As a member of MERG. I have been looking at the MERG Stepper Motor Turntable Operation for long time. after reading through the forum, I decided to have ago. I ordered the pre programmed PIC and the PCB from MERG, and the components from RS Online and Rapid. I made a start on the PCB putting the components on that was not to bad as in the component list there is a list of numbers and that correspond to the PCB.     I have not put in the IC's until I have done the first test. This the b



Ricoh Preparations: Fake Teak

Evening all,   I'm trying to do one post a week in the run up to RMWeb live. Just a quick one this week, hopefully more coming soon.   Replying to comments from last week's installment: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/351/entry-14551-ricoh-preparations-victoria-bridge-lighting-carriages-and-photographers/   richbrummitt: (edit.. 2m's and 2t's) That young gentleman in the second picture looks very happy. How old is he now and what impact has he had on modelling progress?

Will J

Will J

Foster Street - All 3 Boards Together (And Another List of Jobs)

Well, rather like Topsy, Forster Street just sort of grew, my original plan was to build the layout from 3 equally sized boards to give a maximum length of 9 feet, however when I visited my friendly timbre merchants, I managed to get boards measuring a total of 10 feet.   Not a problem I thought, they will still fit in the spare room, as its 11.5 feet long, and it gives me a little more railway well what I have come to realise now, is that the 1.5 feet of space between the end of the layout an



Narrow Gauge lines around North Leigh

In my previous post, I described a little about the location of North Leigh station on the branch line to Witney, originally planned in 1849. For some reason, this line was omitted from Bartholomew's 1/2inch map of 1903 but I have restored it to its rightful position, in order to show the location of the station and its proximity to the tunnel through the ridge of high ground between North Leigh and New Yatt.   The later, cut-off, which allowed trains to run directly from the Worcester


MikeOxon in general

Distracted Again - When will I learn !

Rather than getting on with long term layouts I've allowed myself to be distracted again. Is it a case of a change is as good as a rest ?   Anyway I ended up with a requirement for a pub to fill an awkward corner. The whole thing, a corner filler needing to be an odd shape meant bespoke window frames made from microstrip & scrap plastic. As yet not fitted due to my satin black is being slow to dry, but here is the current state of play.     I've come to the conclusion I love dioram



GWR tenders and all that

Thanks to the conversion of my Hornby long coned boiler 28xx into a representation of 2811 in 1912-1914 condition (2811 is currently still in disgrace but may soon be upgraded to an utter pig of a job in the next couple of weeks if things go reasonably well), I have become interested in GWR tenders used in the Edwardian period - God help us. The start was the observation that 2811 did not have the tender supplied by Hornby (a Churchward 3500 gallon tender), but had a Dean 3000 gallon one instead



Tales of Bulleids and Beyer Garratts!

Time for an update with a couple of projects that have appeared in various threads, but in very brief form..   Merchant Navy (Rebuilt) 35002 Union Castle   Using a bargain 'United States Lines' as a donor along with a heavily modified Wrenn/Dublo 5,250gl tender top, the renaming side is the usual way... with the usual suspect - Fox Transfers & Jackson Evans. However I'll go through the reworking of the tender.   First off is to make the tender top fit the donor loco's tender chassis, n



3D printing web site

I have found an American web site that offers a 3D printing service. It is called shapeways .com. Has any one used this site? They produce a lot of railway items which you can order or you can design your own items which they will produce. They have a vast range of items including replacement parts for real cars. What would the legal situation be if you broke your shunting engine and asked these people to make you a replacement body or such like? Would something like a building or railway

Halton Boy

Halton Boy

Foster Street - Board 3 (Whoops I made a boo boo)

Sometimes even the shortest amount of modelling time, can be far, far too much and lead to mistakes that take seconds to create but maybe hours to fix.   Yes in the short time I had today to do so modelling I decided that I test fit the backscene to board 3, the initial fit showed that I had to trim a little off the scenery, which I managed to achieve without any mishaps.   Filled with confidence I then decided to cut the holes where the track run off into the storage yard, and whoops I thin



Sproston- modelling again at last!

Well it's been a long (hot) month, since there was any noticeable progress on Sproston, and I have also been on a full week of nights. (Destroys me...)   My time previously had been occupied with fitting the loft interior out, with large quantities of double sided aluminium foil roll, with a fire retardant fibreglass layer inside it.- I am hoping that this may go some way to solving the huge temperature fluctuations that have been experienced this Summer, whilst also keeping it more co



Busy Times

Well, work on Friedrichstrasse has been progressing well, as can be followed in the layout thread; however there have been some other activities going on as well...   As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations, the club contacted a number of local primary schools offering a donation of some (new) books about railways; sow the seeds now and you never know, in 15 or so years time we - or some other club - may get a new member as a direct result! So far we have had one response, which was posit




Finally I started yesterday with some card modelling again. In the mean time I was designing Northall. Creating a believable story for the small Northall diorama’s is more difficult than I thought.   After some struggling I remembered a chapter in “Light Railway layout design” by Ian Rice. In the chapter about Orford he described how detailed this layout was designed with maps, Acts of Parliament etc.   This could also be the right approach for me. So I created a map for Northall. I used a

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Progress at Newport - and now for a holiday

Plenty of activity in the last few months at Newport, though little of interest to post since it has been repetitive work - trackbuilding, tracklaying, fitting point motors and uncoupling magnets, wiring, testing individual boards. I am now on the last of the Newport Station boards and the attached picture of the underside shows the method I have eventually adopted for fitting Fulgurex turnout motors. This is simple and effective, though obviously I cannot vouch for its longevity. The turnouts a



Three more three link couplings

Three more wagons/vans have been modified with three link couplings and as usual one was difficult, but the other two relatively easy.   The first took over an hour with a lot of drilling and cutting to make space for the springing, but the result is pleasing, a fine model by Dapol of the Fruit D:     After lunch and a nap, I tackled two Bachmanns. The first is an LMS cattle wagon and I found the installation quite straightforward:       Pleased with progress, another Bachmann, t



Ropley - The Road to Ricoh 2

Hi All.   Something of a milestone today. The first fiddle yard has been joined to the main scenic board for the first time, and it fits!! In fact, the fit is just a fraction too tight as the fiddle yard left some black paint on the end of the other board, but i'm not complaining about that!   In the run up to RMweb live, work on the layout will focus on getting the thing operational, and presentable, in that order. The second fiddle yard is now largely complete so I hope to have this conne



Another change!..back to N

Hi all,   after trying to work the 009 layout, and ending up reducing and reducing the amounts of things going on with it I got sick of it! plus why would i want to spend near on £200 for each loco (im useless at scratch building them) so i figured, after stumbling upon a video for Hettle, that I quite liked the aspect of having a normal mainline station with decent sized rakes going through!   So I decided that im going to base the layout on my local station (Feltham) during the 1960's, whi



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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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