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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Getting back into it

Well, I may have had my fingers crossed behind my back when in my last entry I said I'd try and update this more regularly! Basically, I was hit by a lack of motivation a couple of weeks after said last entry, and have only just got my enthusiasm back, largely thanks to attending this years Brisbane show.     So, what have I been doing recently? Up till last week, nothing! However, after practically doubling my rollingstock fleet with all the kits I bought at the show, I decided I should prob



William Clarke style Goods Shed part 4

I've just looked back through my blog and was surprised to find that it's been nearly 2 years since the last update on my goods shed! I've still got work to do on the interior, but at least it's received a coat of paint:-) As I tend to mix my own colours the main problem was getting a finished result that matched, or at least blended in with the completed station building. Humbrol Enamels were used in the main, with some use of colours from Railmatch. I've also spent some time facing the foam bo




It has been a while since my last post this being due to a move of house last year and the consequent storage of the layout and stock. Earlier this year I took delivery of a kit of parts to build a new home for the layout.   Over the past few months with the help of friends the shed is now finished and yesterday I moved Barrow Road into it's new home appropriately christened 'The Engine Shed'. The intention is to make the layout a continuous run for the main line complete with a fiddle yea



LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (14)

I have had a couple of successful sessions, even if they were not overly long.   The rear lamp irons and destination board brackets have been added.       The extra front guard irons and the front steps have been fixed in place. I am not totally happy with the steps I will adjust next time.     The front lamp irons are on now, apart from the one on the door. This will bbe fixed when the low melt comes out. Also fitted are the front destina


N15class in LNER V3

More on the ambulance case

So the next day - when it eventually stopped raining - I got outside with the spray primer. After this I was still not happy with the roof as it still just looked like a piece of wood, which, of course itis! Out came some very fine wet and dry and an amazing transformation occured - and quite a lot of dust. It very quickly took on a beautiful smooth surface, the primer presumably having filled all the hollows of the grain. It didn't even need another spray. Next up were the canvas curtains court



Been a bit slow recently...

Work got in the way for a while there.   Began to convert the second half of the warehouse to provide a (possible) entry/exit point. Removed the pitched roof and reorganised the remaining walls, resized the floors and added a couple of loading bays. Roof took some working out, but I knew those Technical Drawing lessons on true length would come in useful one day.Still some capping and details to go to match the rest.     The circuit for lights and sound control has been designed, simulate



Destination blinds modified by Honley Tank

It seems no one has changed their destination blinds on their Bachy DMUs! -(see last posting)   There are of course two problems:- (A) - removal of Bachy's destination, (B) - production of the replacements   My unit will run between Manchester London Road and Hayfield. There were at least two routes used and I wanted that which stopped at Guidebridge. My research suggested that these read "Manchester via Hyde" and "Hayfield via Hyde" and in both cases the "via" sat above the "Hyde".   Me

Here to stay!

What a difference a few days make. Since my last post a few layout confirmations have started to come in, and there have been one or two more layouts offered. If all confirm then the layout count will grow to about 16 so I am beginning to panic less. 7 layouts are definitely signed and sealed, and many of them include RMWeb members. Without a doubt the Weston 2015 event could well prove to be something of an RMWeb social. At the moment there could be up to 10 RMWeb members exhibiting this year.



The Mainline Restaurant Buffet – Part One, Flush Glazing

My first Mainline Restaurant Buffet came from the Cheltenham Model Centre in 1986 for the princely sum of £5.50. For the time it was a well detailed model and far superior to previous Mainline Mk1s which had holes in the sides to aid assembly. Original Mainline Restaurant Buffet – with re-painted roof I parted with my first Mainline RB in 2008 and upgraded to a Bachmann Restaurant Unclassified with metal wheels, wire handrails and close couplers. However there was a slight problem. The Bachm

Silver Sidelines

Silver Sidelines

kyle 2015: show...and tell...

Evening all,   A resume of the day yesterday where KoL 2015 had its first exhibition since it was flown over as a box file layout in 2010 - same venue BHMRC one day exhibition.   The first show resulted in a number of changes to be made namely, viewing height, lack of lighting, redoing the back-scene, build the station building, build a fiddle yard, more appropriate rolling stock, general running qualities etc as depicted by the image below:     Following the two makeovers since (the fi



Backdating the C2X

As mentioned earlier on this blog, my DJH C2X has been scheduled for a repaint into Southern black for quite some time. It's not that there was anything wrong with it in BR condition, but when I built it I didn't make much allowance for a decoder, and looking at it now, it's hard to see where I could add one. The boiler's full of lead, the motor and gearbox fills the rest, and the tender is a sealed unit. As all my pre-nationalisation models are DC only, the easiest solution was simply to move i

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Lutterworth 2015

Another show under our belt. On this occasion it was a very local affair - less that 10 miles from St Ruth's Wolvey home. It's not a show that I'm very familiar with... in fact the town of Lutterworth is somewhere that I have almost never been even though I live pretty close by - it's just a bit tucked away just off some major routes. Suprisingly the 2mm and 'N' stuff seemed to outnumber the rest by some margin.   It was a fairly relaxed affair and we got to spend a long time chatting to Patri



Back-dating 'Ratio' GWR Coaches

The 4mm 'Ratio' kits of GWR 4-wheel coaches have long been popular and probably provided an introduction to kit-building for a great many modellers. The moulds have been re-furbished and they continue to be available at an attractively low price. There's also a lot of useful prototype and construction information in an article by Mikkel at http://www.gwr.org.uk/proratio.html   I built several of these coaches back in the 1980s but now I want to add a little more variety into my late 19


MikeOxon in general

Last Chant for the slow dance 2

A taste of things to come guys.   I managed to hand paint the bodes ready for the transfers and gave chassis and uncleaned bits.           I haven't yet added the separate parts and wondering if I should it before or after weathering.   I'll give you a speculative history on this individual loco at my next post which should show the finished article.

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (13)

The battle has been won. The valve gear has been assembled and is working.   As much as it was a fight I think it looks OK now. I did complicate it by want the front end to look as though it actually does something.           The work required to the kit parts is as follows, You have to remember it came like a 4mm kit, just a single layer etched parts. So very basic for 7mm.   The connecting rod was made three layers rather than two.


N15class in LNER V3

Issue 4 - OMWB

Hi folks, I know it has been a while since my last issue but life and work got in the way.   Quick update on the Bachmann Covhops I now have my rake of 12 wagons thanks to the timely re-release by Bachmann of their models and my 40th birthday money which allowed me to purchase the extra 6 from local model railway shops SMTF and Arcadia. These will be converted with new transfers as per the first batch of six using the remainder of the CCT sheet. I made a trip down to Somerset just after my bir



kyle 2015: 10 -10 -10

Evening all,   Just a quick update to say that work on the layout has now seized ready for the one day exhibition at BHMRC tomorrow.   Today the layout was erected on its support structure and last minute jobs ranging from works to the front fascia including a few descriptive images and storyboard to the rear fascia track plan diagram with notation for the magnets, isolating sections and turnouts - old school stuff this   Here's a few pics and I will report back after the show on whether



EMGS Challenge - a quick (?) update...

Whilst it's been a while, progress has been made, although somewhat slower than I'd like! A spur to progress was a memo from the EMGS that the choice of finalists (to be judged at ExpoEM North in September) would depend on a progress report submitted at ExpoEM South (tomorrow & Sunday) where the 26 initial entries would be reduced to four.   So, onward!   Having sorted out rail & road access, time for the pedestrians to have somewhere safe to walk. 2mm Depron to the rescue again,



Passing the time

Evening all   I've had a busy couple of weeks and have had very little time for modelling unfortunately. I have however managed to squeeze in a little here and there. I've started plans for another layout project to satisfy my British needs whilst I'm still going with my Irish thing. It will be a mostly industrial themed layout set in deepest Sussex on my imaginary South Downs Light Railway. I'll do a separate blog post about that another time with a track plan as well. To satisfy my modelli



D Class Ambulance Conversion

One goal that I set myself after the last exhibition was to build a few sort of self contained items of rolling stock that could just be run up and down to a a bit of interest, You have already seen the 18 pounder gun and there is an 8 in howitzer on an F that you haven't seen yet but thought I would go for the conversion of a D class to an ambulance van. So I started off with this;     A Wrightlines D class that I picked up along with a load of bogie bits off Ebay recently. First thing to



The ups and downs of a show organiser

I have not posted in this blog since the end of the Weston 2014 event. The new head teacher was so happy with the money raised that he gave the green light to the 2015 show. It seems we are here to stay. Planning has been underway for many months, and there are already many layouts booked. I am pleased that a couple of my top targets have agreed to attend this year's event, and I have various layout plans bubbling along for my own exhibit. Hopefully we will reach the heights of previous years.



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