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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Talking Stock #30 The 1948 Locomotive Exchanges from the freight perspective

Much has been written in the past about the locomotive exchanges that took place in 1948 shortly after nationalisation; indeed my own Talking Stock #2 post here discussed the exchange trials and featured some of the locomotives that appeared on the Southern with respect to the Express Passenger, General Purpose locomotive trials. Not discussed so often is the fact that as well as passenger locomotives a number of trials were also conducted with the freight locos of the time. This post looks



Locos, wagons and a shed - various projects in various stages of completion

By way of a brief update (probably won't be adding much for a while, as I'm soon off on my holidays) here are a few snippets of recent progress ...   The City has featured on the blog before but it came back to the works for attention as I felt that a tight spot had mysteriously developed since I built it. Not sure how this could be, since the wheels should guarantee quartering and the outside cranks don't seem to have shifted ... or perhaps it's just that my standards have improved, and what

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Work Day

Today we were able to have the whole hall for a few hours; full details on the Friedrichstrasse thread. Here are, however, few pictures of today's activities...     Next week the club will be represented by Kanjiyama at the Gaugemaster Open Weekend, next Saturday and Sunday.



Octel 1957 Chlorine Tank

So far so good with building the first of the wagons from my recent etch - a 1957 vintage Hurst Nelson Chlorine tank.   I was impatient to try out the experimental version so that's what I'm building. So far it is going together as intended and the centre section of the solebars has achieved the skinny look that I was hoping to get when viewed from the top and the chassis seems very strong because it's got metalwork in all of the places where the real thing has metalwork.       The ext



Inspection time

HI all,   A quick entry as i have been working on two of the Bachmann Inspection saloons today amoungest other things, one will be detailed both ends and weathering and the other (the one on the right) is detailed at one end and will have some light weathering too.   [/url]   A close up of the detail   Also have a couple of these to make   Cheers Simon



Prelude to Coventry - mutual cooperation

John F (Re6/6) came over today and we spent a very convivial afternoon helping each other out. I'm preparing 'Bleakhouse Road' for it's first show in 20 months at Coventry, and John is also there demonstrating scenery, including his superb trees.   John is also taking his lovely Wye Valley diorama 'Netherhope Halt', and wanted some weathered ballast wagons (ex-Tintern Quarry) to pose on it.   I had been meaning to improve one of the trees on BHR for some time. I had scratchbuilt the armature

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Population Explosion

OK, here's where the O gauge on a budget goes right out of the window. If you were doing this at home dear reader you could use cheaper imported figures and paint them up but this is an exhibition layout and I have a very tight deadline!   approx 100 quid spent on Preiser figures but the layout is starting to come to life           The camping coach is now illuminated too. I really must get on with that coach .....  



Bachmann announce Webb Coal Tank at K&WVR Bachmann Collectors' Club day

As announced here Bachmann Europe have announced they are to produce the L&NWR 0-6-2T Webb coal tank available in approximately 18 months. For the last few years Bachmann have held events for the members of the Bachmann Collectors Club and this year chose the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway on the 30th August. If there isn't enough speculation and wishlisting on RMweb virtually everyone had missed the clues to this one; Bachmann followed their announcements for the 2014/2015 catalogue with

Andy Y

Andy Y

LNER D6- back to start!

Whilst I have my playaround with a Gn15 loco, I'm also working on my more serious projects.   Last month I alluded to how work on my hackbashed D6 had ground to a halt for want of a decent running chassis. Payday came and went and with it I was able to buy some 8mm square plastic tube.   What I was then able to do was to drill 5mm diameter holes through this tube, and into these holes I fitted some bearings which are sold as spares for the Triang/Hornby 9F. I then slotted the axles throu

James Harrison

James Harrison

'Hector'- Part 1

Decanting the contents of the packaging onto the dining room table, what immediately struck me was both the number and size of the resin castings. They're much larger than I'm generally used to dealing with, and there are a large number of them!   Quality of the castings looks pretty good, with very little flash and no immediately obvious sign of warpage; the kit also came with a Hornby 'Smokey Joe' chassis which needed a little alteration to fit (the removal of the couplings and cylinders).

James Harrison

James Harrison

Track Layout

The layout in its current state, save the first photo where i was drawing some guidelines. All the points and uncouplers are fitted with Hornby mkII point solenoids and work as they should. The solenoids are controlled by DCC Concepts two output accessory decoders which i think are fantastic. Even managed to programme them with the Select controller!. Haven't pegged down the bay platform line or the main line end yet as i haven't sorted the station and turntable. An engine shed will be placed on



Post #004 - Deciding on track layouts

As I mentioned previously, the DCC train set came with a loop of track and a siding, which is the base oval and expansion pack A. I also bought three Hornby extension packs at less than half price - packs B, C and D.   Together they give me two ovals of track and another siding, along with a level crossing to add some operational interest.   I decided to lay out the track to get an idea of the size board I need for the layout. The following photo is how Hornby suggest you lay out the track.



No Picnic!

Some friends came to visit yesterday with their small child of similar specification to ours with the intention of going out for a nice country stroll and the usual wasp inflicted snacks. Not what I had planned! So, while the girls disappeared I subjected my long suffering pal Al (at least it wasn't the garage roof this time!), to what turned out to be a four hour session of getting the fiddle yard to work properly. I have to admit that I have rather ignored this task when I have erected the lay



'Hector', or, now for something completely different...

Today I visited the Rowland Emett exhibition at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery with some good friends. Somehow I managed to come away with a Smallbrook Studios kit for 'Hector'....   http://smallbrookstudio.webeden.co.uk/#/products-new/4569521214/%27Hector%27-Body-Gn15-Tender-Locomotive-Kit/3724081   Plainly, this model cannot be run on my eventual planned layout ('the train now arriving at platform 4 has destroyed the edging slabs'), and I cannot afford (in time, space or money) to set

James Harrison

James Harrison

First post - a wee foreword

Hi all. This will be my first proper go at making a layout after a few years of toying around with temporary tracks on tables etc. I'm hoping this blog will provide a means to encourage myself to progress the layout, as well as keeping the interest alive and getting input from fellow modellers. After so many years of reading about railways and modelling them it's about time i have something to show for it!. I'm hoping to make it of Exhibition quality and DCC automation as i enjoy a challenge and



Sproston - The poles have arrived....

Hello again, now the weather has become cooler,and my loft has had its NASA makeover! I have been busy constructing the railway telegraph pole and the towns telephone pole routes. I have used the Ratio poles, and cut them down to more accurately represent the required capacity of line/telephone wires and insulators, after having a quick calculation on which premises in the town would have had a phone, and where the railway would need to run its line wires to/from. Spacing proved a bit



Holiday work

Apart from lots of driving and being ill I did manage something constructive while we were away in France. I carefully packed just the body castings from some Wrightlines D class wagons, small soldering iron, flux. solder, files, knife... you get the picture! Quite a lot of stuff really as well as lots of pre stained balsa and my invaluable balsa stripper.   I started off one lazy afternoon on some A frames and in my now customary fashion I placed precut strips onto a sheet of templates overla



Signals and platforms

There's been a few things happening of late.   I started off by correcting the end of street scene from last entry.   I used one the vertical Bavarian banners to conceal the top join.   It now blends in better than it did.   The join being far better than before.   Not sure how I'm going to do the other side of the building to the right though. Still thinking about that.       I started installing the Veissmann signals I had bought previously to see how they went with digital co



A Hat Box for Blanche

In an earlier post in my blog, I described construction of a GWR Tilt Wagon, based on a photograph in a Forum Post by Wagonman. I also reported that, when Sir John saw it in North Leigh station, he commented that it might just hold all his daughter's hat boxes. So, I now call it my 'Hat Box'.   At the time of my earlier entry, I had designed and built the basic body and started adding some of the detail. Completing the rest has been a very fiddly task, using lots of rivet strip (from M


MikeOxon in general

North East Nostalgia – Pullman Splendour

The recent appearance in the shops of some Hornby super detail Pullman Cars at half the recommended price had me thinking. When I used to go ‘Train Spotting’ to Darlington I might be lucky and get there in time to see the ‘up’ Tees-Tyne Pullman when it called at Darlington just after 10:00am. Queen of Scots and Tees-Tyne Pullman Times 1961/62 However I seem to have clearer memories of the down Queen of Scots creeping in from the south towards five o’clock in the evening. The best of the day

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

End of the summer recess!

The last entry was 1st of July... A lot has happened since then, but not on the modelling front!   First I went to Fryslân to watch skûtsjesilen where they race former freighters over a fortnight on (sometimes) small lakes.   Then it was a fortnight in Switzerland! Narrow gauge heaven!   So: Bernina Express, Glacier Express, Gornergrat, BOB/WAB/JB, SPB, ZB, BRB, PB.   Some goods vehicles were bought, but no great damage. Next I need a large extension for the GB RhB link!



Ode to the movie

Progress on the arches is going slowly. But I make progress. There were some other things I had to do for Station Road. For instance the movie poster on the side wall of the yard. By accident I came along this ODEON board     This one is more 1940’s than the end of the 1950’s. So I started for a search for correct time based movie posters. I selected the following:     With Publisher I created my own 1959 ODEON announcement board.     Then I saved it as a picture and re-si

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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