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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

royal train coaches

hi can anyone give me information on the current rake of royal coaches. I have got a large amount but cannot find a prince of wales sleeping or dining car,this maybe because they have not been produced yet?but does anyone know the coach name and running numbers of the ones that have. i.e 2903 being the queens coach,i have the mk3 short coach with the correct double doors and the latest lazy china offering of the correct mk3 currently and have decided to run the china versions where possible and

stu at waterloo

stu at waterloo

Inclined to be happy

Early in the New Year i cut out the trackbeds for the open framed sections. The continuous run has been screwed down on the level for some time now, but I've had to wait until the double junctions were in so that the start of the incline was fixed. So now I had to tackle the incline.     The start of the incline.   Because the baseboard section for the junctions and the start of the incline are one board, raising the incline route by bending the ply up means that there is a transistion

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

Getting out the big guns!

This is last of my 'specials' for nowand almost finished. Lurking under all that plastic section is the last of the 3D printed F Class wagons and is providing transportation for a very big gun indeed. The gun is a Duncans models kit which I got, ready built (lazy!), very reasonably from Ebay. I have not done much with it yet but have an appointment booked for a dose of weathering.     And here is the inspiration;     The book is Roy Link's wonderful WDLR Album - a real must have if you



Time to burn.

Hello all, Next up on the bench is one of these, This is being built for a customer who use to drive the trains that these wagons ran in and he has always wanted a model of them. There was a bit of a F*&K moment when Hattons announced that they were going to be doing the hoppers but not this version Here it is after i had punched the rivets out, lucky there wasn't many to do.   Whilst i am on with the hopper i will also be making up one of these too This particular kit is a early



Early GWR Coaches - Printing Sides

My previous post in this series about modelling early GWR coaches ended with the comment: " All that remains is to try and establish some dimensions and start cutting."   Since there are several good side-on photographs of these early coaches, it is only necessary to establish one firm measurement and then scale all the other dimensions to this known 'yardstick'.   Rather perversely, I have decided to model a different coach from those I illustrated in the previous post.  I w


MikeOxon in general

Getting closer...

Still on with this, wasn't happy with how it was going so combined the two and put on a new roof. Looking to use it to disguise entry to the fiddleyard down the left side. Baseboards going into the garage tomorrow, may lay some track and begin wiring.   Weathering not complete and some details... Looks like a little extra glue may be needed...



Early GWR Coaches - 'Armchair' Research

Since my previous entry, I've been spending some time thinking about possible coaches to model for my North Leigh branch. I have found that information rapidly becomes much more sparse, as one delves earlier into the Victorian period   There's an additional twist, in the case of GWR coaches, in that the early GWR was a broad gauge railway and the earliest narrow (i.e. standard) gauge stock only came into the company as a result of acquisitions. There was a long, depressed period, when


MikeOxon in general


Ullapool is a town in Ross-shire, Scottish Highlands. Despite its small size it is the largest settlement for many miles around and a major tourist destination of Scotland and the Ferry terminal for services too the Isles of Lewis and Harris Parliament granted permission in the 1890s for a railway from Ullapool to the main Highland network at Garve, but insufficient funds resulted in the scheme being abandoned. It was the junction for the Callander and Oban Railway, and the Caledonian connected



EMGS Challenge - the 'Poo Palace' under construction

The sewage pumping station (to give it its correct title!) is based on a prototype only about 2 miles from where I live. Tucked away in a an area of open land, it is a beautiful example of how Victorian public buildings - even the most basic utilities - were built with a high degree of quality.     Constructed of ? 'London Stocks' with redbrick and sandstone detailing, the building (now owned by the local authority) appears to have been recently cleaned and one of the outstanding features




I had a packet today. The long awaited parts from Laurie Griffin.   First up we have the Dome and whistle.         Next it is the water gauge and the vents. Only trouble is the vents are wrong the should be tubes, these are for a 2MT tender, although the packet has the right number. Back to scratch build that I wanted to avoid.         Then we have the tank stays and the chimney.       Alao in the b


N15class in Ivatt 2mt tank

Simplex's finished at last!

Or maybe I am speaking too soon as pretty sure I have said something similar before. Back story to this is that I started one of the Nigel Lawton kits about three years ago, went together very nicely and is a brilliantly designed kit but just couldn't get it to run properly. Not put off by this, I started another a year later and although it was better, it was still not good enough. I have played with them intermitantly since but finally had a Eureka moment when i realised I could do away the wi



Sawston modelling day - Saturday 30th May

Please forgive the shameless plug and cross-posting from Middlepeak's blog.   Our regular group of 'Friday Nighters' here in darkest Cambridgeshire are putting together one of their 'mini-exhibitions', this time to give some financial support to the activities of St Mary's Church in Sawston. This will be a very informal affair - just a collection of layouts and modelling displays from our group across a range of scales from 2mmFS to Gauge 3! Among the exhibits will be -   Alex Duckworth, a f

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Loops, Double Junctions and Lighting

As is often the case for me, even the best planned railway exploits need some replanning.   When I came to add the curves to the exit points ladder to start the laying of the storage loops, the geometry didn't work. Something must have moved inbetween checking it all out (see last entry) and sticking the points down. Some of the curves were too sharp. I have had to change the arrangement of the points. However, whilst the alignment may not be 100% smooth, it is smooth enough and coaches run o

Richard Mawer

Richard Mawer

Another Challenge - the pub is open for business...

The 'Tanners Arms' is now open for business... Less the pub sign which I'm still mulling over! Keen eyes will notice modifications to the dormer windows. The 'local authority' objected to the (miniscule) size of the rooms... However, given its noisy, smelly location it's unlikely the landlord will be killed in the rush for occupants! (for Mikkel - NOW you can see the bricked-up window!).   However, the billiards hall on the first floor will doubtless prove popular with the local workers '



A row of Victorian cottages – part four

The starting point.     Last time I had finished the frame for my row of cottages It all started reasonable well. I made a new template and printed the texture sheets on my textured photo paper of 190 gr/m. In the beginning everything went well.     At the and I thought It would be handy to use small parts to fill in the openings that where left at the upper part of the windows. And here things went not the way I want it. I knew that with thinner paper it wasn’t a problem to work thi

Job's Modelling

Job's Modelling

LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (16)

Here we are finally at the strip down and big clean up time.   I think it is all done now. The castings have all been added although some are better than others. I am sure there are better ones out there. There is only so much time and effort that can be spent on a project.   I also added a representation of some of the oil pipes at the smokebox end. The roof had it's gutters and vent covers adding. To hold it in place I soldered a two wires at the front one in each corner to


N15class in LNER V3

A bit of Dirt.

Hi,   A little bit of weathering the customer said     These where taken at the mid way point, with still more work to do on the cranks and rods Cheers Simon



Fit for a King!

As I have got as far as I can with the ambulance I have turned my attention to another 'special' I have had in mind - the inspection car that was used for the Kings visit to the front;     Here again, just one grainy photo to go from but luckily it is pretty much straight on and as I know the dimensions of the basic wagon I was able to scale it in PhotoShop to 7mm, print it off and just take dimensions from that. At least as was able to use that spare D class body this time. Some simple sid



LNER V1/3 2-6-2 TANK (15)

I had a good session fitted a few of the castings and made up the back head.   I was really disappointed with what was in the kit, there was a cast and etched backhead the etched one would of bee even more work. There was two sets of whitemetal casting each containing a hand wheel an undersize boiler feed and a blob. I think the brake valve was in the kit but not sure now. I modified the brake valve, and added the other bits whitemetal scrap bucket that I cast into weights for my locos


N15class in LNER V3

Vehicles for Diddington

Recently I was asked by Alex (Wiggoforgold) of Diddington fame to finish off the a number of vehicle projects he had in his to do list.   This lovely Bedford CA van is by a company called CMC (?Cheltenham Model Centre) and moulded by a company in Bodmin.     I sprayed this with Halfords white primer before preshading the body panels with Valejo German grey. Then a couple of coats of Valejo biege and a couple of coats of Humbrol Clear to finish. Detail paintwork and additional washes.



Freight stock ruminations – concerning coil carriers, more precisely...

Afternoon all!   Having built up a s0lid baseline motive power inventory for this scenario in recent months (though some additions might yet turn out to be, shall we say, desirable ), I recently devoted some time to investigating likely choices for the freight stock which I'd expect to feature most heavily. My impression of traffic patterns on the Pajares Line so far seems to indicate that a fair share of freight traffic there appears to be steel coil services, so I thought that obtaining som

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

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