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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

sector plate fun

so there is no stopping me now!!!!   first track down, first PCB soldered to the rails. just waiting for the glue to dry then i will be able to test.   the soldering is not pretty but it seems to work, (im still learning, this soldering lark is still new to me.)     so sector plate update....... well its been a long few days with some issues.   i started off with cutting the PCB board to size, this went very easy, so far so good i was thinking.   next was to tin the rails and solder

Jimmy styles

Jimmy styles

the very start of the madness

hi this is the start of my layout build thread, i hope to update as i go but it will be a slow build due to two young children. sorry if you have already seen this as it is alson on another forum. i have started a new project, my large loft layout has taken a back seat. i have a old bit of wood left over from a previous base board which i decided i would build something a little different on. the board is 96 inches long by 14.5 inches wide. my vision is to produce a layout and fiddle yard

Jimmy styles

Jimmy styles

Great-britN moduels at the 28th Griesheimer Modellbahntage

Here are some pictures from the modelrailway exhibition, that we attended last weekend at Frankfurt. First some pictures from our modular layout.                 Now some pictures of the H0 layout owned by the modelrailway Club of Griesheim, which held the exhibiton.                       A narrowgauge modelrailway layout in gauge 1f. The track gauge is 16.5mm at a scale of 1/32               I had no chance to make mor



Coming in from the cold! Otherwise know as 'O' Gauge figure painting

Well it's been a while since I posted on here,   Real life has certainly had a profound effect on my modelling escapades of late.   However, in between things a good friend of mine has taken up 7mm modelling. As a gesture of kindness I thought I'd paint a few Monty's 7mm figures for him.   Here's the finished result:   Loco crew and guard 11-14 001 by kettering15b, on Flickr   Finished with Vallejo/Revell acryllics. I built up layers using washes to obtain the effects on the figures. M



Walls and Beams of the LNWR Coal Hole

Well all of this was very time consuming, and not massively satisfying, but I'm pleased to have got it over and done with!   So it began with adding the final layer of brickwork around the top of the Coal Hole. Not too difficult, I just used the same technique as before allowing the ends to hang over so I could trim them down when the glue had set.   I trimmed the top pieces to size and then started on the final layer around the bottom of the Coal Hole. This was much more fiddly as I n



Further Scenic Developments - Bushes!

Well I've spent the day making bushes and a hedge. I've found a pretty straightforward technique that gives pleasing results.   To start off, we had already placed rubberised horsehair around the layout as a first step. It had all be sprayed brown before placement but they didn't really look that good. So here's what I did to improve the looks.   I sprinkled fine dark green ground foam around and on top of the horsehair, then a little bit of fine black ground foam. I then sprayed a light lay



Another long(-ish) gap....

Well just when thought you had things planned out they go a bit goverment policy shaped...   Never mind.... There hasn't been much modelling going on, but this weekend I have made a few tentative steps back to actually building the layout! The train table is accessible again, all the junk covering it has been tidied and the space underneath tidied.   I bought one of the new Liliput O&K loco's on Saturday, with a Gaugemaster decoder. As soon as it hit the track, I had a sense of déja vu,



It's Been a Long Time

It has indeed been a long time, not only since I actually updated this blog, but also since the 37 project started, all those years ago. It was never intended to take quite so long and I still can't believe that nearly five years have gone by! There haven't been any updates as I didn't want to put any more pictures up until I was happy it was finished.     I'm pleased to say that the 37 is complete for now. It's taken a little while to get the lighting right, after its maiden running ses



Going into O Guage 7mm modelling

In 2007 my attention was drawn to a RTR Tower GWR Pannier tank as a quick introduction into O guage. However, i was`nt comfortable with the chinese compromises with construction or what seemed to be `Bakerlight` bearings. After giving her a coat of etch primer and a wartime livery, i let her go to a good home.......       I started venturing from to 7mm modelling more fully in 2008 starting, as i did in 4mm, with a white metal small prairy tank Springside kit and at the same time joining t



'Tannery Lane' - A firm (?) footing?

Out to lunch with an old friend on Wednesday, and rubbish weather today, so make baseboards until the sun shines!   As previously explained the baseboard will be of high-density foam edged with 6mm ply..   First, I painted both sides of the foam with white emulsion -     I'm hoping this will (a) provide a surface for 'laying out' and b) limit the effects of any solvents etc which might spill on the surface and c) painting the underside should help make things more visible if maintenance



Argos' bigger blog

It's been a while since I posted anything on my 2mm blog, over a year in fact.   Progress stalled due to the fiddle yard board warping and requiring a rebuild. I was also struggling to get the loco build operational. The project still exists and I've no doubt it will be resurrected when enthusiasm bites again.   In the time since my last 2mm post I've been focusing on my 7mm layout, spurred on my 8 year old's "when am I going to get to play with this......" comment (more importantly when is




This last week has been spent mainly on finishing the paint job and doing the lining.   The loco footsteps still need doing!       This last photo is pretty much a mirror image of the photo of the original loco that inspired the model in the first place (which I shall post when the model is finished).   After I had finished the loco lining I came to the decision that the Revell 'leaf green' enamel alone does not make for a convincing reproduction of LNER apple green; it is to

James Harrison

James Harrison

My OO scale "County" collection - Part 14

I'm writing this to illustrate the fact that sometimes one needs to plan ahead and get hold of stuff while it's available.   My mother is still considering which area of Yorkshire to move to when she hopefully takes the plunge next spring. Moreover as she intends to rent rather than buy, she may have to move more often depending on the landlord's whims.   I've already bought a Lima GNER HST train pack for possible modification of one of its power cars to East Riding of Yorkshire for a modest




This little diorama deserves a proper presentation.   Just as for my previous diorama I used an APA-box. In an APA-box I can display two A4 diorama’s.   My main concern was the lighting. I followed in this case in main lines the way a shadow box is lightened.   I started with the front of the APA-box. I cut a piece of black demenstration board to size. Then I bought two black photo frames, with a opening of 14 x 10 cm. I had to make sure that the edges on the inside were black.    

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Cheddar progress

Evening all Just a bit of a progress report on Cheddar. All 8 boards are now built and I'm getting ready to start building the track. The last two boards are a little different as they will have the embankment and overbridge on Station Road on the Wells end of the station. I've just about finalised the final layout plan and have started to mark up the various features. Next step will be printing the entire plan at full size and laying out on the boards. Each board is a 6mm frame aroun



Telegraph poles

Before I finish the framing of the fascia, I wanted to finish some of the more fiddly jobs at the back of the layout, which will be tricky to reach when the top framing is done. It'll always be removable - I've used the same design on the other two modules - but the less you have to do it the better. Adding a row of telegraph poles was one of those fiddly jobs...   As on the spring module, I used Ratio poles, simplifed the number of bars slightly, and added a suggestion of wires by using four

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

F5 x 100k, a big thanks.....

A cryptic heading....however I was fairly amazed recently when the Grime Street Blog ticked over to 100,000 plus views, I can only put it down to a stuck F5 button on my various laptops!   To be honest I'm always gobsmacked that anyone is interested in what I'm doing, the subject matter is hardly mainstream add that to my ramblings, well 'nuff said! So thank you to all who have looked in and taken an interest, whilst I doubt it's inspired many I do hope it's shown that modelling trams doesn't

Red Devil

Red Devil

Talking Stock #31 my own thoughts on the 1948 Locomotive Exchange trials

I have now made two previous posts on this blog about the 1948 locomotive exchange trials, and my models of the locomotives that featured on Southern metals and would have passed through Salisbury and therefore can occasionally be seen on Fisherton Sarum. The first Talking Stock # 2 post focused mainly on the Express Passenger and general purpose locomotive trials whilst the second post Talking Stock #30 focused on the less often referred to freight locomotives trialed. This post is by way of m



Bringing Coals to Buckden

It's been said many times before but the first and easiest thing you can to do make a RTR loco look better is bung some real coal in it. So ok this is by far the first thing I did to these two but I finally got around to it and it really makes a difference I think!   The Ivatt was simple as the bunker is fully modelled below the plastic load, so you just whip that out and stick some in. The 3F required a little surgery to get enough depth for a convincing pile but that done I think it looks lo



Penpits sprung chassis - with video

After several evenings of fun, and I guess something about 20 hours work in total I have now got to the point of getting the replacement Penbits bogies under my Class 24. The initial 'rolling test' where you leave out the gears so you can just roll the locomotive along was great fun! I had used Black Beetle wheels in the original conversion and these went back into the bogies with no problems. Being insulated on one side only they made opting for what some people call 'the American System' of pi

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

74xx Injectors Part II

In the last entry I was trying and failing to get an injector built with the soldering iron. I had some good advice about using 188 deg solder combined with 145 deg to build up the injector without it melting into a lump, I'll give that a go when I'm back home in Brighton. In the mean time I've retried the process using super glue. It's been pretty successful, except I've not been able to make it small enough - without the pannier body to give it some sense of scale, it looks ok but it still nee


alanbuttler in DETAILING

Sproston - bits and pieces

Hello again, well it's been a long time and I have had little report on the modelling front, but a milestone has been reached - in that Sproston's signalbox is now complete..... except for nameboard and any internal lighting! So it's nearly time to ditch the unpainted and badly made Hornby (Pola) model, of the wooden WR box with an internal staircase and panel, that has stood in for the last 18 months as the stations signalbox (hooray!). Latest pics of the new box are below.



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    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
    • Good to see it was a positive experience - and really nice to see a couple of photos of Ditchling Green (I didn’t realise it was still around).  Always struck me as a lovely layout: an early example perhaps of the ‘less is (so much) more’ approach to railway modelling that is now widely appreciated.  Keep up the good work, Keith.
    • The layout and info display looks very good. Thanks for posting photos of the other layouts, always a gift for those of us abroad - especially when they are this good.   Imposter syndrome is common I think, it can hold us back but on the hand I'll take that over bragging anytime.  
    • That sounds like a good approach Nick, thank you for clarifying. A sense of space is so important, less is more and all that.   The Penzance photo shows unloading of flower traffic from the Scilly Isles (no date). It features on the front page of this volume by Tony Atkins. The book is perhaps not unexpendable and a tad dry, but it is informative and some of the photos are lovely.    
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