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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

9 May 1964 - 51 years on.

I am new to RM Web and thus have only just seen the entries from a year ago, celebrating the 9 May 1964, 50th anniversary high speed runs and would like to add my (lengthy) comments if I may.   First I was present on the train in 1964 and flew back thousands of miles from my present home, to ride the two specials on 9 and 10 May 2014 – they simply could not have been missed! As further background, my maternal grandfather was an Old Oak engineman who lived, breathed, ate and drank his job! So I



Track Building Progress Continued

Hi all   Back to my Irish thing now. Since my last post on the subject, I've taken up the previous lot of rails due to the inside/outside chair kafuffle. Once I took up the rails, I decided to ballast the sleepers prior to relaying the rails. This allowed for a slightly easier ballasting process. The rail width is not an issue due to my gauge providing the correct width. There is a little bit in the middle which needs adjusting slightly but this is not difficult. It's all progress! Here ar



Baseboard carpentry completed

The venue of Shipston-on-Stour Branch is a relatively small apartment in France. And after nearly 70 years of life we have managed to accumulate a lot of stuff. Downsizing has been going on for years, but I think we are finally there and the space allocated for the layout doubles up as additional storage space below.   The carpentry is basically complete, except for backdrop and a facia board. The following photos illustrate the design and construction methods used. The layout is portable,



75A Brighton: Spring Report 2015

.... it's been a long time since the last update and, as ever, progress has been slower than planned. (Board 1 in progress - 25 of the 2 turnouts now completed, so much easier when you don't have to worry about crossing polarity or insulated tie bars! Basic coat of Humbrol Track Colour which will be weathered in due course, as will the Bachmann Mogul) Over the winter and with the help of a local craftsman (he runs the local tractor club and I give them lectures on railways, so he helps me in



LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (9)

I have had a poor week at the bench, not sure if it would of made a morning session all added together. Holiday here tomorrow so a weekend at the house lets see if things can be changed around.   I have been mainly messing with the motor gearbox, I needed to make an adapter plate between the motor and the Roxey fold up box. I will be using a 26 to 1 ratio which I think will work quite well.   On the construction side, I when to add the castings to the pony, only to find that


N15class in LNER V3

11. B12 - Up and running...............The Video

For those who have been following this saga so far, I promised to upload a video showing the completed B12 in action on my 'Orford' layout.   Having completely failed to fathom out how to add a 'link' here which actually a - shows here on the page and b - works, the best I can do is to say that the video IS now up and running now on You Tube.....   .....If you Google 'B12 Zimo' or 'B12 to Orford' (without the quote marks), it will come up as the first item on the list.   Enjoy - and commen



30 years old, 65m, 8 wires, let cable striping commence

After being hoiked out of a skip some 30 years ago by my Dad and being stored in his garage, I have some 65m of 8 core cable to strip for use on our model railway electrics. Once stripped the cable will provide me with 8 nicely coloured wires, red, black, orange, yellow, purple, green, brown and white, some cotton twine and some braided wire sheathing.   Originally there was 100m of this cable which had be wrongly bought for a building job and was skipped brand new! Me and my dad stripped 30m



Foster Street - Ivatt Class 4 Part 5 - Turning a Flying Pig into a Pigs Ear

Well my attempt to create a passable impression of an Ivatt Class 4 (a very vague impression ), sort of ground to a halt, it was not because I lost interest, it was just that I found lots of other things more interesting.   However I was spurred into action because of Ebay, the acquisition of a old Minitrix Ivatt Class 2 in a horrible condition (mint but with a British Railways number and emblem, of the inhumanity)meant I had to get some transfers to get the old girl in a decent livery.   So



N Gauge Brass People Mover (Extreme Close Up....!)

Hi everyone,   in yesterday's blog, TomE asked 'Is there any sign of the original 3D printed mould on the final brass models? Tom.'   See: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/351/entry-16019-3d-printed-brass-objects-n-gauge-class-139-and-z3-gauge-hunslet/   To answer your question Tom, there is no sign of the original wax that the 'master' was printed in, it seems that the brass artifact is very thoroughly cleaned before it leaves Shapeways. Looking very closely, you can disce

Will J

Will J

Still repairing in the aftermath of the earthquake

In DCC Questions I raised a query concerning a possible PCB failure in my Class 108 DMU. As a result of the fall the decoder had developed faults, so I removed it and inserted a blanking plug and tried the vehicle with an analogue controller, with no success. I assumed that the PCB might be damaged and dismantled the power car to the extent of even removing the motor from its support. When tested it worked so a number of further tests as recommended on the Forum led me to suspect that the blanki



More Spaghetti

A job I hadn't been looking forward to today, but that of course, is no reason to put it off! It doesn't normally stop me though! Anyway, today I got down to installing the duplicate dontrol panel for the new fiddle yard points at the other end of the layout. Well I say other end, at the moment it is all set up in two halfs, one down one side of the room and the other down the other. This mant it was much easier to test the new panle setup. As alawys, never underestimate how long wiring takes -



Epsom Show

The show at Epsom went well. (Thanks to Justin and Mark for their time operating etc). The new MERG Shuttle work well enough, although the deceleration/delay times could be longer. This may need either a reset chip or adjustment to resistor /capacitors.   The Platform siding rails at the board joint took a bash loading into the car - although repaired a bit they will need relaying.   Valentin brought along his new C Class which runs as well as it looks.   The operating schedule didn't last



3D Printed Brass Objects: N Gauge Class 139 and z3 gauge Hunslet

You may recall in a previous episode I was pondering the best scale combination to use T gauge mechanisms and track to represent narrow gauge, balancing a 1:148 scale carriage on 3mm track. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/351/entry-15589-n-gauge-narrow-gauge-0165-009-this-must-be-n3/   It turned out a 1:148 model of a 2' gauge carriage was a bit large on what scales as 15-18" track. So a plan B has emerged, using Shapeways' 'Raw Brass' printing service, I have created a 1:220

Will J

Will J

On3 American Box Cars

Something different for a change..some American Box Cars..On3 RTR items weathered to look a bit sun burnt and care worn.   Two of the 5 weathered today     A Denver and Rio Grande example     and a Colorado and Western one     enjoy

Barry O

Barry O

#1 Ratio 573 LMS 3 Plank Open Wagon

My first proper kit build! Ratio LMS 3 Plank wagon.     I managed to make quite a dog's breakfast of building this, but it seems to have turned out OK.   What have I learned? I now know how to use the dispenser on the poly cement to just get a drop at a time I need to dry fit the ends & sides to the floor& check if any length adjustments are required - next time I'll try putting the floor flat on my glass sheet and using blu-tac on the outside of the corners to hold it togeth

Semi Fast

Semi Fast

Almost time to move on.

Yesterday morning I had a while to sit and get closer to finishing this. Mustn't get too excited, that makes 2 complete kits in 20 years, but I think that all the reading in between has paid off.   Dug out some rod and stared at it for a bit before deciding what to do. Forming the supports was a bit touch and go at times.       Still got a few tidying up jobs to do with touching in and weathering, a couple of raw edges, some glue spots and a couple of windows to re-glaze. Learnt a lo



stoney creek kits

just had a longer-than-usual leave during which very little got done on the modelling front   However, feeling rather flush I splashed out on a Stoney Creek Designs kit from EDM Models. I have always intended that my layout include a drilling rig and some nodding donkeys and couldn't resist this http://www.stoneycreekdesigns.com/2014oilwell.html   I'd date this rig at around the 1910s or 1920s, although rigs of that type continued in occasional use until around the Second World War.     O



Turning Good Intentions Into Real Modelling

Like many who ‘lurk’ or even join RMWeb, I am a returnee to the hobby after a considerable hiatus. Again like many, I have been buying equipment, kits and RTR ready for the day I stopped reading and dreaming and actually made time to build something worthwhile (at least to me ). To be fair, I’ve actually experimented with a couple of bits and pieces – but haven’t actually finished anything useful. In all honesty nothing seemed good enough, the standards I had set myself being so high (thanks to

Semi Fast

Semi Fast

Another Trip to the Garage

Luckily not with my ailing FreeLanders again this time but to my sceanery extention. Not a huge amount of progress but I have been hampered by playing host to an old American friend with an unhealthy interest in British pubs! Not that I am complaining about this of course, but the corresponding dent in my wime collection......... So yesterday I clad the foam board walls with Slaters plasticard and did some dry brushing of brick coloured acrylics. Wanting to make sure that the interiours were all



Permenant Way Returns

There has been quite a lot of action over the last month or two.   Firstly I added the right hand side baseboard for the fiddle yard: another flat top board. Then added the open framed section between the lifting flap and fiddle yard. The final board for now is the low level board between the fiddle yard and the L girder board. I fitted it in front of Newton Purcell. In time i will add the Buckingham West and Brackley Road boards, but I need to lay the fiddle yard, continuous run, and gradient

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer


Sorry folks, been busy with family issues and have done absolutely zero.   However I did get a nice birthday present     So hopefully the pics will be better now, especially If I unpack a tripod to use with it.     And also bought a present for myself       But Why this Bachmann? never happened - how about Man Vic?       I know it's not technically 100% but it's a damned good model and as a local store was "having trouble selling it" It wasn't too bad cost wise (For Austra



Bratchell Models Classes 455/8 and 456 - end couplings added

Both the previously shown Bratchell Model kits of classes 455/8 and 456, in Network Southeast livery, running "in multiple" through Newton Broadway LT station. I had just fitted the unit ends with Parkside kits NEM coupling adapters and Kadee #18 and #20 couplings, respectively. The couplings are mounted directly on the bodies, rather than on the bogie extensions, as is the case of the intra-unit couplings. Unit 455 835 has a Replica Railways motorised chassis, while 456 007 is actually unpowere



Better start planning for next

Used some scalescenes sheets for changing the roof details, Added some details based on the previous photos. 5 minutes with plastic strip. Front section looked like it was bowing in so I cut a piece of plastic to fill top and bottom. Cross ties added and a bit of weathering. Had to stop for poor light.     Drainpipes tomorrow, will experiment with making some signs, weathering then better start thinking about what to do with the rest of the kit.   Thanks for looking.



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