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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

a day of loss and find

Well today has been the typical day. I have lost my Swann Morton scalpel handle so I had to go on Ebay and order one, and a few extra blades. I love Swann Morton. Anyway I have to wait for stuff to arrive from Ebay and get set up.   I have a round kitchen type table, an old one and have put it in the conservatory. I have my tools, an A3 cutting mat, rulers, glues and stuff ready to begin. I have some plastic sheet that was given to me about a year or so ago, but I don't know if it is actually



Urie S15 - test fitting of connecting rods

Following a brisk bit of hillwalking to blow away the winter cobwebs, I spent a couple of hours soldering up the final cylinder assemblies. I was a bit puzzled by the kit's intentions, but after some head scratching I worked out how the slidebars were meant to function, and once "trapped" by the cylinder end castings, the final design seems pretty robust and quite neatly thought out.   I tack soldered the cylinders in place and tried a simple running test with the connecting rods loosely in pl

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Pictures update

Pictures in sequential order show: 37 027 at Ardlui on the Fort William bound sleeper Mallaig Junction yard facing west towards Ben Nevis Garelochead station from the south of the station Garelochead from the north of the station Mallaig Junction yard looking east southbound view towards Bridge of Orchy Fort William station looking east Ardlui station, sleeper still in platform Bridge of Orchy station looking north ditto 9 Bridge of Orchy station looking south



Interference and Buzzing

Interference and Buzzing   Based on what I have seen, I believe the “going bananas” problem and the “buzzing” problem result from two different effects. The first is caused by electromagnetic interference/radiation (EMI/EMR) and the second is more commonly to do with the mechanism that transmits force and motion to the point tie-bar. Unfortunately, if we are not careful, in trying to solve the one, we might make the other worse.   From the description of how the servo controller chip works,



Learning to Scratchbuild

This is my first posting on my blog. Over the years I've made lots of models for my layout (which as it stands will be Snettisham) but they are all Metcalfe kits made of card and card in our garage where I have to work is not good. I have no heating but its coming up to spring. but it does get really cold and damp in the garage.   I am back in England now having lived for some years in Crete, Greece where we built a house but it definitely is not a good time to sell in Greece.   Now is anyon



Servo Operation

The SG90 is a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) controlled servo, so the width of the pulses applied to its control input determine the position that the internal controller drives the servo to. Pulse widths are between 1 and 2 milliseconds, and are applied every 20 milliseconds (50 pulses per second). The servo assumes a nominal center position when the pulse widths are 1.5 milliseconds. The nominal extremes of position are plus and minus 45 degrees at the maximum and minimum pulse widths (1 and 2 m



kyle 2015 - lights, camera...and a little (tr)action...

Good evening,   Time for an update...   Work doesn't seem to be allowing any windows to do any modelling after work in the evenings at present so progress is focussed around weekend slots in between family duties.   The wiring has been simplified (how can it be complicated on a layout such as this you ask ) but in the main down to the fact that it was originally constructed 5 years ago in 300mm sections to get in my box files/suitcase, so lots of jump wires etc. A test class 47 managed to



Low cost servo point motors

I was not sure whether to post this as a topic or a blog. As it's probably going to be a bit "long winded", I thought a blog might be best - so here goes!   Like many others I have been messing around with servos to control the points on my OO layout. In the process I've discovered a few things that might be helpful to others who plan to do something similar. There are some advantages associated with using servos, but there are also some challenges that must be addressed to obtain the most rel



Introduction to my West Highland line

As the heading suggests, this is my 3rd attempt to build a model of the West Highland line. Built in a spare bedroom, the layout is set in the early 1980's where steam heat and corporate blue rule. Incorporating 4 stations built over 3 levels with each station in its own scenic environment, a train can travel up to 145 feet in total as it traverses the line. As I hope can be seen from the attached plan, there are: a main fiddle yard and 2 stations on the low level continuous loop, Garelochead



Brake vans

the small fleet of brake vans is slowly getting a make over. 3 Hornby and 2 Bachmann so far. A bit of weathering to sort out. the idea was to make one look like this http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/brbrakediag507/h264A0A25#h264a0a25 but it has not worked  



Track Building progress

Afternoon all   I'm frankly amazed there are not more drug abusers in model railway circles. I've spent this afternoon attaching rail and chairs to sleepers using butanone, a particularly strong smelling substance. If using this solvent, use in a well ventilated area for no other reason other than the smell.   In all seriousness, it's nice to feel like I'm making progress on a layout after quite some time of idleness and distractions. Even if progress is still slow, it's still progress. It'



Urie S15 - achieving the right ride height (or not)

Previously on S15..,   I'd struggled to get the chassis and body to play nicely together, with a whopping gap between the top of the cylinders and the underside of the footplate. After much examination of various photos - of both the prototype and other DJH models - I decided that the cylinders are correct(ish) but that body has to be lowered by about 1mm. The only problem with that is that something - either brass or white metal has to go.,,   Anyway, on with today's installment:   After

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Out and About on the Shipston Branch

As Spring seems to be on its way, today was the last chance I had for making a photo reconnaissance of the Shipston Branch with the trees and undergrowth bare. Here is a selection of photos. But be warned, there really isn't very much left to see!   First up, at Shipston Station's site there is very little left, it is now a housing estate. But on one wall a householder has fixed a GWR cast iron plate (which was bought at the reclamation yard at Moreton so it could be originally from Shipston).



Heworth Sidings - Update - 06/03/2015

Hi,   Again it's been quite a while since the last update (3 months this time). Work is still progressing, but the pace has seemed painfully slow over Christmas.   TINGS 2015   Countdown - 6 Months   Retaining Wall   With the Retaining Wall having been finished before Christmas, it was time to paint it and then apply some weathering to it. The brickwork is intended to be Blue Engineering brick, so a suitable colour was found to represent this, then the Arches / Capping Stones were pick



Latest Meeting

The last two meetings have been rescheduled although work has continued if slowly   Valentin spent the last meeting demonstrating playing with his new RSU a interesting bit of kit but one I fear from previous encounters would cause me to blow holes in etches .   Martin beavered away quietly on a building while I reinforced the baseboard ends in anticipation of adding a protective storage cover.         Still working on placements although nothing will be fixed until the storag



A frustrating evening!

Last night I was at the club. We were titivating BBC (Blackwell Brewery Company) for the St. Neots show next weekend (14th / 15th March). With all the layouts we currently have under construction, we don't have room in the clubroom to keep the layout permanently erected so this was the first chance I have had to run the E4 and the J17 on the layout. Frustratingly, they didn't run perfectly! The J17 suffers mysterious short circuits, which shouldn't happen so I will have to find out what's happen



Experiments in Point Rodding (1)

Although I haven't as yet finished all of the track work on Modbury, the parts that are laid will need ballasting before too long. This in itself poses a few slight problems, like what to use for ballast? But one of the things that I want to install before I tackle the actual ballasting is the Point Rodding - Yes, I will be putting point rodding on my 2FS layout!!   A re-read of the appropriate section of the 2mm Association's publication "Track - How it works and how to model it" gave a pote

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

76010 progress

Hello gentle reader,   I had a very pleasurable day showing off 76010 along with 76009 and 76114 at the Southampton show in January where I was helping to man the EM Gauge Society stand. Hopefully a few people went away inspired to have a go at chassis building, making Airfix/Dapol models work and perhaps even dabble in EM or P4. But first let’s say hello to the newcomer to the stable. 76114. Not a southern engine you may note. I wanted to take with me to demonstrations a model of an Airfi



King Edward VII redux- GCR 8D, Part II

Last time (over a month ago- really?) I introduced the thinking behind my replacing my current compound Jersey Lily.   The first thing to do was to introduce the Patriot chassis to the body and to make notes of where to cut. There was a fairly large lump to remove from the front of the chassis and another hefty piece to remove from the back, so it was out with the dremel and, over the course of a few evenings, these areas were cut away and discarded. I now had a chassis block that would fit

James Harrison

James Harrison

Disjointed Stuff.

I have finally enclosed an image of the Dave Geen Midland coach sides. This may not have worked properly. I apologise but I'm afraid I'm a complete and utter burke at computer stuff. I will get better! I'll have to if I want to put modelling shots on this epistle!!! Has anybody come across the Kernow newsletter this month? They are slashing the prices of two models which would be good for motor bogies, namely the Hornby Railroad Warship and the Hornby 2BIL. For under £40 the Wars



A new start

As you'll see in other entries on my blog, I build models of BR ex GER stock, and as the E4 and J17 are now virtually finished, I've started on a new build, a J19 (I've just edited this entry, I originally called the loco a J17. It's not!) 0-6-0 tender loco.   As you can see from the photos below, I have used a High Level gear box (Road Runner +) at 60:1 ratio. The motor is currently a Mashima 1620 although I may change it for a 1624 or 1630 I have available. One of the things I dislike is se



So close now

In my previous post, I showed pictures of the E4 in ex works condition, without means of propulsion.   In view of the loco being used on "Blackwell Brewery Company" (an EM layout of the Mid Essex MRC that's appearing at the St. Neot's show over 14th and 15th March 2015) I spent a little time tonight adding the propulsion fuel and making the loco look as though it's been working in the real world, rather than living in a shed. There are now 2 jobs to do and I ill then declare the loco finished



Getting to the Point

Having lashed myself to the computer today to weather the storm of desperately (and successfully!), trying to finish off my proper work before more comes along, I was able to turn my attention to the points for the new fiddle yard. Having given up on traversers this seems to be the simplest option. Simple - never! Have spent a whole evening on two points to get them up peak performance - and using Peco track was meant to make things simple.   So, firstly, a good clean was in order. These are



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