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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

4. Oh No - Not Another B12 enhancement !

Yes - I'm afraid so - but hopefully this one will be different to most - not necessarily better ...just different, so I thought I might as well describe it's progress from time to time here.   Orford (my imaginary extension of the Aldeburgh Branch in Suffolk), NEEDS a B12. After all, they ran on the branch and were one of the few locos which were able to do so, as the branch was rated at just Route Availability 4.   Given that no-one is currently showing even the slightest interest in releas



Major re-vamp planned

Over at the sister blog:   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1581-shipston-on-stour-branch/   I have started on the baseboards and hand built track. Both are different from that used so far on the Legge Lane MPD. But, while I am very happy with the Legge Lane baseboards, I am now disillusioned with the Peco Code 75 track. So it will eventually be ripped up and replaced with bullhead railed copper clad sleeper hand built track to OO-SF standards.   The good news is that th



Signal Box for Sherton Abbas part 3

Before I could begin painting the signal box a number of detail components needed to be constructed. The gutter down pipes included in the kit were of course designed to fit a ground level type box so were no longer long enough to reach ground level. The pipes were extended by inserting sections of suitable diameter plastic rod between the moulded down pipe fittings included in the kit and then attached to the building using liquid poly. A name plate was made using 2mm Slaters Plastikard letteri



(Almost) All Set for Nottingham

The idea was that the little outing in Jan to Mickelover was going to sort out all the problems with the layout so it would just be a case of packing it all up, throwing it in the car and then off to the Nottingham show for the weekend. As you can guess the snag list got longer and I got diverted by things that weren't on the list and life just got in the way a bit. Appologise also for lack of posts as have been problems with internet since my 'seamless' change to a new supplier (is a £125 Sains



Where we are so far...

After placing the dock temporarily in position, I thought I'd take a photo - as much for my benefit as anything else - of progress to date.     Plenty of basics to put in, let alone anything else, but the 'bones' of the goods yard side at least are now nearing completion.   I hope this gives a general 'map' of the layout which will help anyone interested to get their bearings when I start to add further structures and scenery.



Some new locos...

I have bought some second hand locos recently. They came without motors so I have fitted Mashima 1624s to them.   First up Derbyshire Yeomanry a Millhome Kit in BR Green weathered down a little and due to be available for our new club layout Chapel en le Frith this October at the Leeds Show.     next up a Little Engines 04/8. For use on Herculaneum Dock next time it is exhibited..     and finally an Ex Geoff Brewin Crab - wills body on a Bachmann Chassis  

Barry O

Barry O

Handbuilt Track

Having completed the first two baseboard structures, it is time for a change. All of the kit and materials for making hand built soldered copperclad sleeper track is now assembled, so a good excuse to get started on the switches (I think switch is the correct term as the point is just one part of a switch; however. . . .)   On a point of semantics, I should also add that when I last made my own track, the sleepers were made of PCB, short for printed circuit board. That acronym is apparently no



Banks for the memories

With the goods shed all but completed, the loading bank is next on the agenda. As with the platform, the basic shell is a thin ply top with 12mm basswood sides.   For the surface, I've again used DAS clay, this time attempting a cobbled surface using a method mentioned in the past by Chris Nevard of using a ballpoint pen with the writing part removed to form the cobbles themselves.   Chris' article can be found on his blog -http://nevardmedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/quick-cobbles.html   My



The Tram Photos of March: Filling some blank spots

Afternoon all...   I noticed I missed cross-posting a number of additional tram photos from this and last week onto this-here blog… So, here goes!   13 March   I felt like refreshing my route knowledge in the southern areas of the city, so I focused my attention on the Lößnig branch, served by Lines 10 and 16. As the Leipzig Book Fair was open for visitors, that also included the short turns designated Line 16E in the down direction to Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz, and normally as Line 16 wh

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

The mad rush before a deadline

We will be at the London Festival of Railway Modelling at Alexandra Palace the 28/29 of March. As this is now less than two weeks away, we have been working frantically to get the layout presentable. Since the last post the entire team has been working hard and the sort of stuff we have been doing includes: Making a new 'roof' for the layout which will have an LED lighting rig attached to it (Gareth - who incidentally showed that, despite being an American, he has a full and extensive grasp o



Modules 1 & 2

The weekend allowed me to get on with Module 2 as it rained all day Sunday and I had nothing else to do except when the Rugby was on TV.   And today I completed the joining of the two modules, forming a lightweight but rigid base:     The structures fit nicely into the spaces cut in the polystyrene and I think the height will be just right once I have added a thin cork track bed. At the moment the layout has a spacious feel about it. No doubt this will start to disappear when track is a



Kustom TRAXX Loko: Renfe Mercancías Series 253 electric locomotive by Electrotren

Afternoon all!   As connoisseurs of the Continental railway scene will long be aware of, there's much truth in the statement that even though there has been a lot of standardisation going on with the advent of "one size fits all" locomotive platforms such as the Bombardier TRAXX, Siemens Eurosprinter and its evolution called Vectron, as well as the Alstom PRIMA, there is, in fact, a lot more variety to even these highly standardised types than meets the eye. I but will concede that for part of

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315


Morning All, I popped into Rails of Sheffield briefly on Saturday and found that they had pre-production samples of the LMS black/silver 10000 and 10001 on display. Apart from one or two minor decoration alterations that need to be made, they look very good indeed. The finish of the black body and silver bogies is superb, as are the chromed metal details, as can be seen in the photos. No further indications on delivery dates, but expect them to be 3-4 months away once the corrections have been



Sideswipe averted, or how not to kill your model cyclist....

What's that thing they have on the back of trucks now, 'do not pass on the nearside' ? Well more by luck than good management I've managed not to mangle a cyclist with a sideswipe. smile emoticon I've re done quite a bit of the Faller circuits using magnetic strip so was having a bit of a test before scribing the new plaster bits.... Sorry about video quality but trying to get it all together at the same time was fun....  

Red Devil

Red Devil

3. Some More Orford Pictures and further background notes

Thanks everyone for the encouraging comments so far. They are much appreciated.   Since some asked - Here are a few more pictures of the layout together with some further background notes:   ORFORD, SUFFOLK   The layout is 16.5mm gauge and is situated around three sides of a 12 foot by 9 foot spare bedroom. It is not portable, so will not be seen at any exhibitions (doing that with a small industrial 'O' Gauge layout - and that's more than enough!)   All track is bog-standard Peco Code 7



Mixed Gauge with Plastic sleepers?

Hi,   I have a length of Ratio EM track bases made up as a short test track and decided to try and be clever and add a 3rd rail for some OOn12 models I have, However C&L chairs don't appear to stick very well to the ratio bases using butanone - is the a different solvent I can try?   cheers   Richard

Richard Jones

Richard Jones

Macclesfield 2015

The second show in two weeks but a very enjoyable one. It's not a huge show but I can't fault the friendly reception that we were given by the organisers and it was nice to meet up again with Mr Millward.   During playtime this afternoon I managed to line up the Hall with the late Phill Kerr's model of KGV.   Plus a group shot with Ian's old stager.   We were in front of a big window so I took the opportunity for a few photos behind the scenes. Spot the flapjack!   Some of the othe



Urie S15 - valve gear on

After looking at pictures of Urie S15s, it struck me that I was using the wrong motion support bracket. I'd originally folded up the right one, then put it back in the box as it didn't look like the one in the chassis instructions - there were two brackets supplied. I'm guessing that the chassis instructions are generic for S15s, and it's left to you to figure out which bits are specific for the Urie variants. In any case, the correct bracket looks a lot better, although it needed a massive amou

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Annual Update (now with video...)

Despite a new job, new house and a move to the opposite corner of England, progress has continued slowly but surely over the last year. Spurred on by a recent 2mm North East Area Group meeting, here are some recent photos showing scenic progress on Board 1:     The layout is operational, in that I have a total of 2 wagons with DG couplings at each end which can be run-round in the loop and shunted by the 37 (still waiting to get my hands on one of the new class 37 releases from Farish w



Ruston LAT/LBT - it's not green!

The Ruston LBT moved into the paint shop this weekend. Unlike all of the Simplex locomotives on 'Fen End Pit' I thought this one should be a non-manufacturers standard colour. A bit of contrast seemed like a nice idea and looking through my photographs of LBTs I could find them in standard Ruston green, blue, orange and yellow. You pays your money and takes your choice. Roy Link had commented what a nice colour yellow was to weather so I decided on a standard 'plant' yellow as the basis colour.

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Building the Churchward 45xx Part Nine

Right. Return to action after a heavy cold, family matters and cleaning up weekends which have stolen the time.   Now I’ve completely cream crackered the drilling of holes in the cab rear it’s a matter of cutting out a new set from 10thou brass – or shall I use nickel-silver?   This is just like Brian Williams had to do as reported in MRJ Compendium 3.   I consider myself in good company.   Be back when I can actually show some progress. And it’s a good job I have a squad of piercing saw

Coombe Barton

Coombe Barton

01. Introduction To Orford - Rural Suffolk in 'OO' Gauge

Thought I might as well start a blog about the layout, as I seem to be posting all over RM web and it seemed a good idea to put most of it together in one place.   'Orford' lies on the Suffolk coast and is perhaps best known to the general public for 'Orford Ness' - the long shingle spit which begins just to the south of Aldeburgh and which was formerly home to much military activity, primarily between the wars and during WWII and which then, during the 1960's became an important centre for th



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