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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Taunton Rail ex 2015

Taunton Rail-ex 2015 Held over the weekend of Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October. Now entering its 25th year Somerset Railway Modellers Club are pleased to present our annual model railway exhibition held at the excellent Taunton School.   The venue has ample free parking with plenty of Blue badge spaces near to the halls. The legendary catering will again feature a wide range of hot and cold food, including Sunday`s roasts!   This year we have 21 layouts and 23 traders for all your ins



O gauge - Restart

On the 20th Nov last year I moved to a new home - still in Nova Scotia but now in the town of Bedford.. Much closer to civilization than before . There is space for a small trainroom that permits a layout that is about 2' wide in the form of a 11' X 10' rectangle... At last the locomotive stock can be properly run in.. The previous shunting layout did not permit any going around in circles for half an hour at a time... Here is view of the new premises.. (At this point I have abandoned us



Baseboard Beginnings

After the diversions caused by the slight alterations to the plan, the weekend landed today and with it the chance for me to properly begin Litlington (again!)   As mentioned I have decided to go along the foam board route, and this afternoon purchased the required parts. The foam board itself is Knauf Space Board Eco - which I recently found out is now discontinued in the UK, however fortunately our local Wickes still had some in stock. They now have two less!   General consensus is to add



Wheal Elizabeth at Yate

Just a quickie. Happy to report Minion has been successfully delivered to Wheal Elizabeth and will be on shed this coming Saturday at the Sodbury Vale show In Yate. It will get toned down a bit when I can bear to get the airbrush out but at the moment it's too cold to stay in the garage for long. Excuse the lack of backscene. I've only put the layout up to track test everything. Am also playing with a couple of Hawksworth coaches. I've done nothing other than re wheel at the moment bu



Can You Tell What It Is Yet?

Possibly not the best catchphrase to use these days , but I thought I'd start the next 7mm scratch build project with a little quiz. Although there's still a lot to do to the Cargowaggon Twins to turn them into an actual model, rather than a collection of bits, I wanted to get another project under way in the design stage.   I find that after a day at work, I often don't feel in the mood to do some actual modelling, and there's a good chance that I could cock something up through being tired.



Wagons par Duex

Hi all,   There are quite a few wagons going through the workshop at the moment, which is great as its a chance to use a few effects that you normally can't on other items of stock.   The first up is a modified Dapol kit, which is to be black with a bit of weathering. Here you can see the start of the work on the deck area   A pipe wagon with some pre-shading on the sides.   And a a start has been made on these 3 wagons, which will become very heavily battered and worn. cheers



Shipston Gas Works

Other than one photo on Warwickshirerailways.com, there is very little evidence that Shipston ever had a gas works. But this short movie has come to light with a very blurred view of the plant:   http://www.macearchive.org/Archive/Title/midlands-news-23121963-closing-of-smallest-gas-works/MediaEntry/6692.html   Note the movie says it was the smallest gas works. Whether this was in all the country or just Central England is not clear.     I am not sure how this will be incorporated into



A slight hiatus - then work re-commences...

Dont get old! I think I might have said that before!   Christmas came - and with it a bad stomach bug. This had a disastrous effect on my sugar levels which in turn had an affect on my eyesight (incipient Diabetic Neuropathy...) FORTUNATELY strong doses of medication resolved both the bug and the sugar levels (eventually) but it's taken some time for my eyesight to return (almost) to normal. A new pair of prescription lenses has also helped!   Anyway, I decided to do some fairly 'broad-br



Dabbling in 3rd rail in 2mm finescale

Good evening,   Just before Christmas I bought the wonderful Farish 4 CEP in blue/grey livery. A superb model and I'd wanted to get one ever since I had a play with BCN Pete's model on his Paddock Wood bay layout.   I decided to buy some concrete sleepers and some flat bottom rail form the 2FS shop and set out to produce a mini diorama for the unit and hopefully run it. My wife has suggested on several occasions to model something more local alongside my Cornish work in progress layout so I

cornish trains jez

cornish trains jez

The Cause of, and Solution to, all of life's problems...

Is of course, not money, not beer, but Google.   In my last post, I mentioned the runaround. All was well and good. I then had an idle moment at work (we have had some IT issues over the past couple of days where our system has stopped working at times!) on Thursday and googled 'run round in goods yard' to see if any inspirational, real-life examples came up. The eighth link was to these virtual hallowed halls, where member jamest of this parish asked for a critique of a layout plan.  You c



Loco line up for tomorrow

All set for tomorrow now - well as well as I am going to be. Have spent last couple of days getting really frustrated with locos that ran perfectly last time out but are now displaying all manor of faults from out rough running to derailing to out right refusal to work. The most common problem appears to be pick ups not working properly and as these are one of my least favorite parts of loco construction (couplings are a close second!), you can probably tell that I am wishing I had checked them



Nearly there! - the E4 (ex GER - not SR!) is almost finished.

I hadn't realised it's been so long since I last posted an entry. It's not as though I haven't been doing a lot, I have, but I just haven't recorded a lot to put on here. Apologies!   In earlier posts, I have put up pictures of the BR (ex GER) E4 2-4-0 that I've been building from the Nu-cast (ex Stephen Poole) kit. It's now nearly complete - the only work left to do is put balance weights on the rear driving wheels, complete the front coupling (the hook's in place, the rest isn't!), weather t



GCR open third, part III

Well, after a few weeks of almost glacial progress, the open third is finished.   I underestimated how much work would be involved with this conversion; my previous Robinson stock being repaints and detailing of LMS period I carriages led me to think that this would be a quick little project. Wrong!   I left off last time with the bodywork largely finished and the interior not even begun.   I re-used the floor from the donor carriage, cutting off the compartment walls and smoothing down

James Harrison

James Harrison

This week i have been mostly...

Ive been meaning to keep up to date with what ive been up to since i finished the 13 all the way back in August and obviouly have failed to either get anything done or when i have put it on here so i thought id stick a few pics up of whats been going since.   So during and after the class 13 bash id set to and started to rebuild the tunnel mouth for the Gas Works coal 009, the original was a bit poor and not up to what im capable of now so i stripped it all back and set to guessing measurement



Dukedog variations part II – No.9000

A number of the Dukedog’s had above footplate sandboxes as determined by the frames of the donating Bulldog. No.9000 and No.9005 will feature in the Works, both of which had this particular trait. There is also another slight variation, No.9000 and No.9005 had their pull rods above the filler lids, whereas 9008 had them running along side the sandboxes, in between the wheel splashers and springs (it’s quite hard to make out, but here is a picture courtesy of the GWSR)   This evenings t


alanbuttler in DETAILING

Barrier time.

Hi all,   Well where has the time gone, its been a busy start to the year already   Any way a few bits that have been crossing the bench.... HST barrier coaches, just need rebuilding and will be dropped off to their owner whilst on a train trip towards the end of Feb.   This southern region 'Dance hall' Brake van is progressing along quite nicely, only a few bits left to add.   A Lamprey for a Scottish customer which will be delivered towards the end of Feb along with a couple of ot



Newcombe Road

Updates to TheRSR come all at once. I don’t apologise! :-) Meanwhile, work has also been taking place helping Mr W build a new railway in an outbuilding at his new home in South Norfolk. Mr W is a good modeller and over the years has constructed and painted white metal kits of various LNWR, L&Y and Midland locomotives from the 1920s – sort of pre-grouping/early grouping cross over period. Not content with locos are his kit built coaching stock and wagons. Oh and all fitted with three link



Bohemian Saxony – European Tramway

It’s been a while since I gave a progress report on the European tramway which I am helping to build. There has been progress but it has been in fits and starts. Partly due to supply chain problems for materials and also the future owner changing his mind requiring some rework, Pictures better than words I feel. Captions if relevant.   Source



009 Loco build.

Another distraction from my main modelling activities. And a first for me – I’ve never done anything like this before. A customer presented an N gauge Bachmann ‘Plymouth’ diesel shunter, a sheet of plasticard, and extracts from an article which had appeared in Railway Modeller a year or so back. The author of the article had built a new narrow gauge style body to fit the N gauge chassis and this customer wanted to do the same ….only he was having trouble cutting the plasticard straight. The ar



Mickleover this Saturday.

As alluded to in my last comment Up the Line will be out and about again this Saturday - well half of it will be! For reasons that will become apparent very shortly, scheduled maintenance work has over run (sound familiar?) and as it is a slightly more informal gathering than a full blown exhibition, just a couple of boards are going. That will be nice and easy I thought - am sure you can guess where this is going!   Details for the show can be found here http://www.ngtrains.com/Pages/Admin/Sh



Goodies from the UK

Here I am back in Belem. With lots to sort out, but still things required, I just did not get enough time to sort or buy everything I wanted. Plus there would of been complaints from the suitcase packing authorities.   Mind you we may be back in the UK in September so I can restock more then too. I would like to get my lathe here. But that I may have problems with because of the weight. Maybe the wife can sort it into the case without any trouble.   But I did bring back back more than enough



Plan of the Site

Whilst sorting through a file of railway related documents and drawings, I found a folded piece of A3 paper, which turned out to be a plan of the site. In about 1999 I had access to large scale OS maps of Corby which must, looking at this small extract, have dated from the 1970s. Sadly I didn't have the foresight to copy the whole lot, but I did copy the section covering Pen Green workshops. I had completely forgotten that I had done this, so it came as a pleasant surprise.     There is



Heljan Hymek

Took delivery of a new blue with small yellow panel Hymek from a well known Liverpool shop.   Ran it in this evening on DC, then fitted a DCC Concept chip. Runs beautifully, very quiet. Well chuffed with it!   Detailing and a very light weathering to do.



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    • Thank you, Jeremy.  Those underslung springs were not unusual.  Early locomotives often used the boiler as a main structural member.  It led to difficulty when designing the Firefly replica, which has extra supports to meet current safety criteria.   I know that at least one early engine was rejected by Brunel because it was supplied with a single central buffer.  I suspect it took a while for these dimensions to be standardised.
    • Impressive.   You say that the locomotive as per Lane's drawing had the footplate too high for Viper's tender, but surely it also has front buffers too high for other rolling stock. Were the front buffers not intended for use with other vehicles?   What do you reckon to the driving wheel spring and axlebox in Lane's drawing? Apart from the arrangement of the leaves, it looks as if the driving wheels are supported by the loco frame rather than the locomotive bearing down upon
    • Many thanks Mike - yes Scotland is indeed beautiful...in all weathers!   Interest in Kyle....hmmm...where do I begin!   I guess a number of reasons - I am an 1/8 Scottish so I guess part is in my DNA. A few trips up to Scotland over the years and I guess a love of the interesting small trains especially in the BR Blue era.   Kyle came about as my 2mmFS china clay layout layout was expanded too quickly so I became a bit bored with it...even though china clay seems to
    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
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