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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (8)

Today I have finished the sides and tack soldered them back onto the footplate. I added a bit of scrap etch to represent the tank inner, But when assembled it was hardly needed. They can on stay I photographed them before adding the handrail. Mainly due to I was unsure of what to do as it is above the coping and handrail knobs need a bigger hole than the thickness of the sides. I came up with filing the shank on them in half and then soldering to the inside edge of the side. It worked well and l


N15class in LNER V3

The Little House on The... (Part 3)

The painfully slow progress of the 45xx build continues. The loco had a test run at AbRail where it showed a tendency to derail. After readjustment of the pony truck springs it had another run at Macclesfield and was much better behaved. Over the past few months I've been gradually making progress with putting the cylinders together and tonight the second one was finally fitted to the loco.     I've got to say that they weren't the easiest of things to put together - annoying issues like th



Foster Street - Saga of Billy Grimes - Went to meet Mickey Mouse came away with a Disiesel

Well in the last couple of days the Domestic Overlord has been very gracious and allowed me a couple of free hours, from duties around the house.   Being unaccustomed to such freedom at first I sat there in the skirt I borrowed, from next doors washing line caked in blue face paint contemplating plans to free other such enslaved modellers and leading a revolt against all the oppressors in the country, and then I thought, sod that I'm going to do some modelling.   So still wearing the skirt (



Sproston - good grief! - there's another one got in....

Hello again, after the 'fun' evicting the queen wasp from my loft, without harming either it or myself, I thought my troubles were over and began once again to do "stuff" to the layout. Yesterday, I ascended the ladder, intent on starting to carefully mark out the holes under the baseboard where the magnets needed to be inserted (all 20 of them...) and glued to activate the Brian Kirby type tension lock couplings that I had decided to standardise on. Some time passed, then I became awa



Underneath her skirts - a LIMBY Skinhead shows off...

As an adjunct to my post on the subject of Brush Type 2/Class 31s I thought I would add some notes on how I 'butchered' the LIMA chassis to support the Hornby motor and bogies etc so here we go...   First off the LIMA chassis has to be stripped of all its gubbins - though keep it; I have heard that a 'double-motored' LIMA 31 is a beast to behold - I may yet try one! So too, the Hornby, which has probably shed a few bits along the way. Some those little 'baggies' come in handy making sure thing




The window frames are very white out of the packet, so added a dusting of a grey/green weathering powder before spraying with matt varnish. Put in the first pair before reading the instructions and having to pull them out to add the recess. Didn't like the corner stones in the kit so did a swap for something I thought was a bit more in scale. Continued on a roll and repainted the door frames to match the window frames. Stone door lintels suffer the same alignment issues as the windows, so



Brush Type 2/Class 31s, as 'any fule kno...'

...never travelled over the Buntingford Branch (come on, please show me I am wrong...anybody??) but did ply their trade on the Hertford Branch. Thus it is no surprise that I saw the issues with the Hornby 31 as a chance to make some old LIMA 31s more presentable. After a little sweat and a few lower deck expressions, the first has emerged, though not yet primed even.   I thought I would share some photos as it really is that easy! All the bodywork detailing is shown up as brass on my 'LIMBY Sk



FCC Colours

Hello   I have decided to construct a Bratchell Class 319/3 in the coming months and I have decided to do 319374 "Bedford Cauldwell Depot" in the now defunct First Capital Connect livery.   I have now sorted out my transfers for the model, of which I shall be applying on the model using "Crafty Computer Paper", however I will be applying Phoenix First Group Blue and the lighter shade of blue as an undercoat.   Now here's my question: does anyone know which brand and specific type of paint



LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (7)

As we were at the house over the weekend I managed to get a little time at the bench. I made a start on the body for the loco.   I made up the smokebox which was ready rolled, but needed a bit of tweaking. The boiler again was prerolled but needed quite a bit of pushing and shoving to get round, There was only a disc for the smokebox front, so I made a couple for the boiler.   Having the smoke box prerolled limits what locos can be built, as all the BR ones have riveted ones.


N15class in LNER V3

Narrow-Gauge Maintenance

I have mentioned in some recent posts that I intended to work on the scenery of my layout and, in the course of doing that, I found some problems with the narrow-gauge track, where it climbs from the station area, up over the main line towards the quarries.   What followed has been a frustrating few days, when my little railway has been showing its age! I suppose it is hardly surprising that some of the track is giving problems, as it was first laid in 1979.     Th


MikeOxon in general

False starts

Welcome to my blog. Hopefully by the time I'm finished there will be something to show for my efforts. Due to work and being a carer for an ill relation, my time is often short and for a long time, nothing I have started has been finished. I've had several loco's for some years (a pannier, 08 and now an 03), and a baseboard 6 feet x 18 inches. I've wandered around York show for many years seeing some great work and felt I couldn't match the work shown there. Several false starts have been made,



Taking the Enterprise to warp speed

Anyone who's followed my blog for a while will know that there's a bit of a recurrent theme, that of taking older models and seeing what can be done to tart them up, press them back into service and so on. Sometimes this is a relatively speedy process ... other times, it can be a bit more protracted.   A case in point would be this overhauled Lima model of D1000 Western Enterprise, which has been on and off the workbench for the best part of ten years ...     A bit of history might not be

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

A bit more scenery

Well, what passes for scenery on my layout so it is some more ruined buildings. I became aware that since I extended the back scene to wrap all the way around the back of the fiddle yard, that it was making the transition to the bare boards rather to stark. Obvious answer was to extend the scenery a bit further onto the fiddle boards. what ti put immediately next to the big house was easy as the in one of the photos I was working from you can see the area to the left.     Then to make thing



At Long Last - Progress!

With everything now in one place (France) it was time to start to build a layout. The first few days saw me refurbishing two old IKEA bookshelves so that the space they were occupying could now be put to a new use (the old use was important as one of the bookcases holds my railway library).   The apartment has textured walls and tiled floors and, being new, has corners that are close to 90º and floors that are close to level. This does help a lot. My first of two modules already built are ligh



Spring(?) is coming to Buckden

It's been quiet on the blog but I've been busy on the layout! A few quick pictures of progress - the photos are improving but I definitely need to get a tripod...   I've been grassing up using my FMR Maxi applicator and their mixes of spring and winter/autumn 2mm grass (FMW-SG001/SG003) , which the applicator handles quite nicely, I think I'd prefer some longer fibres, but I may dust those over later. This certainly gets a nice ground cover. This was my first patch and is the flattest - I got



A slight distraction

Hello one and all   After a slight gap in progress in anything remotely modelling related, I've finally been getting on with something. Next week, we at the Brighton MRC are holding a 'show and tell' evening. This will give our members a chance to show off their modelling skills and also hopefully provide an opportunity for some discussion and sharing of skills and techniques. My personal contribution to this is an example of handbuilt track in P4. It comprises of a small piece of straight tr



Ruston LAT/LBT - now made progress on the LAT

Over the last couple of weeks I got to pretty much finish off the LBT, the most noticeable change being to clean off the etched builders plates. I then went on to make some changes to the drawings based on what I'd learnt putting it together and then laser cut the body work for the LAT. There are a few subtle changes to the frames (the LBT has a hole near the front which the LAT doesn't have) and the bonnet (which has a different shaped grill for the radiator and the sandbox fillers). The LAT ha

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

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