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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (12)

I had a bit of a fit with the steam pipes, the cast and etched ones in the kit are no good at all. I took me a couple of goes to get ones that I could use. I think they look OK just need to do some more cleaning up around them.         The wheels which were blackened a little while ago, have had the crank pins fitted and have been refitted in the frames. I have also added a plate on which the cab steps have been mounted. I have done it this way as there is a


N15class in LNER V3

Read All About It!

The Mag is out now (even in Litchfield where magazines are only delivered on Tuesdays!), so if you haven't seen it there is a brief taster below. Really rather pleased with how it turned out - even the video (although the trains do seem to be running much faster than in reality). I was a bit worried about how it would all stand up to cruel close up but needn't have worried. A few mistakes did creep in though but nothing too serious, but just for the record;   The layout is set in 1918 not 1915



3 Days of Pain

Slowly working through the todo list and today the turntable was put in place, took several hours first drilling out holes then cutting around the circle and then trimming back to ensure a nice tight fit and then gentle pressure results in a perfect fit.   So plans now...   Main board / track etc   fit tracks leading up to turntable (tonight perhaps). (EDIT DONE!) Purchase additional three points necessary to complete track work. Work on baseboard joints (ie brass soldering etc of track



Honley Tank's struggle with decoders

Well the Derby Lightweight is running, but the correct back-to-back for P4 is not easily obtained. The replacement wheels on their axle stubs have a length of the stub turned down to a slightly smaller diameter; i.e. a step against which the plastic, insulating muff comes up against. In every case, my wheelsets ended up with a B-B figure of 0.701".   From memory the top limit for P4 is 0.699" and the bottom limit for S4 is 0.701". My aim is for 0.7" and I have found this to work well with eith

Scenic update

Just a quickie. Have been experimenting with Artex, PVA glue, paint, fixative and coloured foam. The results are shown below. Not quite to the standards of Gordon Gravett ( in fact nowhere near them), but happy with my first attempts. I shall have these, along with one of Clevedon's boards at Expo EM this weekend. Come and say hello. I'll be the one covered in flock.



Re-livery of a Bachmann Class 150/2 to FGW - part 2

Further progress with the Bachmann class 150/2 re-livery, using Electra Railway Graphics vinyl overlays. The job is nearly complete, with just a few finishing touches required.   I haven't used the door overlays, although I intend to use the driving cab door ones, once I can remove the handrails. At present, they are First 'Barbie' blue blending into the Provincial/regional Railways blue!   Application of the vinyls generally went smoothly, although the toilet window doesn't line up properly



Series 252 on the banco de trabajo – Part 1

Evening all!   On Monday, I finally was able to submit to my long-prepared plan for tweaking the Renfe Series 252 electric which I originally presented in this thread.     To refresh your memory: This is what I started with – 252-049 with the "Grandes Líneas" livery, which railfans sometimes refer to as the "Danone" livery, and billboard "Arco" lettering on the body sides...       …and this should highlight those items I am planning to address:           But, in fact, I alre

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

And more progress

Little steps as they say, latest progress is to open out the MOD shed which was closed at one end, as can be seen this has been done but some tweaks needed to the brickwork paper but thats another days work once i figure out where I have hiden the sheets I have!.   At the same time I have fashioned out a board to be used as a drop in for the viaduct, although I have set it up as a curve I am wondering should I stick with a curved board or go for full square one with all the scenics for it?  



Layout Under Construction

Hi all,   I am currently constructing a 9ft by 2ft modern Z gauge layout, set somewhere near the Southern German/Swiss border. I have constructed all the houses from either Faller kits or scratch-built. I am planning to cover the layout with catenary and automate the signals. Pictures to follow.



Much progress

I have been very quiet on here in the last while in terms of updating the blog for Fal Vale but personal issues (as well as financial!) delayed things slightly. However in the last two weeks much progress has been made (ok granted I changed my mind a few times moving things around!) and I am broadly happy with how thigns now stand with the layout trackwork.   The original plan had been to adapt a CJ Freezer plan but I have since changed my mind and come up with an alternative (no idea why a



Re-livery of a Bachmann class 150/2 to FGW

I recently ordered one of the Realtrack Models class 143 units in First Great Western Local Lines livery. To go with it, I decided that I wanted a class 150 to complement it. Bachmann have already produced a class 150/1 in FGW plain blue livery, although that seems to have sold out. I may still be able to get hold of one in the future, so there is no point in doing one myself ... yet. That leaves a 150/2 in the more interesting, but superseded 'local lines' livery.   With that in mind, I kept



Status Report before a Hiatus

Shipston and I are about to part company for about three weeks and I have already promised some photos of the progress so far. But first, the report.   The baseboard modules have gone together well and appear to be stable.   Track building is 90% complete and about 70% laid. About 50% of the track is live. No point motors have been installed, however.   Tests of the module connections appear to be good, see the previous post with video. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1



Urie S15 - paint and lining

On the home stretch now, with the olive green on and most of the lining.   I sprayed the model using a Railmatch aerosol of dark olive green, over several coats of primer, with a lot of careful rubbing down between coats. The black areas were then brush painted.   I lined the boiler bands using waterslide transfers - Modelmaster, I think - and the tender and cabside lining using acrylic ink in a bowpen. The numbers and Southern lettering were from an HMRS pressfix sheet. I chose an S15 that

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Front Page News!

No, nothing to do with the election - something far more important! Something I have known about for some time but only now becoming reality but Up the Line is featured in the new issue of British Railway Modeling which is out tomorrow - and, what is more, it is on the front cover! There should also be a video feature on the cover disc including an interview with me that I am really not looking forward to watching!   About six months ago I fired off an Email to all the main mags to see if they



Water Tower and some more trees

With another exhibition looming (actually, tomorrow 9th May 2015 in Portsmouth) I felt I should do a bit more work on the layout. I had mostly been working on some more suitable motive power and rolling stock for the layout (none of which is finished yet). I had been making a few more trees in spare moments, including a large Elm tree that I am particularly proud of. These have now been planted, but lots more are still required, plus other ground cover.        

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan in The Layout

Heworth Sidings - Update - 08/05/2015

Hi,   It's been another couple of months since the last update, but this time there's a fair bit of progress to show for it.   Shows   Middleton Railway, Model Railway Show - 27th / 28th June (2 Months) - http://www.middletonrailway.org.uk/ TINGS 2015 - 12th / 13th September 2015 (4 Months) - http://www.ngaugeshow.co.uk/   Storage Boxes   Allot of progress has been made with the storage boxes. The 3 storage boxes for the straight scenic boards have now been completed. They are a fairl



76010 more tales of a superpig and yet another standard.

If you recall at the last missive, I was looking forward to the Chris Kedgley Skills Day, held at West Byfleet. I thought that it went very well and seemed to be enjoyed by all who attended. If there is another, and I hope that there will be, then it will be held possibly further north. However I do hope that another skills day is held at this location again, as an often heard comment at the end of the day was that visitors didn’t get around to seeing everyone as there so much to see and take in



End Loading Dock and Cattle Dock Hard Standing

Two important elements of the scenery were addressed today, following further track laying on Modules 1 and 2 (photos are forthcoming, I promise!)   The end loading dock was a simple ramp with fencing and a gate:   http://warwickshirerailways.com/gwr/gwrss536.htm   I have started on the platform and ramp, using a timber frame with card and covered by Scalescene's blue brick. The surface of the loading dock appears to have been dirt, so this will be added later. A couple of interim photos:



Experiments in Scenery

Today I have well and truly been brought kicking and screaming into the 21st century!! I've been playing with static grass - the last time I did any scenery on a model railway I used surgical lint a'la Barry Norman.   So having purchased a couple of bags of Heki grass (a green and a beige, both 2-3mm long), borrowed a friends static grass applicator and inspired by Gordon Gravett's book on grass etc I had a go. Mr Gravett seems to advocate blending his static grasses, so that is precisely wh

Ian Smith

Ian Smith

North Leigh Blanket Traffic

For the last couple of weeks, I have been dealing with various track issues and tidying up bits of scenery, none of which makes for very interesting blog writing! I noticed, however, in Mikkel's workshop thread some comments about Witney blanket trains, which reminded me of a photo that I had seen of a GWR 'Queen' class 2-2-2 heading such a train. This seems a rather unlikely combination but I eventually tracked the photo down to Colin Maggs' book "The Branch Lines of Oxfordshire" (Amberley, 201


MikeOxon in general

The Distant Cousins: Renfe Series 250 electric locomotive by Roco

Afternoon all!   Our topic for this article shall be a locomotive which – while having been withdrawn from revenue service in reality – appealed to me sufficiently to claim modeller's freedom in order to justify procurement, and which also is, once again, illustrative of the multitude of influences Renfe embraced during its history.   Aiming to speed up replacing the older types of electric locomotives in service at the time and to obtain high-powered locomotives especially for heavy passeng

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Honley Tank's Two old Cattle Vans

Ok then; one of our traders does offer a conversion set for Bachmann's Derby Lightweight! Thanks to those who guided me to Branchlines.   While I was waiting for delivery I set off to have a tidying session of ''T'Tank', and in the course of this came across the two Kitmaster cattle wagons that I started to convert from OO to 18.83 last year -can't remember why I stopped that project but the bits were in a box in a corner of the 'Heavy' bench' abandoned rather than stored!   They now have ne
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