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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Urie S15 - cylinders

On with the Urie S15. I've eliminated shorting from the front bogie against the frames, with a lot of filing and grinding, and now the loco traverses all my pointwork (including a couple of reverse curves through Peco curved turnouts) without hesitation or sparking.   I test-fitted the cylinders, and had to remove a lot of material from the front profile to avoid shorting against the bogie wheels on curves. A similar amount will need to be removed from the rear cylinder plate casting when I ad

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Cheddar - track laying commences

Some 46 years since the track as lifted in this quiet corner of Somerset, the permanent way gangs have returned once again. After having expressed a desire to go down the flexi-track route, I have persevered with the original ply and plastic option as intended, for the time being at least. Step 1 was to make a suitable jig from offcuts of plasticard.Pre-stained sleepers are then slotted in and the first rail added, the chairs having been threaded on. I've printed off templates from Templot an



Victoria Bridge mini- world tour (of the Wyre Forest area.....)

I am planning a small 'tour' of local venues with mini-Victoria Bridge. More to come, but in the meantime....     March 21st and 22nd   Firstly, the SVR Spring Gala.... I will have the layout on show inside Arley station on the Saturday and Sunday of the event, if you are travelling on the train on the day, do arrange a stop at Arley and come and say hello! http://www.svr.co.uk/SEItem.aspx?a=65   April 25th   Then, on the 25th April, an anniversary show is planned by Wyre Forest MRC

Will J

Will J

Figure Painting - First Steps

Last Saturday I visited my local model railway exhibition - AbRail 2015. I was looking for ideas on scenery and there was a good number of interesting layouts. Several featured canals and water and, of these, I particularly enjoyed the 'Aldford Brewery' (Wimbledon MRC) and the canal-side inn at 'Mulldale' (Letchworth MRC).         I also thought that there were some impressive trees alongside 'The Abingdon Branch'. Initially I thought 'Highclere' (Julia Adams) looked rat


MikeOxon in general


HI, I also dropped this off on the Saturday at the Glasgow show for the customer to collect           Its was done using a custom colour with the tranfers supplied by Steve at Rail-tech and then weathered using the airbrush and pigments and a few AK- Interactive products. The only problem is now I want one....must resist :no: Cheers Simon



Urie S15

With the Dean saga hopefully drawing to a happy conclusion - touch wood - I thought I'd crack on with another loco build while I was in the right frame of mind for a bit of soldering and swearing.   Having built several six-coupled locos with either inside cylinders or GWR outside pattern, I thought I'd best bite the bullet and tackle something with actual valve gear. This DJH Urie S15 has been in my kit collection for at least six or seven years, being purchased as an almost complete kit at a

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Ruston LAT/LBT - coming together

I've made a lot of progress with the Ruston over the weekend. I decided to build the locomotive using 'split axles' for the pick-ups.I decide to try something new here and use the delrin gear as the space to keep the two parts of the axle aligned. The gears are about 8mm wide so each end of the axle is pushed into the gear by about 4mm. A little circle punched from a piece of thin paper is enough to keep the ends electrically separate and the whole lot is flooded with loctite so hopefully it won

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

A Sunday Night Interrupted

I had intended to crack on with the wall for the blacksmiths yard this evening, but as I have a toddler who is simply refusing to go to bed on my knee, I fear it may have to be put off!   I have though taken advantage of todays good weather to take a couple of photos of the now very nearly (not yet glazed and needs a sign) blacksmiths building itself:       After being pleased with the goods shed even before I'd finished painting it, this one was the complete opposite - until I started



Foster Street - Changes to the Canal Or When you cant think of an idea CHEAT

Well the Domestic Overlord abandoned me today, and left me all alone. on myself with nobody to keep me safe or protect me from the wild animals and monsters that are just waiting for the chance to get me....and they nearly did, but as you can tell I managed to fend them off..........for now at least.   Anyway freedom is a terrible thing, I don't like it, its not safe, it fills your mind with lots of thoughts which is not good, and there is nobody there to tell you that the thing you are curren



I'm Board Stiff!

And yet the horrific (un)witty blog entry names keep on coming... *sigh*   Dad and I have been busy building the baseboards and legs for the layout this weekend. I did my best to cut the ply sides straight, but let's just say cutting wood straight is not my strong point! Regardless, we made a lot of progress, and as dad is in his area of expertise, he thinks of stuff I wouldn't.   So the first photo shows the first steps of the baseboard construction...     This is of course the centre



The Railway Shed

When I moved to a new house, I purchased a shed to house all my model railway stuff. Initially all sorts of junk got stored in there, until I could not even get in the door. After 5 years, some of the junk was removed, and it was used to house some computer servers, poorly cats, spare furniture, etc. Finally, enough room was made to set up Freshwater to work on it (still no room for a chair though).   So, nine years later and the original paintwork was starting to look tired, so I fina

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan in Structures

Building the Churchward 45xx Part Eight

Cab Rear   The cab rear windows have had their etched bars cut and filed out and the whole thing filed smooth. Now it’s time to mark out the positions of the holes where I’m going to fit the replacements. Marking out that accurately will be a problem unless I employ some subterfuge. So a scan of the GA drawing cab rear, a printing out and then measuring to find out how much to reduce the image, then doing that, then reversing the image so we get the other cab side then you get this. And then I

Coombe Barton

Coombe Barton

In the beginning – layout design

We had moved into the new house and there was a space. What to build?   In fact there would be a space of five years before the ‘room’ for the railway would be available. Five years might seem an over long time for planning and day dreaming. However I wouldn’t underestimate the importance of time spent looking at other people’s ideas and prototype station layouts. Only then are you in position to draw up some ideas for yourself.   In my case this was fifteen years ago and pre ‘layout design

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

AbRail 2015

A few photos from the Abingdon show today. An enjoyable time was had and it was good to catch up with friends again.   A shot against the lighting. I quite like the way the light reflects from the surfaces but it's not easy to photograph with the lights shining straight into the camera.   And we were awarded a nice trophy too. Ian seems pretty happy about it.   The Hall isn't finished yet but it managed to do some useful work.



Slimming my legs

That is actually all that seems to be happening with all the going to the gym I am doing at the moment - have lost weight but only from my now skinny legs and nothing from the beer belly! Hopefully, that is not what your interested in as this all about the trestle legs for the layout and at last I have finished something! You may remember that I floated this idea a couple of months ago and for any newcomers will repeat the pic of the plan;     In short plan was to remove the 'horns at 'A'



Spot the difference!

so can you spot the difference?   A Hornby Old Contemptibles and a comet kit built Old Contemptibles..   and     spot the speedo drive(!)   both are nice but the Comet one has a bit more presence

Barry O

Barry O

The King - Running in the Chassis

A quick update following the longer post last week. The motion is complete, though the crankpin "nuts" have not been finally soldered in place as there will be a further disassembly in the near future.   The motion runs nicely and because it is difficult to show this without making a short movie I decided to time one revolution of the drivers at the slowest setting on my cheap Hornby analog controller (the one that comes with a boxed set).   22.5 seconds with no hesitation. Edit: This from



WC&P in the movies

Had a great weekend at the Eastleigh show last weekend so I thought I'd try to take a couple of movies. It's taken an age to upload the first, so I'll need to sort out a few things before I upload the second... The locals don't even seem to notice the 11.30 from Weston...



Building Number Two

Its been something of a fraught week in the household as, after a rough weekend, our eldest broke out in the very visible symptoms of chickenpox on Monday.   In between applying calamine lotion and trying to prevent the inevitable scratching, I have been working on a few bits and have now started on the second building. Again referring to the Cuckoo Line book for inspiration, and with the knowledge that there was one in Litlington in the early part of the last century, I have decided to add a



The Dean Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope?

Despite my best intentions to put the troublesome Dean Goods project aside for a bit, I couldn't resist taking it out again for another session of tweaking. If you've been following the complicated saga, the latest thrilling twist was that the new gearbox seemed to be wearing out a bit prematurely - ie, over one weekend. Eek!   In the comments on the earlier thread:   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/257/entry-15636-dean-goods-the-saga-continues/   it was suggested that the

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Mail time and Lineside

HI all, Well after a very busy week last week, this week and now the Glasgow show has been and gone I can show you all some of the bits that were returned to customers;   First up we have a the 128 parcels car in Royal Mail   A Derby lightweight   Whilst up there i managed to get out lineside on Sunday and these three ladies passed by. First up is 56113 with 6K23 Dalmeny Jn to Millerhill nearing journeys end passing Niddrie West Jn.   Then after a change of location we had 37601



Back in Honley Tank

It’s been great to be back in the workshop and actually doing a bit of model engineering and using eyes, fingers and brain to design and make things without the aid of a computer and a computer-driven device. That digital card cutter and its associated computer programs have taken a lot of learning time and I’ve missed being in the workshop environment.   I knew I got pleasure out of designing, fabricating and machining, but building the two chassis for those computer-produced brake van bodies

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank


I am desperate, I am practising building in P4, meanwhile I have just got to get something running, I've drooled over the sublime Shell Island, the wagon sidings on Canada Road, the running of trains on Abbotswood Jct. and the magic of Frampton. I've drawn inspiration from the atmospheric Cardiff photos of BR2975 (Thanks for sharing) Roath Goods and Bracty Bridge. So, I've set the scene and drawn a trackplan on Anyrail, the operation would involve cassettes at each end, probably longer than the



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