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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Linked to RMweb

<p>After 4 days of trying, at last TheRSR is linked to RMweb.</p> <p>Set up in WordPress.com, the link just wouldn’t work, whatever I tried, new themes, changes to various elements, nothing.</p> <p>Eventually, with the help of a Happiness Engineer at WordPress the link has been established by running it through ‘Feedburner’ from Google.</p> <p>I haven’t got a clue how it all works but it seems to.</p> <p>RichardS</p><br /> &l



Weds update

So here we have the current state of play with the brake van. The roof is just sitting on top.     If you're thinking the undercarriage is very green/grey you'd be right. [Hard to see from the photo] I just wanted to darken it before adding the couplers etc. I'm hoping overpainting the whole lot with black will give a slightly weathered appearance.   If you think the bauxite is too light - I'm thinking of a quick black wash and rub over the top again for a slight weathering. Oh and th



Preparing the ground...

So after my ballasting issues, and a much needed - and enjoyed - four nights away with the family, I have now moved on, and have begun putting the basic landscaping in.   A picture tells a thousand words, so;     This shows what I've done so far - I have used screwed up newspaper (the Friday-Ad comes in useful for all sorts!) underneath, stuck down with PVA then covered in strips of the same. There is still a fair bit to go in, and more strips will be needed to cover the paper fixed onto



A tribute to Marc Chagall......Well there's a donkey in the picture!

Bit of an update on the Coble front I've made from the Zvedza 'Medieval Boat' kit. It was given a coat of Halfords grey primer and then dry brushed with Valejo German grey, On top of this it has received a coat of Valejo dark earth. More dry brushing to complete as well as name and registration lettering for a Scarborough registered boat. I'm told fishing boats in the 1950's carried registration details painted on their hull's.         Around the Coble can be seen a number of myster



GWR 1308 Lady Margaret in O Gauge

A series of notes following the build of an N Brass Locomotives kit of Lady Margaret, GWR 1308   Having partially realised what I was letting myself in for after starting on Pembroke Castle, I decided to look around for something simpler. I saw this kit at the Peterborough show last year and after (almost) finishing a BR Mark 1, building an axle alignment jig and treating myself to a resistance soldering unit, I decided I was good to go.   The kit is superb and any faults in construction are



Rail and Rail Replacement

Afternoon all (just!)   Today's posting will most certainly highlight the fact that I as a railfan can indeed derive satisfaction from situations which I suppose will be terribly nerve-wracking for John Every-Passenger, and that trams are far from being inflexible!   Engineering work carried out on Georg-Schumann-Straße this week means that until and including 10 April, a fairly intriguing replacement service arrangement had to be set up. Line 11 trams are rerouted to the Line 4 terminus at

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

GWR Down Home

Just coming off my workbench is my first 2mm scale signal (actually it's my first completed signal in any scale!) This one is the Down Home for my fictional Modbury layout. The post has been milled to a tapered profile from 3mm square brass bar, the arm, balance weight and ladder are MSE components. The lamp is my own turning fixed to a small piece of L section brass. The finial is an old (overscale) OO handrail knob with a piece of 0.5mm phosphor bronze wire pushed through, soldered and turned

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

3D Printer: RepRap Ormerod 2

I'd promised myself that if these machines came down to under £500, I would treat myself to one. People keep asking me what am I going to make with it and while I have done a few prints now and am getting to know what will and what won't work, the answer is that as far as I'm concerned, this is just another tool, just like a lathe or milling machine. If I have a need to make something and I think that 3d printing it is a good way to do it, then I will give it a go.       My Ormerod 2 part



Baseboard mania!

Here are the four boards I have constructed for the storage section of TheRSR. Each is 1220mm long and 660mm wide. Overall height is 100mm. Sides and top are 6mm ply and ends 12mm. These will be strengthened and braced. Each end has alignment dowels and T nuts for bolt fixings and the whole can be made as a three board or four board structure. My precision drilling mentioned in an earlier post was not quite precision enough in a couple of places and I had to modify the locations of some fixings



Westinghouse & Dick Kerr

So here we have the finished Westinghouse and Dick Kerr. Another couple of interesting points since the last picks are the bonnet vents made by pressing a screw driver bit into brass sheet with the Proxxon pillar drill and the and the bonnet exhaust turned up by me on the lathe - yes I can do something with it! Only a basic weathering as was rushed out for Nottingham;     It is fitted -in rather rudimentary fashion, with a Diditrax 64bit sound decoder and a stay alive which has resulted in



Glazing the LBC Hants & Dorset Bristol MW

After leaving it aside for quite some time, I have now got around to glazing the Little Bus Company Bristol MW/ECW bus. I have opted, like with the previous Wilts & Dorset one I did, to glaze it using the outside mounting method, which meant cutting each piece of glazing material to fit each of the window apertures.   The photos were taken in fairly poor light, but the first one emphasises that I need to redo the driver's side windscreen as it is not straight and also not sitting correctly



The brake van finally

The Brake Van - Finally   So here's the almost assembled unit, you might see a couple of rough spots but hopefully they'll be sorted in the prep and paint.   I took a photo of it now as I'm going to paint the interior and undercarriage before adding couplers, footboards and other details.   The Triang van alongside it shows how much longer and narrower the Dapol kit is.   I had issues with the brake shoe pins, and one warped solebar. 2 steel washers were glued to the wagon floor to gi



Urie S15 - tender and running trials

The loco is nearly done barring fine detail and of course painting. I've not done the handrails yet because I don't want to use the split pins supplied with the kit (I think DJH supply proper turned handrail knobs now) and I've either misplaced or run out of my Gibson ones for the time being.   I anticipate a bit of a struggle with the smoke deflectors as they don't sit terribly well on the frames at present.     Over the weekend I built the tender. As mentioned earlier, one of the castin

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

A little noise

Hi all, Its been a while since my last post and im not sure where the time has gone. its been far from quite and i have been doing a bit of travelling as well   So here is one of the many things i have been working on, this is the first of a few that are passing over the bench at the moment, those that are followers of my facebook page will have already seen this video but i thought its only fair for members on here to see as well https://youtu.be/SGlhVan_Gvg   cheers Simon ps hope the



tanker cars

I've been looking at tanker cars, after acquiring a collection of Lionel items.   there's some debate about quite what scale they ARE, but comparison with the SJCC UTX frameless car ( a very accurate scale model) shows them to be very similar in overall size (bogies here are Bachmann log skeletons, for immediate purposes)       time for some serious consideration, I think



King Edward VII redux- GCR 8D, Part IV

Another month crawls past, and with it more work.   This time however there are pictures to show!   It really does feel like I'm on the home stretch now, and I can't make my mind up if it has been a labour of love or (more probably) sheer brute pigheadedness that I won't be beaten by an old whitemetal kit...     Anyway, this is the state of play as of this morning. I managed to get the wheels wired up to the drawbar at last, and found some old Hornby safety valves and a whistle in one

James Harrison

James Harrison

Axle Alignment Jig

It's been a while since I last posted here but I have been busy. Following my trials with building the tender for Pembroke Castle, I realised that I needed some help with Axle Alignment. I saw this jig for sale at the Peterborough show last year and thought I could make one for myself (apologies to Hobby Holidays but I did subsequently buy an RSU off them). These first few entries will be a bit of catch-up as I did this jig around Christmas 2014.   So I started off in Sketchup and produced a d



Experimental Roofing

In my previous entry, I 'mocked up' photos of various styles of roof that I could apply to some of the existing buildings on my layout. My aim was to re-create the appearance of traditional Cotswold roofs, such as would be found in the countryside around North Leigh.   Houses in Snowshill, Glos   That initial survey led to me replacing the roof on one my buildings with plastic sheet cut from the Wills 'dressed stone' pack (SSMP202). The sheet replicated the way in which


MikeOxon in general

The Westinghouse

As I already had a Dick Kerr body made up this was the easy bit, but as I fancied a Westinghouse version this was where the fun started! Although designed to the same specifications and basic plans the two versions of this loco were surprisingly different as I was about to find out, and it took many different techniques to build. Firstly, this is what I was aiming for;     The trouble is that this photo and two or three others like it are all there is to go on. There is one Westinghouse sti



Finally, 2mm progress

Finally got my act together. I have had a temporary test track for a while, but I have at last glued down the point, rigged up a switch, laid some Easitrac, wired it up. Didn't take long. Having done it, I've sorted out the front Dapol pannier - middle wheels were making it lift on uneven track, so turned the wheels down slightly. Second pannier is a Chris Higgs chassis under a Farish body. A Dapol 45XX is at the back, unconverted.  

Tim V

Tim V

Easter and taking stock

Easter and taking stock   It's Easter - great I'll get a lot done this extra long weekend.   What dear? you want the family to go down the coast? Oh well!   Friday, coast trip. Saturday, mundane work, shopping and household stuff - plus a quick blog entry. Sunday, one of my biannual trips to church, hopefully not a family dinner afterwards. Monday, Shh!, she hasn't said anything. Maybe, just maybe.   Back to the blog content:   Layout update:   I've ordered some construction timb



Foster Street - Fitting Headlamps to the Fleet - OR how to lose your brilliance

Well its been a while since I have posted an update on here, its not that I have not been doing any modelling, its just that what little time I have had to work on the layout, has been taken up with those jobs that just eat modelling time.   As I am rapidly approaching the big 40, I have noticed that more and more parts of everyday life are just there for me to moan about, I mean is it just me? it can't be?   Anyway one aspect of modelling that really gets to me is the lack of headlamps on l



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