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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

The factory – Part 2

The starting point.     I hope I have not tested your patience to much. Because I wanted to use the textures of the new low relief factory from Scalescenes I had to try out it first in scrap seeing of it would work out. Let’s start with a picture of the design I made at first:     Here I used just the sign and windows from the new kit. The factory will have a totally different appearance. I started with the underside of the building.     But I was not happy with the dimensions

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

The King - old vs new frames

The new Finecast frame is a great improvement on the old one, with a lot more detail on the nickel silver frets. The end result will, however, be lighter, though with the weight of the body I don't think this will matter too much. The first photo shows the two frets that make up the frame kit:     Eager to pursue this renovation, I put the basic frame parts together, using my Comet frame jig as an assistant. The round spacer at the front is an excellent idea from Finecast, as are the lugs o



Class 172

My first train class conversion project now (sort of) complete. After having the cabs for over a year, last month I finally got a Class 170 to convert into a 172. It isn't the best conversion project ever as there are lots of inaccuracies in the project but maybe I will fix those one day. I couldn't get lighting in the train as I kept on blowing the decoder when trying to add lighting (whoops).   The materials I used to make this were:   Electrostar cabs from a certain ebayer. LM 170 from e



Foster Street - Finally Getting round to Detailing the Canal area

Well, I managed to find a little modelling time today, well actually I just blocked the door to the spare room, and hid from the Domestic Authority. Its amazing really how peaceful modelling can be if you turn the stereo up to a setting loud enough to just about avoid your ears bleeding, but loud enough to drown out the banging and shouting of the Domestic Overlord on the door.   When you think about it, I bet its the reason Sundays were invented, their whole purpose is to allow you to hide a



The King - stripped

As promised, two photos of King James II, 95% stripped of the old paint. There is still some to be removed but I have also burnished the white metal to see where the imperfections are. Some filing/sanding/filling is required and this will have to wait for a couple of weeks as the necessary tools are in France. Then the various additional bits will be added and the white metal can be primed. So the engine and tender will be set aside for the time being and I have started on the new chassis, which




Gerlos will be mothballed soon. Why, you might ask?   1. Gerlos has too many compromises 2. The fiddle yard will be virtually in-accessible once the scenery is applied 3. A loft conversion will give me a huge amount more space 4. I really want to run my RhB stuff as well   Originally I was going just move the layout into converted loft (during construction as it's easier) and then remedy just parts one and two. However that doesn't address the complete lack of depth.   Item 4 give anoth



ex-SECR 'Dance Hall' Brake Vans - started in 2009, nearly finished in 2015!

Does anyone remember the two Cambrian Kits SECR 'Dance Hall' brake vans I started sometime in 2009 (or maybe even before that)? No? I posted a few photos of them sitting on the old layout at Middlehurst, minus glazing, couplings and handrails. Here's a reminder:       I have had them sitting on a shelf above my workbench, reminding me every time I sit down there that I need to finish them. Well, I finally fitted the glazing, added the handrails and added couplings, utilising the Parkside N



J15 !

Look what arrived!     The long anticipated and quite delayed J15 from Hornby (R3231) made it to Model Railways Direct yesterday, apparently to the surprise of everyone involved (and much to the horror of my bank account). This is the DCC Ready Early BR crest version as 65356 (and as this was a Cambridge shed number likely to stay that way http://www.railuk.info/steam/getsteam.php?row_id=18587!). Several of these saw service on the line, and as I haven't built it a Huntingdon East shed to r



Legge Lane has a royal visitor

Something of a departure for Legge Lane, as an old friend re-emerges from the past. In 1968 I built a Wills Finecast King Class 4-6-0 and then forgot about it as I carried on with life, graduated, got a job, traveled the world. The King traveled with me but got a bit of rough treatment along the way. Only now have I had the opportunity to redress the situation and a discussion on the Wright Writes forum persuaded me to drop other projects and have a go at stripping down the King and rebuildin



Allestree 2015

It has been a bit of a late start to my show visits for 2015. Sadly, due to my wife and daughter being ill, I missed the much anticipated Stafford show at the start of the month. As a result my visits for the year began with a much smaller show. This Allestree event has been around a long time having been organised by members of the church to raise money for church funds. Last year the event was taken over by the Famous Trains charity although, as I understand, the proceeds still go to the churc



Ropley - A little box of tricks

Hi All.   Modelling focus since the last entry has focused on the small collection of huts/sheds/cabins that reside on top of the embankment at Ropley. The first two of these are complete bar a few minor details, and can be seen in the photo above. The rather battered appearance of the portacabin type was created using weathering powders & dry brushing after first being sprayed the light yellowish brown colour seen where paint has fallen away. Humbrol Maskol was used to recreated these ar



A Scenic Identity - Research and Structure ideas 1

Now that the layout plan is finally complete, I have spent a most enjoyable evening browsing various websites looking for scenic inspiration. Something which I have been keen to do since coming up with the idea is to keep a real 'Sussex feel' with regard to the scenics and the structures. As well as buildings, that also encompasses local building materials - I've even found myself looking quizzically at trees on my travels, thinking "I wonder if I could do justice to you and fit you somewhere".



Sproston - The signalbox named, some platelayers trollies and fencing.

This will be just a quick update, to make up for the lack of a blog entry for December. The signalbox is no longer anonymous...Hurrah!! (thanks to Gaugemaster.com), a new namepate (Cooper-Craft) has been fitted to the front elevation, now only internal lighting remains to be completed. Two platelayers trollies have also appeared alongside it (Cooper-Craft) filling some of the empty space.   The Railway boundary on the layout has at last been tackled - 122 posts (Ratio GWR) painted



Starting on the baseboards and laying some track

For this new layout I am essentially using the track plan described by Phil Parker for Edgeworth (as serialised in BRM and on this forum thread http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/79690-building-your-first-layout-supplement/). I'm going to make a few changes to make it more representative an ex-Caledonian / LMS branch line specifically in the style of the signal box and station buildings. I'm also going to try and squeeze in a cattle dock on one of the sidings to emphasise a rural

peter findlay

peter findlay

Servoset II - Continued

Last night I managed to get the LEDs and push buttons fitted to the pcb and then fitted the front panel.     The front panel was tricky and takes time to get anything like right. A bit disappointing that the legend for the rotary controls does not line up fully. Something not quite right in the print methinks.   Anyway, here it it ready for the next stage which is completing the electronics.  



Foster Street - Additions to the Fleet - Simple Modifications

Well I got bored with messing about with the green stuff on Foster Street so being the hardened modeller that I am I thought sod that, lets do something different, so out came the trusty mini-drill and the super glue, I mean what could possibly go wrong?   All of the locomotives in my fleet had cab windows fitted, using my trusted method of cutting clear plastic to the correct size and then fitting them with super glue. Easy you would think, just measure cut and stick, well let me tell you its



2FS GWR Loading Gauge

At last nights meeting of the Midland Area Group of the 2mm Scale Association, along with working on some of the items that were started at the previous meeting we continued to identify some more of the things that we still need to add to the layout.   Obviously, like so many other layout projects there is still plenty to do. One of the things that we all feel is missing is a loading gauge in the goods yard. A quick search of t'internet for GWR loading gauges in N gauge showed that although

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Servoset II

The signals on Fourgig East are driven by MERG servo driver boards that for now are set-up using a laptop and the appropriate software. However lugging an ancient laptop (it still has a 3.5" floppy drive!) around just in case I need to adjust a signal was bugging me so I spent some Christmas money on a MERG kit 76A Servoset II.   SWMBO also arranged for Santa to bring me a nice new shiny drill press (pillar drill to the masses) so the two were brought together last night for a pleasant hour wi



Penna Lane TMD 2015 Exhibition Diary

Penna Lane TMD 2015 Exhibition Diary     Penna Lane TMD will be representing Shildon Model Railway Club at shows this year as well as supporting other groups.     Model Motion Event. March 14th/15th. Venue :- Locomotion NRM Shildon. see NRM web site for details. Free Parking, Free entry, Doors open at 10 both days, Steam train ride available(small charge). Rotary Club Newton Aycliffe March 21st. Venue :-Aycliffe Youth Centre near

Ray Penna Lane TMD

Ray Penna Lane TMD

Field Research Trip

When I decided to base my layout around the never-built line to Witney through North Leigh, it was simply a whim, derived from a map shown on Martin Loader's website about the Fairford branch.   As I have got 'drawn in' to the scenario, I have begun to learn more about the area and have found, to my surprise, that some of my 'fiction' is closer to the truth than I thought. My layout incorporates several 'features', including a quarry, saw-mill, and.lime kilns.     From s


MikeOxon in general

Less Is More - A Space Oddity

A couple of days ago I mentioned that I had finalised the plan, at long last. Of course, a layout is much more than just a track plan, something which I feel is sometimes missed - that's why I've generally tried to call it the plan, rather than the track plan, as whilst the track is obviously important, it is how that it fits in with the 'minds eye' vision I have for the layout as a whole, that is more important to me.   That leads nicely onto the change - the bay. Most of the variations of th



What really happened in the Cuban missile crisis

Farthing, 1904. With a rising sense of panic, Goods Porter E. Sparkler stared at the pigeon baskets he had just knocked over.         A lid had opened, and the pigeons were escaping.         The pigeons soon scattered around the goods yard.         They were white show pigeons, en route to a prestigious event at the London Philoperisteron Society.         One of the pigeons



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