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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Weighing Up

So, not a whole lot going on again.   I've primed my Peco Dennis, ready for base coats which will hopefully go on in the next few days. I'm going to keep the same black and blue colour scheme I had decided on.   I was recently in the UK, so I visited K S Models in Stevenage (which is an excellent little shop) so I stocked up on some plasticard and bought these the Cambian Models 6 ton GWR crane, 1 plank PO wagon and GWR N30 loco coal wagon. They went together well, but the crane is rather f



Module 1 Ready

As noted yesterday, the lightweight frame needed more bracing to support the flexible polystyrene sheet. This support was added today, as well as bracing ready for joining Module 1 to Module 2. Two metal alignment dowels will be used as well as nuts and bolts.   The three photos show the progress so far:   1. Completed framework with additional strips to hold pre-existing structures in place:     2. Polystyrene sheet added to frame (it was not cemented when I took the photo):     3



Module 1 takes shape

A progress report after two days. Module 1 is the first 3' x 2' baseboard which includes the station platform, goods shed and weigh bridge hut.   I should mention here that the structures you will see on the photos were all made by Steve (steveNCB7754) and purchased last year when I first mentioned that I was looking at starting this project. Steve's models are superb and I hope I can do justice to them with the rest of the layout. (Steve, the station has been slightly disassembled on purpose,



Soon on this workbench: Renfe Series 252 by Mehano

Evening all!   I'm not sure how many of you might have looked into Spanish H0 models in the past, but if you did, you might have noticed two things.   Firstly, that – at least in my interpretation – there is a solid range of more or less contemporary stock by various producers such as Electrotren (now part of the Hornby universe), Roco, Ibertren and Mabar. However, further discrimination is required between motive power and freight stock on one hand, and really contemporary passenger stock

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Finescaling a Hall - Part 3

Having been temporarily chucked back together for AbRail, the Hall is just back from an extended spell in the paint shop having its paint job generally finished off and some weathering applied... just in time for St Ruth to go to Macclesfield this weekend.     My plan for the 'paint job' was to wash over the Dapol GWR green (or it it US Army WW2 geep green?) with thinned Precision BR Green, doing my best to avoid the lining. It's kind of worked, but it took a few more coats than I had hoped



Still 11th March 1981 with further pictures

Having slept on it, I really enjoyed yesterdays operations hence the addition of some more pictures showing: aerial shot of Ardlui with 37264 on 7B02 20192 stabled at Garelochead 37085 on 1T24 passing Mallaig Junction 1T24 awaiting departure at Fort William 2 pictures of 37191 descending into Bridge of Orchy with 8D10 37190 on 1B08 at Garelochead 37027 on 1B07 sleeper service at Bridge of Orchy last 2 pictures show 27041 on weedkilling train at Ardlui



Platforms For People - and Livestock

Whilst there has been no updates for a week or so, progress has continued apace, with the bulk of the platform now completed as well as the cattle pens.   As previously mentioned I want to ensure a local flavour to the layout, starting with the building materials, but also continuing to the structures. Typically, a cattle dock in 00 Gauge has meant using the Ratio Kit, which is of a GWR style with wire and post fences. Locally though the cattle docks I have found in my research - Hailsham for



Baseboard construction has started!

Well, I have been waiting for this moment for quite a few weeks. Now back in France where the layout is/will be located. "is" is a bit of a misnomer because it doesn't yet exist. However the buildings, stock and materials are all here, so a start can be made.   I spent this afternoon at two Bricos in north Perpignan. The first, Brico Depot (could that be take on Home Depot, the granddaddy of DIY stores?) seemed to be a bit chaotic, so I went a few kilometers further to Tridome, a local sto



11th March 1981

Had an operating session today and took some pictures, I hope you like them. Cast your mind back 34 years, it seems like only yesterday!   On the basis I have still not mastered how to add captions against each picture, the following list of the pictures is in order: 27041 arrives in early morning light at Ardlui with weedkilling train 37264 arrives at Garelochead with 7B02, 0520 Mossend to Mallaig Junction 7B02 again at Ardlui waiting time 37027 arrives at Bridge of Orchy with 1B



Honley Tank - The Best Laid Plans………!

Hello again everyone. In my last posting I told you how I intended to fit the roofs to those two CG brake vans, - a plug-in system that would allow the roof to be removed without damage, thus allowing access to the verandas.   Hence the title, - “The Best Laid Plans….” Well those mice & men certainly had a good go at me!   I have now got the idea to work but it cost a lot of frustration and much use of those Russian words that always seem to accompany my frustrations.   I had intende

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Urie S15 - starting with the valve gear

I ordered some longer M1 bolts over the weekend which arrived today, meaning I could push on with the valve gear. Tonight's work involved the assembly of the crosshead, union link, and combination arm. I used rivets which I've always struggled with a bit, but (at least for me) I think the trick is to start off with very small taps, rather than one big whack.   I tested fitted the piston valve rod into the cylinder - it's all loosely in place here, but (phew) does work, and there are no clearan

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Progress on "The sidings"

The management is pleased to report some progress on the sidings. The baseboard was built some time ago. It is 10 mm foamboard topped with cork, giving a nice light baseboard which weighs in at 900 grams. So far no warping issues.       The height adjusters are DIY – a simple bolt and screw, fitted with rubber pads for silencing cupboard doors. The latter are very handy, as they hold the legs firmly in place on all surfaces, and absorb vibration. There will be 8 of thes



Livery Street takes shape and some building mock ups

After taking a diversion into laser printing for the future city centre of my model, I've been putting my 3d skills to more currently practical use.   The station retaining wall along Livery Street has been designed and indeed printed. It wasn't cheap and the brickwork is \ little hit and miss, but I did it this way for several reasons.   1 Speed - a have a very low boredom threshold and lots of unfinished projects. This way I could get most of the wall done before I got diverted to somethi



O Gauge - Matching Vehicles

To me, one of the things that helps set a good railway layout are a few vehicles. Cars of any vintage can be found off the peg or RTR at a scale of 1/43... Trying to find Trucks, Lorries and Buses at this scale in any kind of UK outline vintage or not - impossible. It appears that the scale of choice is 1/50... In other words useless....! Many have tried to persuade me that 1/50 when seen from a distance is just fine. Fine for them maybe but not me. So imagine my joy to discover that one c



SWAG 2015 Whats on the menu ?

With apologies to Captain Kernow !   <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/NiTFNLjy8Uk"frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



(A) Streetcar (Named) Desire

Afternoon all!   Posted the following on Early Risers a few minutes ago, but wouldn't want to keep this set of photos from the rest of RMweb, of course.   I hadn't been able to pay that much attention to trams recently – any part of railfanning, actually – but even so, I was thinking of a couple of spots I might like to revisit now that I have some unexpected time… Forecast predicted increasing cloud cover by about noon and rain to become likely by the afternoon, so I first decided to ride d

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Like an upside down swan!

Like an upside down I am - all furious activity on top but little forward movement - an probably drowning as well! These fiddle yards are just eating time and am starting to think of extreme measure to get them finished so I can move on to other important matters before Nottingham. Finally got the new board joint into the new fiddle yard board sorted, was far from easy trying to work around the buildings without further destruction. The big doorway in the barn was very handy as was able to pass



Suddenly The Plan Falls Into Place!

A lot of progress has been made since the last update. Daily updates take place on my external blog, and on NGRM (you have to be a member to view). Sadly the amount of traffic on the blogs here on RMweb doesn't justify daily updates, I may swap over to a layout topic, but only if there is deemed enough interest, as two places to post is already a lot of work!   So anyway, let me quickly round up the progress from this week.   The main progress has been on the Ashlett Creek board, with a vie



An American touch

The last couple of weeks nothing did go as planned and hoped. My wife has serious problems with the flu, I had a little accident with my bike and a friend of yours needs some personal coaching en help. And luckily I found still some time to do some modelling. About the result you can read below.   As I tried out in the design stage I tried Scalescenes brown stretcher bond at the building behind the cottages.     Before building the final background building I printed the texture of the co

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

The first practice result.

Well we're getting there. The first disaster was what came from Ebay, Swann Morton yes but disposable meaning made of thin plastic. The blade was steel so I tried to use it in the advised way, ie two or three slices and snap, right? Wrong, the thickness of the spare plastic I was given I measured with a Vernier, 3.2 mm, about 130 thou I think, which is pretty thick, so I pressed harder on the blade and it snapped in half, the scalpel handle did. The blade flew across the room, luckily there was



Preventing Servo Buzz

A 90 degree servo shaft rotation is highly appropriate for driving the ailerons on a model aircraft. The motion produced at the aileron through a crank linkage will be proportional to the rotation of the servo shaft, but if the servo were to even approach 180 degrees of rotation, the motion would no longer be proportional and the mechanism would tend to lock.   In the case of points, we don’t really care about proportional motion. In fact, if we can make the servo rotate through 180 degrees an



Confusion over the company name

Had a good show at Kettering, lots of new customers. Need to think of a way of letting potential customers know that the Furness bit of Furness Railway Wagon Company relates to where we come from, rather than what we produce!!!! We have no geographical loyalty!!! We now have prototypes from Wick to St Austell, Norwich to Holyhead and all points in between.



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