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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Lots going on

Despite the lack of posts there has been loads going on and lets face it - it needs to! Less than a week now to the first outing and still loads I want to get done. Unfortunately I have to work this week end but after that everyone has been given notice that I am 100 percent modeling - no washing up, no school runs, no shopping (except for model bits!), you get the picture!   The Baldwin problem seems to be sorted although haven't run it yet. Managed to get the shorting wheel off and excavated



End of day 1

So finally after much dust and sweating the end of the first day has come, the 6 existing baseboards have been stripped of the large lumps of plaster board, stones, plaster and goodness knows what else that was on them and are ready for sanding. Now I just need a lend of a sander to speed up the job but have a nasty feeling its going to be a hand job all day tomorrow!   I have managed to recover most of the track that was on the layout but some of it did get damaged but will still be useful f



37/9 and dirty inspection

HI, well Friday has arrived and another busy week, the new toys have turned up and i will post pics later once i have remembered to take some ::-faint So first up is one of the inspection saloons, there is still a bit more work to be done on this one around the buffer beam and the sides with a few pin washes.   Also i have finished this lady, which was a conversion using the Shawplan 37/9 roof panel etched set   This Lady arrived as 37 506 at the begining of the week and is already u



Stubby47 at BRM

In August, as part of putting the RMWeb issue of BRM together, guest editors Stubby47 and St. Simon joined the team for the monthly planning meeting. We asked them both to write up the day to give everyone a behind the scenes view of how BRM is planned and put together. The electronic version is released today so we'll start with Stubby47's view of events:   ----   First off, I must say a big thanks to Ben, Andy, Howard & Phil for their hospitality and making the day so enjoyable.

Phil Parker

Phil Parker

BRDatabase status

Hi, just wanted to give a heads up on BRDatabase.   At the moment, part of the site is disabled (the sites data) because of the heavy workload inflicted on the servers (my inefficient code to blame). I have two options: Re-write the code to be more efficient (using pre-prepared data, in the style of a data warehouse) Leave it alone pending new website I am in the process of improving the data immeasurably, by redoing the data using SLS, Railway Observer, Trans Illustrated and other



Obligatory first entry!

Welcome to the obligatory first entry for the blog   Fal Vale has come out of a plan to build a large layout for a room in my house called Fal Vale Junction which is currently on hold as I have managed to acquire a bargain deal on facebook of boards and scenery that covered an area of 7.5m (24ft 8") by 2.4m (7ft 11") in an L shaped format for a grand total of £2.50! There are some items in the lot that are surplus to requirements and these will be sold to fund other purchases for the layout.



BYA weathered - the start of something modern?

Another n gauge wagon weathered - this is a Farish BYA. I'm currently enjoying running my n gauge round a big circle of n gauge kato unitrack when I get chance. In my head I keep planning the layout...when I have more room! I have a DBS 66 from Dapol en route so I think a few more of these are needed.   Strangely I have been considering how in some ways to get the best out of n gauge you actually need more space than OO, to justify the full length trains the scale does so well. Still, I keep h



Billinton C2X - revisiting an old model

Here's my first loco kit, the DJH C2X. More blood, sweat and tears have gone into this model than any other I own, but at the end of it all I have a reliably slow running goods loco which will happily plod around the layout at a crawl, and which is heavy enough to handle all I ask of it. But it hasn't been an easy route to get to this stage, and the saga's still not done!     I started the loco in 2000, having consumed the collected works of Rice, Wright etc - trying to do it all "by the bo

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Lighting the Way

Whilst arranging the figures on the platform at the weekend it occurred to me that something was missing - lamps! An order was placed for five S&D Models GWR gas lamp kits with stems. I also ordered a stem extension to convert one to a yard lamp for the Goods Shed area.   So here's the lamps all built up waiting for the paint shop. I hope to get these ready to plant when I set up at the Ricoh for RMweb Live!     I've also made up some station/camping coach safety notices that will aga



Not Finished - but thought I'd share

My little 18" x 10" diorama is getting close to being finished. Had I not left all my stiff glueing brushes at the caravan yesterday I would have grassed the embankment last evening. Took this and thought I'd share, a nice little Welsh valley rail bridge with mountain stream & pub. I'm still trying to get the right quality of Rhymney beers logo to attach to the pub. Also need to purchase Deluxe Products resin water for my stream.     I love dioramas, they take no more than 8 weeks a



Myopic Motorists!

Well there's not been any progress on the signal front or much other modelling come to that! At the beginning of August on my way to work, a half asleep motorist pulled out of a side turning and knocked me of my motorcycle. He was very apologetic, a classic case of "I'm sorry I didn't see you mate!" I suppose I should be grateful that he was insured and has accepted liability, but the upshot is he's b#ggered my Summer! The bike's a right mess, but at least it can be repaired. I've been left w




This blog entry follows on from the previous one in continuing with the fitting of the platforms. I had to etch them and paint the edges and create the slot where the underpass entry will be fitted later. All the other station platform paraphernalia can be fitted later too.   Once the platform shape had been established I had to check for smooth running of pretty much all my stock with the tightest fit possible. I had got pretty close but my Kriegslok seemed to catch more than others and



Shark from an LMS 20T brake van - 2

I have made some progress with the body today. I didn't say at the start, but i don't expect this model to be of finescale standards. Hopefully though it will still capture the look of the real thing reasonably acurately!   I have removed the moulded on handrails that will now be in the wrong place and made start on rebuilding the bodywork. All of the pieces have been cut from a sheet of 40thou plasticard. The internal walls of the brake van are reusuable from the original. Also I have cu



Grandchildren all going back to school, leaving more time for me ?

Having lost the caravan to family for the whole month of August & now having tidied it up I may get some time for me. What I did was this small diorama when exiled & although still not finished it's well on the way. First we have a lighting test, two grain of wheat bulbs connected in series under the bridge so they stay well below maximum output & a 100R resistor in the pub lamps wiring.     First grass laid today, but it became quite warm, drying out the pva mix more quickl



Post #005 Hornby Customer service, Multiple Model Shops, and a new wagon

While looking through the components of the train set I realised there was a discrepancy between the outside box, which said it should have included some extra power clips, and the contents. There were no power clips.   I emailed Hornby through their web contact form one evening and got an email back the next morning apologising and saying they would send the clips, which arrived a couple of days later. Reading some of the comments on RM Web, there seem to be plenty of people who knock Hornby,



Lydford, The Layout of a Lifetime?

Lydford Station has always stricken me as being an almost ideal location for layout, with plenty of prototypical interest; the combination of Southern and Western region lines running parallel to each other, the great views onto open moorland in a old mining area, to name but a few reasons. For me it is also ideal as it only requires a handful of buildings in this sparsely occupied corner of the country. Along with Lydford, I can only think of Exeter St David’s and Plymouth North Road as the oth



The story begins

The story begins some 25 years ago (55 years if my schoolboy Hornby Dublo counts) when I was seriously interested creating an EM gauge layout modelling Barnstaple Junction using C&L points. What particularly interested me was the point work at the northern end of the station ( http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnstaple_railway_station#/image/File:Barnstaple_Junction_railway_station_1972067_31fed26e.jpg). Despite many hours, weeks and months of research the project never came to fruition becau

Ken Anderson

Ken Anderson

Help! Romford wheel shorting.

Despite the lack of post (too busy panic modelling!), there has been a lot going on with only a matter of days now to the big show debut. Last thing I need then is one of the locos throwing a wobbler on me. This is the Baldwin that I threw together a few weeks ago and was working fine but..... Was just giving it a quick run when it stopped amid a cloud of smoke and shorted right out. I have tracked the problem down to one of the insulated wheels which isn't! Dead short across it and yes, I have



Shark from an LMS 20T brake van - Making a start

This is my first ever go at converting an item of RTR stock so maybe slightly ambitious!   The basis is this old Hornby LMS 20T brake van i've had for a while. I don't model the LMS and nor am I likely to, so this became a perfect candidate for my first project.     I have scaled down some pictures of a shark brake van to 4mm scale and printed them off to use as drawings.   First job was to dismantle the brake van and identify the useful bits.     The wheels are lima ones, replacin



Foster Street - A Scene of Desolation (I Need A Storage Yard)

Before I go any further, what happened was not my fault, it was the fault of the Domestic Overlord   A few days ago the other half was going to spend the evening with friends, catching up, and I was lucky enough to have the shackles loosened, and was granted freedom for the evening to do what ever I wanted   So once I had gone through the almost endless list of things I was not allowed to do and looked at the three things I was allowed to do, I dutifully signed "good behaviour contract" an



Dean Goods Tender - 2

The Dean Goods project has gone overseas, just like the prototype, to France. But unlike the prototype, its tender has had major surgery to remove that hideous lump of plastic coal.   The first area was the main lump. I decided to work on this and leave the front of the tender until later as the structural integrity of the plastic "box" was none too secure. So here is the result of much drilling, snipping, cutting and then rebuilding:     Then I tackled the front end. I am very happy to s



Modern two track shed from Kato

I recently saw a two track drive through train shed in N from Kato, being quite impressed with their buildings so far (I have some of their platforms), I decided to order one. As usual it's designed for Kato track, but it requires no glue at all and does includes interior walkways. The doors include a gap for OHLE, which won't be suitable for some, but at less than £10, it's well worth a look.   It also looks like a perfect fit for my RhB Ge 6/6 III's from the Kato Glacier expresses Irecentlyb



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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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