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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A Kind Of (Ballast) Magic?

Like taxes, death and failing to win the lottery, ballasting is something of a required inevitably.   Its also something I've never been very good at. For the sidings, I plan to use DAS clay as per Chris Nevard's methods; http://nevardmedia.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/creating-effect-of-ash-ballast.html   For the main line though, and given that shingle extraction is in my history as a purpose of the line, I wanted to give the impression of shingle ballast. As this isn't available out of the pack



King Edward VII redux- GCR 8D, Part III

More slow progress...   Having gotten to the point of having a decent rolling chassis, I made the frankly unwelcome discovery that in changing the wheels I had completely fouled up the pickups. The original chassis has cast metal wheels, and the chassis block is electrically live, but the new wheels have metal tyres and plastic centres.   So what I had to do was to buy a pickup block from a later Patriot chassis, and I was able to glue this directly to the bottom of the cast block (of cour

James Harrison

James Harrison

A Huge Amount of Progress!

Sorry, no pun-ny title as I've lost my lengthy lengthy post (it's just one of those days already, and it's not even 7am). Here goes:   So, first things first, progress on the 3D printed refinery wagons has been amazing, and the wonderful Mark Greenwood has already completed the wagons! Not only that, but the test prints came out brilliantly, and as a direct result I have already ordered 12 of his wagons which are due to be shipped out today:   Please visit his website where you can now bu



Another Show - Another Trophy!

Back from the Nottingham show weekend with another bit of silver (platted!) ware for the cabinet - and is little Iz happy about that! A very enjoyable weekend although don't think I was this tired after I ran the London Marathon (OK, that was a good few years ago but does beg the question about whether I should do it again while there is still half a chance I would finish alive!). Anyway, well organised show, with a great variety of exhibits and traders, very spread out though in a huge school



5. Hornby B12 Re-work...........Update

Here's an update on the Hornby B12 re-work.   Having successfully got the Portescap RG4 motor and gearbox installed and running in the original Hornby chassis the next step was to sort out the horrendous front pony truck.   My original intention was to replace it completely with a scratch built one but I had a rethink and in the end used the original, as the wheelbase, whilst too short, visually suits the Hornby model better than one with the correct wheelbase - although I have moved it forw



Latest developments on West Highland 3

Most of my recent development on West Highland 3 has been focused on the scenery and associated bits. The level of detail I am trying to achieve is new territory for me and the knowledge I am acquiring from my experiences is both significant and enlightening.   I decided to weather the rails at Garelochead by hand painting it with Railmatch sleeper grime. Having done so I now have the utmost respect for those who have completed the task on a larger layout! What a soul destroying activity hand



kyle 2015 - a sign...of the times...

Afternoon all,   A quick update on general progress of late. Lots of small bits and pieces undertaken since the last update. First up the station sign. The original layout has had two different signs during the last two years starting with the Scottish blue one before I swapped it to the British Railways black and white sign.   I have always had a soft spot for the blue signage so set about recreating it. The previous one had been undertaken trying to match the typeface and colour to pics bu



A row of Victorian cottages – part one

The starting point.   RESEARCH. I found some interesting information about cottages build around 1900. One of the things I have never released that from the same type of cottages several sub-types were build. To get something different then the standard card kit model size I used the Scalescenes small terraced cottages as my starting point.   The information told me the following: there were 12 three-room; 548 four-room; 967 five-room and 116 six-room cottages build. A drawing of a three-ro

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

Tender extensions for Canadian Pacific

After digging out my BR blue 35005 Canadian Pacific and looking at various photos online, it became watertight that she ran with an extension to her tender. A few photos of the modifications are visible here...http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/96518-Hornby-merchant-navy-announced-formerly-facebook-leak/page-14&do=findComment&comment=1804977   So far, my progress had entailed trying the air tanks (to use again) and making a start on the extension frame.     I



Foster Street - Adding some more detail - OR - How to eat up modelling time

Yes I am still alive, I have not been killed in some strange million-to-one accident that left my body bruised and broken, and the Domestic Overlord, suffering from the pain of loss cruising the Bahamas with only brilliant scenery, weather, and an endless supply if cocktails to make up for missing me   Hang on I have just noticed an Airline ticket for one on the kitchen table..............   What I have been doing is adding little details to the layout, and trying to finish off all those li



Leeds 1955?

Well no, it's Rochdale Town Hall about 3pm this afternoon, as sort of requested here's a short video clip that was kindly sent to me by a visitor to the Heywood MRG show this afternoon.   Road vehicles, trams and that bloody cyclist again! I now need eyes in the back of my head but fortunately no serious crashes!  

Red Devil

Red Devil

WC&PR repeats

Clevedon was out at the Nailsea show last weekend and a good time was had by all. It's probably the closest it'll ever actually get to Clevedon and as usual, the local shows bring out the locals. Some of whom know more about Clevedon than I ever will. We had the projectionist of the old Curzon cinema and someone who's house wasn't shown on the backscene despite it being built in 1935... It's always interesting to hear tales and recollections of those who actually rode on the line, though as




No not that kind.........   Whilst wading through my kit pile for Three Shire's Head, I became aware of the conflicts imposed by my chosen dateline of 1890-1900. Like any 10 year period this decade saw large changes in the appearance of the railway, loco classes vanishing and new ones appearing. Existing classes rebuilt with new features etc.   I was finally prompted into action by a comment by Tony Koester in the editorial for this years Model Railroad Planning annual (I have been know to



DCC Relay Interface

The attached photo is of Three Wells West UP Advance Starters - with Approach Lights fitted as this is the interface from a Semaphore area to a CLS area. The DCC interface is interesting - I can elaborate if anyone is interested?



Filling the gaps - trial and error

Soldered track has its advantages and disadvantages. The latter include the lack of chair detail and the need to gap the copper surface of the sleepers to isolate the rails from each other. Despite these negatives, I prefer soldered track for its durability, relative ease of fabrication and overall look that, with a lot of help from Martin Wynne's Templot design software, is a great improvement on ready made OO gauge track from Peco, etc.   The lack of chair detail I can put up with. The gaps



Make it Crosti

Hello, welcome, good to see you all again. Yes, it has been too long, if not for you, then certainly for me. Well, I have been quite busy as of late, but not really doing slot of train lately.   Firstly, a house move, into cottage, with my girlfriend! and her dog, and possibly new kitten. Secondly, UNIVERSITY! too much to do with so little irresponsibly spent money. But my new modelling room...ahem... I mean study is complete so I have been getting around to a bit of modelling.     Arggh

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

EMGS Challenge - Tannery Lane, a Load of Old Cobblers...

I always envisaged that 'Tannery Lane' would be cobbled, with inset 'tramway-type' track. But how to do the cobbling? I gave some thought to commercially-available products - but he cobbling has to conform to both street and track formations, so a 'tailormade' inlay was the only real solution, and accept that it would be time-consuming.   I decided at the outset that the base would be my 'new best friend' - 'Depron Foam'. This is very similar to the high-density closed-cell urethane foam used



LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK

Here is the start of something different. Another 2-6-2 tank. I will do bits on the Ivatt but I need the castings from Laurie who seems to of gone AWOL!!!!   Well it is a kit marketed by Ace Models. It is a bit of a mongrel, there are some etches done by William and there are some by Mcgowens, and a couple I am not sure about.   Checking against a drawing it seems to be about the right size in all directions.   Now it would be unlike me to build it straight out of t


N15class in LNER V3

Nottingham Victoria by Tony Phillips

In the February issue of BRM, I showed a few photos taken last year when I went over to Australia to talk to the British Railway Modellers of Australia convention. After the main event, we enjoyed a couple of days visiting members layouts around Adelaide.   One of the highlights was Tony Phillips model of Nottingham Victoria. This lives in a 40ft by 32ft railway room and is simply awe inspiring when you see it. Reader Keith Dyson from Nottingham e-mailed me to ask if I had any more photos. Wel

Phil Parker

Phil Parker

There's a Prototype for Everything!

I am currently gapping the copper clad sleepers so that the two rails are isolated from each other. This leaves a small groove on the upper surface of each sleeper which is non-protoypical.   Or is it?   I remembered seeing termite proof steel sleepers on the Cape Gauge Chemin de Fer Congo Ocean in the mountains between Brazzaville and Pointe Noire. I was doing some geological fieldwork at the time (in 2013) and we had heard of a rock formation that had to be blasted through when the railway



The Day of Detours

Afternoon all!   Came up with a suitably catchy headline only in the middle of writing the below travelogue, so since I initially posted it on ERs, I should now like to regale the rest of the RMweb community with an interest in trams as well!   First leg of my round this morning was to the terminus of Line 1 at Lausen, travelling through tue boroughs of Schleußig, along the border of Plagwitz and Kleinzschocher, and through the "Plattenbau" parts of Grünau.       On weekdays, every sec

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Honley Tank's "Rest Box"

"Rest Box"? Strictly speaking the word "rest" can here be applied in any of several ways:- 1. The modelling project is having a rest while I think up methods of progress. e.g. 'can't think up how to ..........   2. I'm having a rest from the modelling project because I'm making a hash of the da** thing! Obviously it's the project's fault not mine!   3. I've been fired by enthusiasm for some new idea and have totally lost interest in the current project.   4.

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

where to begin?.

so, I registered in here as "oilman" and discovered that I was formerly signed in as "rockershovel", and it was still live, so I'll stick to that and let "oilman" lapse, or whatever the mods do to dud screen names.   where to start?   well, model railways are a problematical hobby in the offshore oil business, for one thing. I started to become interested about six years ago after a very long lapse, because I saw the MMI D&RGW locos and HAD to have one.. I'd intended to be at least, se



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