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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Foster Street - What Comes in Ten Portions, Covered in Crackling and Smells of Pork (Yes its my Fingers)

Well I am typing this entry with poorly, burnt fingers, I had some time today to spend on the layout and so I tackled the re-working of the storage yard, and that meant I had to use the tool from hell, yes a soldering iron.   No matter how often I use the dammed things they always seem to get the better of me, all I needed one for today was to solder the track to brass pins acoss board joints for the storage yard. With a little jiggery pokery I managed to fit in a total of 9 tracks in the stor



Long time, no blog

Time for an update.   Over the summer we have been poking away at various projects on the layout and things are really starting to come together.   I've been working on a few early GWR wagons the past few weeks. Here is a mostly finished David Keen kit in front of one of the clay dries. Just need to finish the lettering and add couplings. Maybe a bit of weathering too.     I've got back to the water feature. I gave the whole thing a healthy coating of gloss varnish to simulate wet mud.



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 11

86213 Lancashire Witch   Compared with some counties, there's a wider choice of locos containing Lancashire in their titles. Several steam and diesel locos feature military regiments, and 86413/86613 is named County of Lancashire. As I'm not a member or volunteer associated with the East Lancashire Railway I chose not to model 37418 which was named after the railway. RailUK also mentions 156464 which was named Lancashire DalesRail in 2010.   For once I wanted a different combination instead



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 10

1013 County of Dorset   This county's name has appeared on both GWR Churchward's and Hawksworth's County classes. It's also appeared on a class 220 Voyager as Dorset Voyager, modelled by Bachmann. A Wessex Electric has also borne the name County of Dorset until 2007.   I preferred a model of Hawksworth's County class and to differentiate it from its others in my collection I chose GWR's lined green livery. My model is based on Hornby's R2391 County of Carnarvon.  



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 9

73131 County of Surrey   Several locos and units have been named incorporating Surrey as part of their names, all in the diesel and electric era. As I haven't attended the University of Surrey I didn't model the class 73 named after the institution, 73117. There was a Wessex Electric (42)2423 County of Surrey which carried its name until 2007. According to RailUK, two class 319 units were named The Surrey Hills at various times, 319013 between 1999-2001 and from 2012 and 319001 in 2001.   T



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 8

47702 County of Suffolk   My late grandmother was born in Suffolk and there were several locos which contained the name Suffolk in their titles. A B17 was named The Suffolk Regiment, Anglia Railways' 86234 was named Suffolk - Relax, Refresh, Return between 2002-05. County of Suffolk has been carried by two class 47s, 47180 in 1979 (47584 from 1981), removed in 1993 and transferred to 47702 in early 1994.   I opted to model County of Suffolk as presented in its final form in Virgin livery bet



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 7

1016 County of Hants   There have been surprisingly few locos which contain "Hampshire" or its derivatives in its title. Both the GWR's Churchward and Hawksworth County classes included locos named County of Hants. A Wessex Electric (44)2402 also carried the name County of Hampshire until 2007.   Due to easier availability and fitting in with the majority of my rolling stock I opted for Hornby's Hawksworth version, this time in BR lined black with early crest to differentiate it from my othe



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 6

73211 County of West Sussex   As far as I'm aware, only one loco has been named with "West Sussex" in its title. It was named in 1986 carrying InterCity Executive livery as 73113. In 1988 it was renumbered 73211 and allocated to Gatwick Express services although, initially, didn't adhere rigidly to these duties, being seen on VSOE Pullmans and even freight. According to RailUK, it was de-named in 1991.   My loco was based on renumbering and renaming a standard Hornby issue R2767 Stewarts Lan



Foster Street - Very Slow Progress

Well despite a rapidly approaching Exhibition deadline, the amount of spare time I have had to spend on the layout has been virtually nill   I still have a few jobs I need to complete, and in some cases need to start, but I think I can still get them done or at least to a level where they may be acceptable?   Anyway I managed to sneak an hour today to spend on the layout, and I thought I would spend this splashing a little paint on the Canal boats, so that they at least look partially compl



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 5

1028 County of Warwick   My county of birth, this time the choice was easier. I didn't want to model the Royal Scot class named The Warwickshire Regiment which was offered as a limited edition some years ago by a shop in Warwickshire and also didn't consider the LNER D49 option named Warwickshire, another re-naming job, because I then had no suitable stock to accompany the loco.   I instead chose to base my model on Hornby's Hawksworth County class, modified from R2392 1026 County of Salop w



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 4

2753 Cheshire   This is my second attempt at representing Cheshire in my collection, the first was a re-named Hornby Hawksworth 4-6-0 called County of Chester. I had four locos from that class but wanted some variety, so the GWR version was disposed of and the LNER version bought instead.   Cheshire worked in Scotland, at least from 1948, according to www.brdatabase.info I wanted to own a small collection of pre-WW2 LNER locos in Scotland based around an ex-NBR Glen 4-4-0 (yet to be procure



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 3

56075 West Yorkshire Enterprise   This is a Dapol/Hornby hybrid, the body being an unmodified Dapol, with a Hornby chassis, reportedly improved and tweaked upon by them after they bought Dapol's tooling. I converted this for DCC hardwiring in a Bachmann 36-553 chip.   Originally I was unsure of including an example containing the name "West Yorkshire" in my collection. There was a HST power car numbered 43114 West Yorkshire Metropolitan County, named 1984-88, (43321 from 2008) which wasn't a



Bookshop front

I designed both shop using the Scalescenes textures and following the related building description. Although the overall appearance is convincing I thought it must be possible to create a shop front I saw on several websites.     I found a picture that has a lot of resemblance to the shop front design of Scalescenes. If you compare the shop front in the picture with the shop front in the drawing below you will notice a lot of differences. For my it would be a challenge to create a sho

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

My OO scale "County" collection - Part 2

86215 Norfolk and Norwich Festival   This was bought used, having been re-named and chipped by its previous owner, from a well-known auction site. It's otherwise a standard Hornby model with 5-pole Chinese ringfield motor with a hardwired chip.   86215 received this name between 1998-99. However it was originally assigned to 86232 during 1995-98 and was re-assigned on that loco between 2001-05 http://www.aclocogroup.co.uk/data86.php   I originally bought a Lima class 47 582 County of Norfo



My OO scale "County" collection - Part 1 (Introduction)

This is an introduction to my other significant collection, this time representing English counties (plus London) based on the counties that existed at the times my family and I lived over the years.   Each loco in this collection will have a separate profile describing how I arrived at my choice of prototype and a photo. In order of date from the earliest where my family lived to the latest:   Suffolk Norfolk Lancashire (mum lived in Liverpool during the late 50s/early 60s, and again bri



Its nice to be back...

Over on my other (scanman) blog, I've detailed why I've not been actively modelling for a few months.   Back to the fold ow, with several projects vieing for my time - so to prioritise...   The GPV is needed for the 'Langley O Gauge' show in October where 'Netherley' is being exhibited.   When I stopped modelling the van was pretty complete - just needed painting all-over black. Then I noticed that the rivetted strips were missing from the roof!     Not any more! A fairly short job

REC Farnborough

REC Farnborough

Octel 1957 Chlorine Tank - Part 2

A quick progress update on the Chlorine tank. The end stanchions have now been persuaded to go together and have been attached to the chassis, as has the brakegear.   This of course also means that I can now try the tank in place along with some of the timber packing that goes underneath the tank and at the ends. The tank still needs a good clean out to get rid of the residual wax.     The good thing about 3d printing is that it's a piece of cake to create the domed tank end and then subt



What is Goosehill Central?

Goosehill Central is a 00 gauge layout project. It is a based in a real location but a fictional railway. It is an ex-LMS BR layout in the 1950s. Set in the Peak District it is located near a mine, to which a tunnel leads too. It also has 2 platforms and a small yard area. Watch this space for future developments as they happen...



Hooton - West Kirby Line

Hi   Does anyone know who built the model of Thurstaston as can be seen at http://www.thurstaston.fsworld.co.uk/prototype.htm as there is no contact email for the author,,,,   Even better, does anyone have any drawings for Heswall station on that line (not the current Heswall station) - I am contemplating doing a small diorama - just from the road bridge down to the end of the platforms...   many thanks   Richard

Richard Jones

Richard Jones

Introduction to my Broxfield (30B) 1957/59 'OO' gauge model railway

Hi All. I'm retired and fulfilling my childhood dream of building a model railway representing the area where I used to live and do my trainspotting. I'm from Ware, Herts and would cycle as a child to Broxbourne or Hatfield to do the majority of my trainspotting. I'm sure the footbridge at Hatfield remains etched in the memories of many of us. Combine B and H and you get Broxfield and of course in the late 50s they were connected via Hertford. and in the 'Station House' in my garden I have a 36'



All set for first exhibition!

Well that is what I keep telling myself! Having completely ignored any domestic or work duties for the last five days I may have it cracked. Got wagons (most of them work), got locos (most of them work). got the layout (most of it works) - are you getting a picture here? I just did not have enough time for the exhaustive running session I promised myself so will just have to wing it.   Car is ready outside with top box fitted (that is a story for another day), and everything is ready for loadi



Voith has Gravitas: Class 265 (Voith Gravita 15L BB) diesel shunter from Brawa

Evening all!   I need to admit that for a long time, my locomotive inventory has had a total lack of shunters – though there has been one attractive option which I'd been eyeing for a while. So, tonight, let us have a look at the Voith Gravita diesel-hydraulic shunter as produced by Brawa.   The Voith company, headquartered in the town of Heidenheim in the east of Baden-Württemberg, has its roots in the mid-19th century, but has proceeded to evolve into a full locomotive builder in recent ye

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Back in the Box

Not about the model this time - but after an abscence of several months, I thought an explanation was due!   Health issues had taken their toll in early spring & summer but are (hopefully behind me now). One highlight was the help given by my accountant (who's the daughter of a modeller!) as a result of which a very nice cheque arrived from the taxman. I was contemplating a 3D printer but HMC's generosity did not run that far. Therefore I decided to refurbish the workshop (or 'studio'



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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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