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Thompson L1 conversion from Bachmann V1.

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Hi all.


As I mentioned on my blog, I've decided to record this project within this part of the site and I'm pleased to get the project finally underway. The Peak's are'nt quite done yet, but are at a stage where work has slowed down sufficiently to get on with this one.... In between D.I.Y. projects.... Uff!!! angry.gif


Anyhow, taking a look at the picture below, my pondering has lead me to think the best way to do this, (although registering a 10 on the drastic - o - meter), is to make a cut through the full body forward of the side tanks through the boiler and frames and extend this part. Not too bad as, except for the extra length as opposed to shortening, its exactly the same as the K1. I will then construct a new rear end from plasticard, having done the necessary extension to the rear frames. I'll also extend the side tanks and obviously adjust the front buffer beam as appropriate.


In the words of a certain TV meercat,..... Seamples! laugh.gif


I managed to break one of the side windows during dismantling, (although mercifully, this was the only casualty), so enforced flush glazing will be part of the re-build too.


Well, here's the first photo's of many.


And we're off!!!




A 2MT, V1 body and a box of bits. What have I agreed to?




The body, stripped and ready for the first incision.

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There's quite a few people who want to see how it's done



Indeed there are.

Which batch/maker are you doing ? What livery will it be?

Lining round the cut out in the side tanks is going to be quite a task if it's in lined black.


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Indeed there are.

Which batch/maker are you doing ? What livery will it be?

Lining round the cut out in the side tanks is going to be quite a task if it's in lined black.



Hi Bernard.


Yup, its going to be the lined BR Black version. I forget the number Mali has requested for now, but its the cut away buffer beam and square topped cab door recess, which I believe, (without rooting out the drawings at this late hour) were the ones built by contractors as opposed to BR?





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Hi Penguin,



Ouch !, this one`s gonna hurt. A real cut`n` shut. I have a GA if you need any help, and I might just catch you up with a 7mm build.


As you say `We`re off !`






Hi Ian.


Might be a daft question, but what's a GA?


If you have a thread running on your 7mm version, please feel free to post a link.





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Hi Ian.


Might be a daft question, but what's a GA?


If you have a thread running on your 7mm version, please feel free to post a link.








A GA is a General Arrangement drawing which shows the principal dimensions and how the loco is organised in terms of its general assembly. Others may have a much more detailed explanation of the functions and contents of a General Arrangement drawing.





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Hello Sean,


As Mike has rightly said, it is a General Arrangement drawing used as an `Intended layout` of the locomotive construction. There were usually deviations from the GA`s but they are pretty much accurate. Anyone intending to replicate an engine be it 12"-1` or model form, would use a GA as a starting point.

Other drawings used would be a `Pipe and Rod` which shows the number of pipes and the runs which they take on the layout of the engine. After that, we are looking at individual component drawings for each item.


In your opening post you mention, `as apart from the extra length, its exactly the same as the K1` ?????. Not sure what you mean here as the K1 is different to the L1. Wheelbases for each of the engines in your work are ;-


K1 8`11"+7`6"+8`9"


L1 8`7"+6`6"+7`0"


V1 8`6"+7`3"+9`0"


Not wishing to put a dampener on your build Sean, just a little confused as regards your dimensions and how you intend to make one from the other ?.







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Just read you request for boiler help on your blog. In answer, the B1 used a Dia 100A boiler, the K1 a dia 116 boiler and the V1, a dia 102. As you can see all different, so I would expect some scratchbuilding to be done here perhaps. All good fun !.smile.gif





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<br />Sean,<br /><br />A GA is a General Arrangement drawing which shows the principal dimensions and how the loco is organised in terms of its general assembly. Others may have a much more detailed explanation of the functions and contents of a General Arrangement drawing.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Mike<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Hi Mike.


Thanks for looking in by the way. Hmmmn, sounds like thats the type of drawing that would come in handy. I'm using an Issinglass drawing for my measurements etc and I've found them to be very helpful. I guess some close ups of the more difficult bits are always helpful though.





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Hi Ian.


Re your boiler comments. I've obviously confused matters. What I meant was that the L1 build method will be the same as my K1. That is to say that the K1 was a shortened B1 boiler and the L1 will be a (slightly) lengthened V1. The similarity is that both will end up having a "cut and shut" approach, effectively, "welding" the split parts of a seperated boiler back together.


If that doesn't explain it, hang around for some drastic pictures over the next few posts and you'll see my idea, mad though it is.


Sorry for the confusion.





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Thankyou Sean,


I await with abated interest although, I`m still confused as to how an LMS Ivatt chassis is going to become an LNER L1, or even a V1/3 body into an L1.ohmy.gif Surely there must be a kit somewhere ?.






Hi Ian,


The major dimensions of the V1 and L1 boilers are similar, but of course in total length are not the same. Remember, Thompson used a lot of standard components in his designs, and the L1 is no different in that respect.


The Ivatt 2MT is providing the driving wheels as they are similarly sized and spaced to the L1 - the addition of a trailing bogie from a B1 will complete the 2-6-4T arrangement. The valve gear will be replaced with something closer to the L1 spec.


I am also starting my build in parallel to Sean's, albeit I am using a Bachmann N class chassis as its valve gear is already correct for a "kit bash" L1.


The entire point of building a model like this is to avoid making the kit!!! :lol: And I consider this to be a lot more fun having to scratch build some components as well as modifying and carefully selecting others.


Sean, you're in the lead - I'm on your tail! Best of luck chap, I am enjoying reading your progress.


Kind Regards,



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Hi Simon.


Thanks for your reply and your encouragement. While you're on, can you post a link on here too. I'm still getting used to this site and have not yet found out how to satisfactorily store my favourite items as per the old site, so have to search for this one every time I want to add to it.


And to all out there asking the same question, is there a kit out there? As per my K1, there are kits, but if you've ever seen my soldering skills, you will see why I, (and presumably you too Simon?) are doing it this way. And, yes, I agree, its so much more fun doing it this way. I know there will be those that disagree, but thats the beauty of this hobby.


Just been doing some final measuring before taking the plunge with the razor saw! A little light music may be appropriate at this point. Now, where's that Rod Stewart album????? I'll leave that trivia for you all to think about? Heh heh.





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Hello Simon, Sean,


Surely building a kit would equal to the amount of work you are both undertaking, and in the end, would end up with a more accurate model ?????. Silk purse, sows ear ?.unsure.gif






You're quite right Ian as regards the time and effort thing, but it has to be about the end result and unless someone produces an Airfix style kit with a ready to run chassis, I don't have a hope of finishing it to anywhere near the standard that this one will be. Put simply, metal kits and me don't mix, so if Mali wants his L1, this is the only way I can do it for him. Of course, if there's anyone out there in Rmweb land that wants to offer to build me a nice L1 kit...........




Sean. wink.gif

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You're quite right Ian as regards the time and effort thing, but it has to be about the end result and unless someone produces an Airfix style kit with a ready to run chassis, I don't have a hope of finishing it to anywhere near the standard that this one will be. Put simply, metal kits and me don't mix, so if Mali wants his L1, this is the only way I can do it for him. Of course, if there's anyone out there in Rmweb land that wants to offer to build me a nice L1 kit...........




Sean. wink.gif



In 7mm of course, yes !.biggrin.gif



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Hello Simon, Sean,


Surely building a kit would equal to the amount of work you are both undertaking, and in the end, would end up with a more accurate model ?????. Silk purse, sows ear ?.unsure.gif






With respect Ian, accuracy is never foremost on my mind - moreso the image presented that gives the greatest emotive response - the kit built L1 built by another, or the 2-6-4T that, when I squint, looks like an L1 and is my own work? I know which gives me more pride :)


Sean, with regards my blog, I'll post a link in about a week - I have the components but have yet to make the cuts! :)

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hi frozen thingys,looking a good start the loco i prefer is 67755 which i cabbed at withernsea and ran round the train as an objectional boy of 9 or 10 .to other followers i watched progress and finish of said k1 and thought how do i con him into building me a L1 so i took a drawing and a 2MT chassis and said to him this looks looks easy WE!!!! meaning you can manage this so he voulenteered without any pressure .well he wasnt doing anything apart from 8 peaks and a few other bits .just thought id keep him out of trouble and off the streets until swmbo puts the full nelson on him :lol: sean lad there is still time to call it of and spend the day playing trains instead of saying i do mali

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I'm not quite that bad, surely?


I note with some amusment that the engine on the front cover is an L1, incidentally.


The chap in question has taken the time to float some ideas and make a book - granted, I wouldn't do things his way (and accuracy isn't his thing either it seems), but fair play to him for having a go and making something of it.


At the end of the day, my "sow's purse" modelling may not appeal to you, Nortonian, or anyone else on this board - but it gives me heaps of enjoyment and thats all that counts.

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