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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Finescaling a Hall

I've been struggling for a while to think up a catchy title for this one. It was originally intended as a Christmas project which would obviously have been 'Deck the Halls' but I didn't actually get around to starting that soon so the moment was lost.   For old times sake, I waited until the loft was again at sub zero temperatures before testing the Hall on Taw Bridge. I wanted to check that the coupled wheels would negotiate crossovers successfully (they did) and that it could pull a train -



Nuremberg Toyfair 2015 Report - Part 2

Nuremberg Toyfair 2015 – Part 2   Day 1: Several appointments today, but the intervals between allowed me to have a good look around Hall 4A, dedicated to model railways. Immediate impressions (confirmed by others) are that the number of exhibitors is fewer than in previous years and that those attending have, in many cases, opted for smaller stands. The result is that where, a few years ago, model railway companies spilled out into neighbouring halls, the reverse is now true and various unrel



Nuremberg Toyfair 2015 Report - Part 1

Nuremberg Toyfair 2015 Report - Part 1 Every year the German city of Nuremberg is host to the world’s largest trade fair for toys, games and hobbies. With 2,700 exhibitors from more than 60 countries displaying around one million products (75,000 of which are new) and 75,000 visitors from 120 countries, it’s a major event by any standards. Over the next couple of days, I'll be reporting back from the fair, looking at trends, new tech and hopefully posting a few photos of interesting kit. In a



Update 2

The last couple of months has seen me trying to finish of some the many UFO's. On the list were some LMS 6 wheeled CCT's. These are brass etches made by Etched Pixels, which glue on to a 3D print body, which in turn fits onto a NGS 6 wheels chassis from the stove R. These were quite simple to build. I opted to solder the sides together and then glue the body. The body's come with or without rainstrip. While the printed strip is a bit thick, added brass wire and shaping was a tad difficul



Update 1

I'd start by apologising, it has been quite sometime since I add to/ updated this blog. Over the spanning time the modelling mojo has ebbed and flowed. I've been encouraged by Sithlord to get my act together and post some updates. Work on the Patriot has continued, ever so slowly. Applying the lining decals has been an experience Just as I was about to order some nameplates, the NGS shop closed, so now just awaiting the modelmaster section to be updated to order some plates.   The lin



5726 - Primed, Numbered, Allocated... almost there!

I thought I was 99% there with No.5726, but boy does the macro lens show up a lot .... happy though, this has been a fantastic starter project in detailing, its been quite a journey since March 2014...! Credit to George Dent, Paul Marshall-Potter and Iain Rice for the inspiration to first take a scalpel to 7739.   Jobs still to do - varnish the decals, real coal, screw link coupling for the rear, steam heating cock and pipe for the rear buffer beam, left tank filler lid handle missing,


alanbuttler in DETAILING

Another show down!

Not down at all actually - it was really good! Hats off to those Mickleover chaps who put on a surprisingly extensive and comprehensive little show even though it was only really an open day sort of thing. After a slightly hesitant start while things warmed up a bit and rather too long trying to track down and mend a faulty lead (must make up a couple of spares for a quick swap), things settled down nicely and we had some real fun with a very unrealistically busy operating schedule. Many thanks



Adding Some Vertical Interest

I mentioned a few days ago altering the track plan to include a run round, whilst hopefully maintaining a sweeping curve (well, as 'sweeping' as you can get in a 6' Scenic section!) into the station platform.   That track plan is, again, below.     One thing I've never tried before, but have always wanted to, is to incorporate a gradient into the plan. I tend to plan my layouts and schemes on XtrkCad to avoid the 'optimistic pencil' that I know would result if I tried to draw the plan out



Shipston Gas Works - Started Sketchup

All else has been set aside while I try to reconstruct the gas works, based upon available plans and photos and the excellent descriptions by SteveNCB7754. This is a rough start but the main buildings and gas holders are more or less in position. None of this is accurately scaled (or even estimated) as yet but the basics are provided by the air photo and the old ordnance survey map.     There's a lot more to be done!   Edit: changed view to perspective, now the gas holders look about rig




Now and then I like to revisit a bit of the layout if it isn't quite working for me. Although I was pleased with this culvert scene when I finished it, over time it began to nag at me that the arrangement of bridge, retaining wall and culvert in such close proximity was a little contrived ...     In addition there was something about the general lay of the land on the embankment to the right of the culvert which didn't entirely convince ... as well as seeming to get in the way of all of the

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Shipston Gas Works - What's Left

Using a well known "on line air photo service" I have annotated the remaining vestiges of what made up the gas works and the coal yard:     I think it should now be possible to scale off and build the gas works diorama as an add-on. Quite when this will happen is anyone's guess! One possibility, though, would be to "build" it in SketchUp.



'Somewhere smoky' in the early 1960's

This is a project that has been long overdue...after a gap of some 40 years...attempting to create a early 60's terminus station somewhere in the Englsih Midlands, I don't quite know where..but it'll probably involve copious quantities of 'smoke and grime'? I remain at the planning stage at the moment but I do have a track plan of the station, it's throat layout and intended adjacent good yard....as I am new to writing blogs on progress of the layout, is this the correct section within the rmweb



Parkside part 3

Has it been almost a year? Hmmm. Well, there is a good reason! While waiting for my HMRS pressfix transfers to arrive, my daughter took an interest in my modelling and thoroughly admired my wagon. I did find most of the pieces... Suffice to say that everything was stored in a safe place until that time I felt the courage to tackle this new challenge!. And there it stayed. Until now:     Hurray, repaired, painted and transfers added. Looking nice, those pressfix transfers, but a blood



Improving some Second-hand Pre-grouping vans

Fairly recently, I bought three pre-grouping vans from the local swap meet, all Roxey etched brass kits and well made, although a little battered from unsympathetic handling. Each cost me $20, (compared to the £27 each, or approximately $AUS55, for the flat kits, still currently available) and was fitted with EM gauge axles and wheels. I have slowly regauged or replaced the wheels and axles, with two of the vans retaining their compensation at one end, while the S&DJR van had to lose its com



Baseboard Conclusions

So after posting last nights update I was feeling pretty pleased with myself - I had a nice, flat and solid baseboard which looked good.   Impatience, however, then took over - I was keen to fix the end pieces to the boards, so took out a couple of the screws as the sides seemed to be secure. Of course, allowing a couple of hours rather than the 24 recommended on the tube of Gripfill was too soon, and I quickly found I had to put them back. Luckily, no damage occurred and this morning I was ab



Building the Churchward 45xx Part Four

Buffer Beams   I’m glad I’m keeping this blog – saves me having to remember which bit comes next. However finding the right place in the instructions and the correct bits is another matter ...   So buffer beams. This model is of one of those built with full length frames, so there’s no fiddling with the appearance of modifications. However the instructions tell you how to bend things for the shorter frames, but does not tell you what do for the longer frames. Studying a pic of 4564 suggests

Coombe Barton

Coombe Barton

Layout Update Jan 2015- Re-work of both stations :)

More Pictures Hopefully self explanatory   I have re-worked the terminus station- it now accommodates a 9 coach express. It has another two platforms that will take a 7 coach train and then the goods area. I have also decided to move the loco facilities there. I still need to purchase a PECO Turntable LK-55 and a Metcalfe single road shed... and a goods shed... and build the platforms... and finish the track... and do the scenic work... and ballast... etc etc etc...   I have also massively



Foster Street, Playing Trains or Adding to My Madness

Well its been a weird weekend, feeling really washed out on Saturday I really had no energy to do any modelling, my brain was willing but my body refused to cooperate so I spent the time on my other pastime SULKING. Thankfully I was able to wallow in my own misery and the Domestic Overlord was away for the day visiting family.   Today though I decided enough was enough, and getting the domestic chores out of the way, like the good little boy that I am I decided to play with my trainset. The st



Copper Clad Sleepers

I've been busy cutting up copper clad strips for regular track sleepers this afternoon. A laborious, monotonous process. Which reminded me that back in the early 1970s the copper clad sleepers (we called them PCB sleepers back then, short for Printed Circuit Board) came already cut to size and gapped. Not these days. On the other hand the longer strips for turnouts were the same width as the regular track sleepers when they should be wider, 4mm vs 3.3mm. So there is give and take between th



Ropley - Still here!

Hi All.   Blimey, was it really September the last time I updated the blog!   To be honest, Ropley has had something of an early winter hibernation, but the last week has seen some progress made with the embankment and groundwork on top of it. Those who know the real Ropley will have seen the recent landscaping which has taken place here, with the removal of the miniature railway and the regrading and resurfacing of the upper car park. As this work happened just before the scenic 'cut off'



WR ex GWR A30 Autotrailer

With 1454 finished (don't panic, we have 2 independent witnesses confirming it was indeed in unlined green with the early emblem), I'm now working on the Autotrailer. I reckon I bought this when I was about 13, which is a long, long time ago. I know there's a new RTR model in the pipeline but that's not the point. I really enjoy updating all the old models in my collection. In some cases it's quite poignant to see what I managed to achieve as a teenager (or not as was frequently the case) a



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    • Thank you, Jeremy.  Those underslung springs were not unusual.  Early locomotives often used the boiler as a main structural member.  It led to difficulty when designing the Firefly replica, which has extra supports to meet current safety criteria.   I know that at least one early engine was rejected by Brunel because it was supplied with a single central buffer.  I suspect it took a while for these dimensions to be standardised.
    • Impressive.   You say that the locomotive as per Lane's drawing had the footplate too high for Viper's tender, but surely it also has front buffers too high for other rolling stock. Were the front buffers not intended for use with other vehicles?   What do you reckon to the driving wheel spring and axlebox in Lane's drawing? Apart from the arrangement of the leaves, it looks as if the driving wheels are supported by the loco frame rather than the locomotive bearing down upon
    • Many thanks Mike - yes Scotland is indeed beautiful...in all weathers!   Interest in Kyle....hmmm...where do I begin!   I guess a number of reasons - I am an 1/8 Scottish so I guess part is in my DNA. A few trips up to Scotland over the years and I guess a love of the interesting small trains especially in the BR Blue era.   Kyle came about as my 2mmFS china clay layout layout was expanded too quickly so I became a bit bored with it...even though china clay seems to
    • Thank you for leaving the comments and thoughts guys, much appreciated.   Both Butley Mills and Ditchling Green are with new owners that are currently refurbishing them. Even the modelling skill and composition still shine through, so they were both well worth seeing in the flesh. One of Iain Rice's layouts I'd like to get the opportunity to see is Trerice.
    • It's good to see so many positive reviews of a model railway exhibition. I did dabble in S4/P4 way back and Iain Rice's writings were inspirational. I saw Butley Mills when it was first shown at Scaleforum in 1987 and I loved it. Gordon Gravett's models are fabulous and I would love to see them in the flesh, as it were. I did visit two shows specifically to see the magnificent "Pempoul" layout that the Gravetts built, that was the finest I've ever seen. I'm dabbling in "O" Gauge and an opportuni
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