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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Honley Tank's Two old C13s resurrected

Well! At long last the two new chassis are running acceptably. At least they are running far better then ever in their long history. On 'Birch Vale' they operate as well as my expectations. They are not so good on 'Bowton's Yard', but that is more due to my track making skills than my chassis making skills.   When I was building 'Bowton's Yard' I deliberately used several track making methods in an effort to decide on what I thought to be the best method to suit my needs. Remember that this i

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Painting the Track

The link goes to a thread which I started with the purpose of gathering ideas for a painting protocol.   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/98315-paint-for-copper-clad-sleepers/?p=1862224



Experiments in Point Rodding (2)

Following on from the last instalment, I have finally got around to getting some of the rodding in place on the layout. This is of the round variety, with stools (or stands) at no more than 6'0" (12mm) centres.   The stools (on their bases) were superglued in place alongside the track using a straightish length of 0.25mm nickel silver wire as a guide to getting them in line. Once they were all secure, the wire was removed and rolled repeatedly between two pieces of sheet steel to remove any o

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

Foster Street - A loco spottters dream OR MY SCENE OF DOOM

Well its been a while since I made a posting on here, but I have managed to escape the constant toils wracked upon me by the Domestic Overlord and I have managed to spend some time working on Foster Street.   With a couple of exhibition dates looming there are many jobs I should be spending my time on (the major one being improving the storage yard and track alignment) but you know me that would be too easy.   Of the many ways the Domestic Overlord never ceases to amaze me, is the ability t



King Edward VII redux- GCR 8D, Part V

With the locomotive now practically complete, attention shifted to the tender.   With using a Hornby Patriot for the chassis, the intention had always been to use a tender drive unit for this model, so a Hornby 8F tender was bought. I had been expecting to be able to use only the motor and chassis from this, and to have to completely scratchbuild the tender tank, however comparison with a scale drawing suggested that this may not be the case.   The tender chassis itself is around 4mm too

James Harrison

James Harrison

Updating stock for Lambourn

After spending a great day at the controls of JBS' Ashburton layout, I was very impressed by some of the very simple conversions of proprietry stock. Operating to a schedule was fun too, giving some meaning to driving trains- at least it is not aimless. Trying to get a particular movement for each train adds purpose and keeps the mind going. Lambourn needs horse boxes, the last outing at Aldershot exposed a real lack of appropriate stock, and Richard Brummitt's great conversions of the Lima box



Saturday Running

Saturday saw a good turn out at Kempton Steam Museum, we had a lot of interest from the public and received some great comments on the layout and from the Kempton Steam Museum staff as this was the first time the museum staff have seen the 'new Northwick' with all the modifications an upgrades we have added. We were running a quite extensive steam engine fleet with rakes of carriages and freight, we had a nice selection of Diesel Multiple Units running along the layout. along with the famous Br



08. B12 - Nearly ready for the paint shop

Well - Back from a week's holiday (to Orford, where else?) and just a couple of minor hand grabs to add, together with some cleaning up....and then it's almost ready for the paint shop.   Not a fully accurate scale model ......but an awful lot closer to the prototype than the Hornby original.



The last chant for the slow dance

Well here's the part finished 8F I was working on. It does work too which pleases me a lot.   I need to try and remember what I've put on now.         All I really know is that due to the type of model it is that a lot more work went into it than I had originally envisaged.   Saying that, I have really enjoyed this build and I've been itching to get the painting work started however that can wait as my Q6 kit is becoming impatient too.   I have modified the tender bulkhead and a

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

The Photos Of Yesterday I Don't Want To Forget!

Morning again!   Aside from the assortment of infrastructure photos in my earlier blog entry, I also took these on my photo round yesterday...       In the Friday afternoon peak hour rush, 1348 "Hänichen" and company roll across the Goerdelerring intersection on a Line 4 turn for Stötteritz...       ?…immediately followed by 1210 "Dortmund" on Line 15.       The next signal cycle from the Ring Road allowed 2128, 2146 and trailer 904 on Line 1 to emerge from Goerdelerring, whi

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Illustrations of German tram infrastructure and signals – Part 1

Evening all!   On a photo round I went on today, I devoted some of the time to capturing a few examples of typical tram signals, which I'd also like to follow up with additional sets of examples at later dates as I get to gather them.   But I won't let you jump in at the deep end and would thus like to first provide a few introductory paragraphs!   German trams most commonly run under what could be called visual operating conditions, meaning that cars proceed on sight from one signal to th

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Urie S15 - just the last bits.

Despite what I said in the last blog entry, I couldn't leave well alone. So last night I did a partial strip down of the valve gear, which wasn't as painful as expected. I eased out the hole in the coupling rods for the end axles, and this has lessened the tight spot quite a bit. It's still noticeable as a slight hesitation when starting off slowly, or running at a dead crawl, but it's not there at all when running at even the slow plod of a non-fitted goods train. So I'm going to call it quits

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Penna Lane TMD appearing in a railway modeling magazine

Well the end of november saw Rebeca making a visit to the home of penna lane so she could take some more pictures of the layout for the railway modeller magazine, iam pleased to say that the pictures she took look amazing in the magazine and iam really happy with how Railway Modeller mag have put the article together, the pictures are just amazing and i am left feeling really proud of what has been achieved on the layout. please do go out and get your copy of Mays Railway Modeller magazine its i

Ray Penna Lane TMD

Ray Penna Lane TMD

4 Fs, 2 Cs an A and a B

No not a Scrabble hand from hell but a response to the recent comment about having more locos than wagons! Am finally doing something with the 3D printed wagons I got via Shapeways about 6 months ago and, true to form with the other 3D prints they are taking far more work to sort out than you might think. I started work on the Fs about three weeks ago but soon hit a snag as I only had cheese head 8 BA bolts for the bogie pivots and really needed counter sunk ones. Managed to pick up some of the



Bratchell NSE Class 456 - a quick-build project

Bratchell Models had a sale recently, offering £30 off the cost of their class 456 model in Network SouthEast livery. I quickly ordered one of these units, together with the wheels and coupling pack.   While Bratchell's kits are not exactly cheap, they are well thought out, well moulded and well finished (for their pre-painted ones). They build into robust and usable items for normal model railways. As such, I have already built (and documented here) the class 455/8 and class 319/1 kits from t



Riveria Night Sleepers

I'm trying to put together a full rake , now that Hornby have released a set of 3 coaches. Does anyone have the actual running numbers of the carriages being used for the Penzance / Paddington night sleeper train.



Busty Marilyn: Series 316 diesel of Azvi S.A.

Morning all!   Now, own up: Who had dirty thoughts on their mind when you clicked to browse here?   With some idle time available, I remembered how I wanted to finish and post this small article on another piece of motive power for my Spanish section which had found its way to me several weeks ago. So, let's have a look at a Series 316 diesel-electric locomotive as operated by PW and logistics operator Azvi, a company based at Seville.   This locomotive is, to my mind, an excellent exampl

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (6)

I did better than I thought I would today with only a short time at the bench.   I manged to get the cylinders done aswell as I could with what is in the kit. I just need to add the drain cocks. I need to study some photo's for that though. It needs a little bit of adjustment and fixing tho the frames. I feel this is a major hurdle past and should or feels like I have cracked the kit.         I have also managed to replace the frame extensions


N15class in LNER V3

3D printed Arley Station Building (inside the real thing: Spring Gala 2015)

A little while ago I mentioned I was drawing up a 3D model of Arley station (as preserved on the Severn Valley Railway) and the results have arrived from Shapeways, rendered in the relatively coarse 'White Strong and Flexible' material which was the same thing I used for the stone abutments on N Gauge Victoria Bridge...     All scaled from the very useful drawings in Barrie Geens' very useful book 'The Severn Valley Railway at Arley'. Nice to see the drawing apparently rising up from the su

Will J

Will J

A Quartet of Duchesses

Been doing some weathering on four Duchesses. These are from a variety of Builders and painters .. all are DJH kits and all are EM   - I love them!     Duchess of Abercorn - light     King George VI - heavy     City of Sheffield - heavy     and finally Sir William Stanier FRS - light     The two heavily weathered locos cover up some blemishes in the paint work.

Barry O

Barry O

Entering the world of DCC

After attending the York Model Railway Show, came back with a Hornby Railroad Class 37 (in Yellow) and a NEC Powercad (PCab) DCC controller. I got it from the Digitrains stand and am very happy with it. I had previously visited their shop in Lincoln to try out the various controllers and to ask beginners questions and the guys from the shop were very helpful and impartial whilst I was doing my research.   I really like the Powercab and find it very intuitive to use. The speed control buttons &



Urie S15 - final detailing

On with the last few parts in the DJH box - all boiler fittings now in place, along with tender details and smoke deflectors, and I've painted the chassis.   I'm not normally one for taking a chassis apart once I've got it running (I have enough trouble as it is) so I usually try and paint everything in the assembled state, which can be a fiddle, as well as time consuming.       I might have to, though, because over the running trials I've noticed an annoying tight spot which either wa

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

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