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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Urie S15 - valve gear and brakes

Over the weekend I finished the valve gear on both sides of the S15, and I'm pleased to report that all went well. I've still to add the slide bar support bracket on this side, but as it needs to be cut down drastically so as not to foul the bogie, it's easily done at a later stage. Now that I'm happy with the running, I soldered the return cranks into position.   The next stage, as mentioned in earlier entries, was to consider adding brake gear. The kit makes no provision for brakes, but the

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

07. B12 - Getting there.................

Well, the B12 is finally starting to look something like.   Have re-worked the frame extensions over the front bogie, moving them further inboard to where they should be. Pipework also re-done and/or added as necessary.   Today saw the front end detailing pretty much completed ...and the new boiler washout plugs inserted.   Now need to do a little filling and smoothing of that ugly mould line along the side of the boiler and also add the various handrails, after which it will be more or le



Back from beyond

Well there's a shocker its almost a year since my last post here and there wasn't much to report then. Life moves slowly, very slowly on but move it does. After a break I have come back to tinkering in the workshop well I say workshop more like a space with bench that I managed to build out of pallet wood scavenged from a skip but ceiling is a bit restrictive, however better than nowt. Over the last year I have accumulated some tools that have helped but its not really until the weather started



Bachmann Class 150 Pickup Problems Solved - Part 2

Continuing on from fixing the Silverlink class 150/1 Sprinter, I have now repeated the steps with my Provincial sector class 150/1, with photos!   Dismantling is relatively easy, once the three body fixing screws are removed from the chassis. Two very small screws hold the PCB in place, and two larger screws retain the bogies. A flat-bladed screwdriver at the inner ends of the bogie side frame mouldings will release those (easier to do before removing the bogie retaining screws), and the axles



The test layout

The test layout   Ok, so here's my new layout plan - a bit over 8ftx6ft with up's, down's, over's and round's.   Some of the curves are a bit tight (Tightest is same as Hornby 3rd radius - near enough 20 in) Steepest incline is 3% (ish)   Don't scream "It'll never work!"   I've trialled 16 locos with wagons on a flat 2nd radius loop and on a 3rd radius loop with over 3% incline, they seem to cope ok. And after all it's going to be my test track right?   So here's the very rough firs



Let's hear it for Lima

Here's a tale with a happy ending, of sorts.   I've only ever owned a few Lima models, most of which were bought during my early teens. At the time they were a welcome addition to the variety of RTR prototypes available, and the painted finish was a step up from the raw plastic on Hornby items of the day. The mechanisms weren't regarded as being particularly awful, either - certainly my first Lima model, a Western, was a marvel compared to my grindy, sparky Tri-ang Co-co, which was the only ot

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

All over the place but track building continues

A quick update to followers and visitors. A change in plans required me to return to England for a couple of weeks. I left most of Shipston behind and took only the track components and the half finished Dean Goods upgrade with me. The Dean Goods tender is proving to be a good track tester at the moment but I do have plans to struggle with the lamp brackets again, having seen other peoples' excellent efforts.   Living in two small residences does have its limitations - no extensive loft for



Bachmann Silverlink Class 150/1 Pickup Problems Sorted

When the Bachmann Collectors Club offered the class 150/1, 150 123, in Silverlink livery, my wife offered to buy one for me for my birthday. Naturally, I accepted this offer! Around the same time, I had bought a Regional Railways Provincial liveried version, 150 148, pre-fitted with Howes sound, at a very reasonable price. I swapped the chassis on the motor coaches so that the prized Silverlink set had the sound.   However, there has been an ongoing intermittent problem with minor power interr



Some more videos

Since uploading the first two videos, I have now uploaded more, some of which show my J15 (No, it's not a Hornby one! :-) ) and N7, as well as other members stock including the club J15 (No, that's not Hornby, either! :-) )   I hope you enjoy.   Phil            



Now How about a layout?

Now how about a layout?   So the 2 Hornby settrack loops sitting on the floor just don't cut it.   Time to make a layout.   At first I thought I'd just use the Set track until I could build my "proper" model track of Werneth on the Oldham loop.   Months later and still researching, I decide to build a nice big layout to keep me going. A kind of generic northern grunge location where I could run LMS LNER stock, with nice flowing curves just like some of the lovely layouts you'll find he



Rationalize and improve

Rationalize and improve   So, let's go through all the stock I've collected.   There's a fair bit of damaged and badly repainted items - These I'll keep to hone my modelling skills on. They have low resale value so I'll practice on them until they are beyond recovery.   I've got Hornby Dublo (why?) Lima and some other HO - sell!   I've got some wagons and coaches that look terribly cheap and nasty - these I'll try to sell otherwise they will be added to the damaged items above to play



06. More B12 Updates

Here's the latest on the B12 re-work.   First - those who have been following this so far will note the replacement air pump. this one is pure GER and actually correct for the particular B12 that I am doing - although others had different size pumps and there were also some minor differences in mounting height.   Looks much better.   More work on and around the front bogie has taken place - still unsure about the new brass frames over the bogie - they need to be further inboard I think. I



Uncoupling Refined

One thing that has been evident from operating my O guage layout Fourgig East at shows is that my makeshift uncoupling hook for 3-link couplings is a bit, well, poor, and I only have one of them so operators have to share!   Having seen 3 Link of this parish's "key idea" ( http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/50279-o-gauge-auto-couplings/&do=findComment&comment=579380) I thought I'd have a go. I first made a plastic mock-up with 1mm sheet and a bit of tube that I squirrele




I have not written a specific tite because what I have got to say this time is only partly connected with modelling. I have just come back from a fortnight in Portugal and had intended to have a ‘drive’ on my layout to try and approach a finish (those of you approaching my age may remember the G.P.O. drives post-war to install as many telephones as possible, party lines included). While away, I had seen and purchased in Lidl a digital caliper, so I decided to try it out on my problem DMU Class



Reality Hits

Reality Hits   So here I am with all these Triang and Hornby trains looking at what else is available - Oh my!   I decide to limit any new purchases to pre 1962 era and things that might be seen in Lancashire. (that's my era and location - yours may be different)   I realize that many of my purchases are not that good a quality and start researching how to improve them.   So many options .. around now I also realize some manufacturers have more realistic models than others. I have to p



Why did I buy all this stuff?

Why did I buy all this stuff?     Ok folks, this is my blog about how not to jump into model railways.   Do not expect fantastic modelling skills, or major projects completed every day.   This will be a slow record of my personal journey into eventually trying to model my home town station from the other side of the world, plus whatever items I push through my workbench.   So post 1, Why did I buy all this stuff?   Ok, you know how it is, you decide I'm going to get into model railwa



LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (2)

Had some success today.   I got the frames together very easily. I needed a bit of fettling to get the radial axle in place. I look forward to testing it through some Peco points in a day or so.     The coupling rods where then joined and the holes opened up so that I could set up the side frames and bearings set up for compensation. I have added the central pivot on the rear axle, I still need to make a support for the front. Once this is done I can un


N15class in LNER V3

Some videos

At the East Anglian model railway exhibition over 14th and 15th March, 2015, I had the opportunity to take some videos of the layout, two of which show locomotives that I have built (but not quite finished yet!).   The first video shows my J17. It is built from a Stelfox kit, powered by a Mashima 1224 motor through a High Level gear box at 54:1. I have yet to add crew and cab glazing, two faults that are quite obvious when watching the end of the video! At the start of the video, there is also



Fisherton Sarum at the London Festival of Railway Modelling this weekend

Fisherton Sarum will be exhibited this weekend, the 28th and 29th March, at the London Festival of Railway Modeling at Alexandra Palace, North London N22 7AY. This well established and popular large show is organised by Warners publications, the group behind the British Railway Modelling Magazine and of course RMweb, in association with The Model Railway Club.   Fisherton Sarum will be stand 101 located at the organ end of the main Great Hall. There will at least 40 layouts at the show,



'Magic' Ballasting (2)

So after last nights failed attempt with the new 'Ballast Magic' product, tonight I started again.   To recap, late last night I was feeling hopeful, after the board and its ballast survived 'the lift' onto its end from the lounge floor. This morning though I touched a patch of supposedly fixed ballast, only for it to come away instantly.   A quick hoover dealt with most of what had been laid last night, though a couple of sections were stuck fast, offering some encouragement (picture below)



Diesels, Diesels and diesels!

Been busy fitting sound to a number of diesels and then weathering them..   Lima EE Type 1   Bachmann EE Type 3   Lima EE type 4     and 3/4 shot     and Heljan LMS 10000     and 10000 3/4 front on     The Type 3 and 10000 were regauged to EM by Mike Edge, the other two came with Ultrascales fitted. Pick ups modified on the Lima Type 1 to get it to pull itself and a train!   All fitted with Legomanbiffo sound with one or two CV alterations   Nice to do some die

Barry O

Barry O

DC, DCC, scales and gauges, and all things in between

So, first things first; control system....   This is a big change from my last venture in the hobby, too long ago to be worth discussing at this point. At that time, DC ruled the roost and most "serious" layouts were divided into blocks and sections, with a maze of under-board wiring. Now, it seems, not so.   So, I set out to buy some stock. Like many engineers, I do like technical gadgets.... So, what have I learnt?   Firstly, On30 isn't OO9. There is one main supplier, half a dozen sec



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